来源 APS Physics
翻译 严冰
审校 文直男
研究发现,(1)当溶液流动的速度低于 4μm/s 时,大肠杆菌可以很轻松地追随舒适区,这种情况下,细菌聚集在舒适区并且以波速(同向)运动;(2)当波速加大时,细菌很费力才能跟上,研究者们认为这是由于细菌需要一定的时间来感测环境,而在细菌感测并且移动之前,舒适区已经向前移动,所以无法时时跟上;(3)当流速超过 8μm/s 时,细菌重新开始了对舒适区的追踪,但改变了策略:它们通过由一个波峰向后(反向)跃至下一个波峰的方式来追踪舒适区。研究团队认为这个过程与热效应导致的粒子于双势阱之间的跃迁过程相似。这个微流体跑道装置还可以用于研究其他多种不同的环境,使得研究者能够研究细菌在更接近真实的生存环境中的运动情况。
文章来源 http://physics.aps.org/synopsis-for/10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.098101
【题目】Barrier Crossing in Escherichia coli Chemotaxis
【作者】Zhaojun Li et al
【期刊】Phys. Rev. Lett
【日期】28 February 2017
【摘要】We study cell navigation in spatiotemporally complex environments by developing a microfluidic racetrack device that creates a traveling wave with multiple peaks and a tunable wave speed. We find that while the population-averaged chemotaxis drift speed increases with wave speed for low wave speed, it decreases sharply for high wave speed. This reversed dependence of population-averaged chemotaxis drift speed on wave speed is caused by a “barrier-crossing” phenomenon, where a cell hops backwards from one peak attractant location to the peak behind by crossing an unfavorable (barrier) region with low attractant concentrations. By using a coarse-grained model of chemotaxis, we map bacterial motility in an attractant field to the random motion of an overdamped particle in an effective potential. The observed barrier-crossing phenomenon of living cells and its dependence on the spatiotemporal profile of attractant concentration are explained quantitatively by Kramers reaction rate theory.