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双语深圳|Intl. experts impressed by Guangming’s innovation

深圳发布  · 公众号  · 深圳  · 2024-09-23 23:11


International experts interact with a robot at the Guangming District Urban Planning Exhibition Hall on Sept. 12. Photos by Liu Xudong

A delegation of scholars and business executives from around the world recently explored Shenzhen’s Guangming District and came away impressed by the its robust innovation ecosystem.
In a bid to strengthen innovation cooperation among cities, Shenzhen has established the World Innovative Cities Cooperation Organization with its city partners. As part of this initiative, the city hosts the annual Innovative Cities International Exchange Camp, which is designed to foster collaboration between cities and institutions.
为加强城市间创新合作,深圳与其城市伙伴共同发起成立世界创新城市合作组织。为了更好运行这一合作组织,深圳举办年度创新城市国际交流营,以促进城市之间, 机构之间的交流与合作。
Christian Korner, head of entrepreneurship at the Technical University of Munich, takes a picture at the Guangming District Urban Planning Exhibition Hall.
This year’s camp, themed “Innovation Ecosystem: The Power of Clusters,” drew experts, scholars, and business executives from a diverse range of cities to explore innovation platforms and parks. Participants shared insights on development strategies and discussed how cities can empower each other for mutual growth.
During their visit to Guangming on Sept. 12, attendees toured several key attractions in the district that showcase its innovative ecosystem. 
Their first stop was the Guangming District Urban Planning Exhibition Hall, which offers a vivid portrayal of Guangming’s evolution and future prospects through an array of multimedia presentations, including laser shows and immersive experiences.
Christian Korner tries VR cycling at the Guangming District Urban Planning Exhibition Hall.
“This is astonishing because this does not correspond to our typical image of Chinese mega cities,” remarked Christian Korner, head of entrepreneurship at the Technical University of Munich.
“(看过光明区城市规划展览馆),我有点震惊, 它改变了我对中国大城市的刻板印象,” 慕尼黑工业大学创新创业中心主任克里斯蒂安·科纳说道。
“Usually in Germany or Europe, when you think of Chinese mega cities, you think of skyscrapers, concrete industrial zones, and traffic congestion. It’s very impressive to see what the north of Shenzhen is planning in terms of science and innovation. There’s a balance with nature. It’s not just buildings and streets — it’s about hiking and green parks. I think European cities could learn a lot from this approach,” Korner explained.
“在德国或欧洲通常有个误区,当你想到中国大城市时,会想到摩天大楼、混凝土结构工业区和交通拥堵。光明区在科学和创新方面的规划,非常令人印象深刻。你们的规划里总是会考虑到自然环境。而不仅仅是高楼大厦和各种街道,比如说建设绿道和公园,方便人们徒步旅行。我认为欧洲城市可以从这种做法中学到很多东西。” 科纳解释道。
Alessandro Ercolani, chief fun officer of Italian science and education enterprise erco_space, echoed Korner’s sentiments, saying, “The concept of integrating different types of research institutes with a strong focus on science is a huge investment. What I find particularly noteworthy is the emphasis on making this investment public — explaining how it operates and why it matters. It’s quite impressive.”
Jim Galloway, a founding director at Edinburgh Global Ltd., interacts with a screen at Guangming's Industrial Innovation Center for Engineering Biology (Shenzhen).
The delegation then proceeded to the Industrial Innovation Center for Engineering Biology (Shenzhen). The center has a novel layout that combines laboratories and startups to foster collaboration between fundamental research and industrial applications, bridging the gap between technology and market demands.
“The whole week has been absolutely fascinating,” said Jim Galloway, a founding director at Edinburgh Global Ltd.
“Shenzhen is clearly on its way to becoming an innovation science center. The infrastructure in place is mind-blowing — something we could only dream of in the U.K. There are many collaboration opportunities between Edinburgh and Shenzhen, particularly with our new innovation data-driven institutes,” Galloway said.
“我认为深圳正在朝着成为创新科学中心的目标迈进。这里的基础设施令人惊叹——这在英国我们只能梦寐以求。我们在爱丁堡拥有四个全新的创新数据驱动研究所,和深圳应该有很多合作机会。” 加洛韦说。
International experts read introductory brochures at the Guangming District Urban Planning Exhibition Hall.
The group also visited the Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, which focuses on cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, as well as the BTR New Energy Technology Building and Science Park.
Rita Roider, from the Department of Labor and Economic Development in Munich, takes a photo at the hall.
Rita Roider, from the Department of Labor and Economic Development in Munich, commended the amount of support for startups at the Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, saying, “I’m very impressed that you nurture startups in their earliest stages. This support allows them to focus on their core business.”
Luca Foresti, an entrepreneur and health-care investor, expressed admiration for the lab’s approach, saying, “In Europe, we don’t have such a supportive environment for scientific development. The vision for these labs and the number of professors involved is impressive.”
The attention also turned to the BTR New Materials Group, a prominent energy materials manufacturer. “We have to produce these new materials in a sustainable way,” Korner noted. “And this is, I think, what BTR probably does when they have their research and development department to find ways on how to gather the materials more sustainably.”
他们还参观了贝特瑞新能源科技大厦。贝特瑞是一家在行业中地位突出的新能源材料制造商。“我们必须以可持续的方式生产新材料,” 科纳说。“我认为贝特瑞研发部门应该正在寻找以更加绿色的方法来开采这些新能源原材料。”
Christian Korner takes a picture of a coffee-making robot at Guangming's Industrial Innovation Center for Engineering Biology (Shenzhen).
Reflecting on their experience in Guangming District, Korner added, “It is astonishing what the district is trying to achieve and the speed that it actually has trying to achieve. We only got a brief glimpse of the potential here. I would love to return to see the startups at the innovation center and learn more about their operations and support systems.”
Looking ahead, Korner said, “We’ve already discussed collaborating with partners in the startup and entrepreneurship sectors. We aim to bring German or European startups here to experience the ecosystem while also helping Chinese startups understand the European market, fostering mutual benefits.”


作者:Shao Jingfeng

编辑:钟汝芳 刘嘉雯

审读:黄淳 吴沁彤
