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Why do people say "let love find you, don't look for it"?

Quora文选英语  · 公众号  · 问答  · 2017-07-25 10:10


Why do people say "let love find you, don't look for it"?

Rik Osborne, Gets called "Chef" but is really just a good cook

Updated Wed

123k Views · 16.5k Upvotes

If you sit home playing video games all day, you won't meet anyone.

Heh. Heh heh heh. HEH HEH!

I was 49 years old, and had never been married. In fact, I had barely dated as an adult. I’d had one relationship, when I was 23–24 years old, that lasted 18 months, and another when I was 36 that lasted six months. And after that, I just never had much interest in trying to find romance and love. I took the position, “if it happens, it happens”.

So, living alone in an apartment, at 49 years old, I spent most of my time alone, playing World of Warcraft, when I wasn’t at work. Work and WoW, that was my life.

So on Christmas Eve, 2015, I was sitting alone in my apartment, playing WoW, and enjoying a bottle of nice single-malt scotch I’d bought as a Christmas present to myself. At some point in the evening, I wandered downstairs to my kitchen, and as I was entering the kitchen, I noticed for the first time a small, patched section on the wall. I was curious about it. You see, my apartment building was built some time before World War 2. I had already figured out that, when the building was new, it was heated by some kind of furnace in the basement, with all of the apartments sharing the heat. I figured that this small, square, patched-over spot must have originally been some kind of vent that allowed the air to move between apartments. My curiosity prompted me to knock on it.

Somebody knocked back.

So I knocked again, and heard more knocks in return. Then I heard a woman’s voice through the wall yelling, “Hey, come over here!”

I was … a bit surprised. But I shrugged and went over there.

I met my neighbor for the first time. We spent the rest of Christmas Eve together. Then we spent Christmas together. And the next day. And the next, and the next. She had a big TV, but no cable, so she could only use it to watch DVDs. I set her TV up with my WiFi password so that she could use my Netflix account. I spent most evenings in her apartment, watching shows on Netflix with her.

In March 2016, she moved into my apartment, and toward the end of April, we got married.

I was playing video games instead of looking for love, but love found me :)


hehn. (表示惊异、质问)嗨;

take the position of:采取某种态度;

malt scotch:麦芽威士忌;

vent:opening that allows air, gas, liquid, etc to pass out of or into a confined space (气体、液体等进出的)孔、口;
