专栏名称: 气象学家
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气象学家  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-07 13:29



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来源出版物名称 (地学之家整理) CiteScore
Nature  Reviews Earth and Environment 52.9
Reviews  of Geophysics 50.3
Astronomy  and Astrophysics Review 45
Living  Reviews in Solar Physics 41.9
Annual  Review of Marine Science 33.6
Nature  Geoscience 26.7
Remote  Sensing of Environment 25.1
Earth-Science  Reviews 21.7
ISPRS  Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 21
IEEE  Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine 20.5
Current  Climate Change Reports 20.3
Wiley  Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 20
Space  Science Reviews 19.7
International  Journal of Mining Science and Technology 19.1
One  Earth 18.9
New  Astronomy Reviews 18.6
Earth  System Science Data 18
Geoscience  Frontiers 17.8
Quarterly  Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 16.8
Geography  and Sustainability 16.7
Wiley  Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 16.6
Radiocarbon 16.2
Earth  Systems and Environment 15.5
Progress  in Disaster Science 14.6
Astrophysical  Journal, Supplement Series 14.5
Astrophysical  Journal Letters 14.1
International  Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 14
Engineering  Geology 13.7
Landslides 13.6
Earth  System Dynamics 13.2
Soil and  Tillage Research 13
Climate  Policy 12.9
Gondwana  Research 12.9
Fish and  Fisheries 12.8
Advances  in Geo-Energy Research 12.3
Science  of Remote Sensing 12.2
Agricultural  Water Management 12.1
Indonesian  Journal of Science and Technology 12.1
International  Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 12
Tunnelling  and Underground Space Technology 11.9
Journal  of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 11.6
IEEE  Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 11.5
Journal  of Ocean Engineering and Science 11.5
Petroleum  Exploration and Development 11.5
International  Journal of Coal Science and Technology 11.4
Journal  of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 11.4
Journal  of Petroleum Science and Engineering 11.3
Gas  Science and Engineering 11.2
GIScience  and Remote Sensing 11.2
Earth's  Future 11
International  Journal of Coal Geology 11
Mineralium  Deposita 11
Weather  and Climate Extremes 11
Geology,  Ecology, and Landscapes 10.9
Rock  Mechanics and Rock Engineering 10.9
Atmospheric  Chemistry and Physics 10.7
Carbon  Research 10.6
Catena 10.5
Journal  of Mining and Strata Control Engineering 10.4
Agricultural  and Forest Meteorology 10.3
Applied  Clay Science 10.3
Earth  and Planetary Science Letters 10.3
Mineral  Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review 10.3
Astronomy  and Astrophysics 10.2
Climatic  Change 10.2
Marine  Pollution Bulletin 10.2
Underground  Space (new) 10.2
Geo-Spatial  Information Science 10.1
Hydrology  and Earth System Sciences 10.1
Economic  Geology 10
Geology 10
Limnology  And Oceanography Letters 10
Surveys  in Geophysics 10
Acta  Geotechnica 9.9
Advances  in Climate Change Research 9.8
Bulletin  of the American Meteorological Society 9.8
Geotechnique 9.8
Remote  Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 9.8
Permafrost  and Periglacial Processes 9.7
Urban  Climate 9.7
Geochimica  et Cosmochimica Acta 9.6
Marine  Life Science and Technology 9.6
Physics  of the Dark Universe 9.6
Science  China Earth Sciences 9.6
Antipode 9.5
China  Petroleum Exploration 9.5
Geotextiles  and Geomembranes 9.5
Structure  and Infrastructure Engineering 9.5
Atmospheric  Environment 9.4
Atmospheric  Research 9.4
Advances  in Atmospheric Sciences 9.3
Bulletin  of the Geological Society of America 9.3
Computers  and Geosciences 9.3
IEEE  Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 9.3
International  Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials 9.3
Journal  of Climate 9.3
Journal  of Remote Sensing (United States) 9.3
HydroResearch 9.2
Petroleum 9.2
Computers  and Geotechnics 9.1
Monthly  Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 9.1
Geophysical  Research Letters 9
Bulletin  of Earthquake Engineering 8.9
Geoenvironmental  Disasters 8.9
Global  Biogeochemical Cycles 8.9
Air  Quality, Atmosphere and Health 8.8
Climate  Dynamics 8.8
Journal  of Aerosol Science 8.8
Limnology  and Oceanography 8.8
Marine  and Petroleum Geology 8.8
Monthly  Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 8.8
npj  Climate and Atmospheric Science 8.8
Cryosphere 8.7
Geographical  Analysis 8.7
Georisk 8.7
International  Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 8.7
Journal  of Rare Earths 8.7
Minerals  Engineering 8.7
Biogeosciences 8.6
Communications  Earth and Environment 8.6
Geoscientific  Model Development 8.6
Journal  of Geodesy 8.6
Ocean  and Coastal Management 8.5
Water  Security 8.5
Annals  of the American Association of Geographers 8.4
Astronomical  Journal 8.4
Astrophysical  Journal 8.4
Earthquake  Spectra 8.4
Shiyou  Kantan Yu Kaifa/Petroleum Exploration and Development 8.4
Annals  of GIS 8.3
Atmospheric  Pollution Research 8.3
Remote  Sensing 8.3
Annals  of Glaciology 8.2
Climate  Risk Management 8.2
Energy  Geoscience 8.2
IEEE  Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 8.2
PFG -  Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science 8.2
Sedimentology 8.2
Egyptian  Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science 8.1
GPS  Solutions 8.1
Journal  of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis 8.1
Journal  of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science 8.1
Transportation  Geotechnics 8.1
Atmospheric  Environment: X 8
Environmental  Geochemistry and Health 8
Geomorphology 8
Journal  of Geophysical Research: Planets 8
Remote  Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 8
Journal  of Geographical Sciences 7.9
China  Geology 7.8
Astrobiology 7.7
Egyptian  Journal of Petroleum 7.7
Geomatics,  Natural Hazards and Risk 7.7
Geothermics 7.7
Petroleum  Science 7.7
Tectonics 7.7
Carbon  Balance and Management 7.6
IEEE  Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 7.6
Natural  Hazards and Earth System Sciences 7.6
Boundary-Layer  Meteorology 7.5
International  Journal of Climatology 7.5
Journal  of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 7.5
Journal  of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering - ASCE 7.5
Journal  of Mining Institute 7.5
Journal  of Operational Oceanography 7.5
Quaternary  Science Reviews 7.5
Soil  Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 7.5
Big  Earth Data 7.4
Climate  of the Past 7.4
Cold  Regions Science and Technology 7.4
Global  and Planetary Change 7.4
Journal  of Geochemical Exploration 7.4
Journal  of Hydrometeorology 7.4
Transactions  of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (English Edition) 7.4
Journal  of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 7.3
npj  Microgravity 7.3
U.S.  Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 7.3
Canadian  Geotechnical Journal 7.2
Chemical  Geology 7.2
Elements 7.2
Precambrian  Research 7.2
Progress  in Oceanography 7.2
Progress  in Physical Geography 7.2
SPE  Journal 7.2
Aeolian  Research 7.1
Atmospheric  Measurement Techniques 7.1
Biogeochemistry 7.1
Bulletin  of Engineering Geology and the Environment 7.1
Geochemistry 7.1
Geostandards  and Geoanalytical Research 7.1
Petroleum  Research 7.1
Basin  Research 7
Civil  Engineering Journal (Iran) 7
Discover  Applied Sciences 7
European  Journal of Remote Sensing 7
Geochemical  Perspectives Letters 7
International  Journal of Remote Sensing 7
Journal  of Geophysical Research: Oceans 7
Journal  of Soils and Sediments 7
Transactions  of the Institute of British Geographers 7
Astrodynamics 6.9
Elementa 6.9
Geophysics 6.9
Geosynthetics  International 6.9
International  Journal of Sediment Research 6.9
ISPRS  International Journal of Geo-Information 6.9
Journal  of Petrology 6.9
Journal  of Space Weather and Space Climate 6.9
Oil and  Gas Geology 6.9
Solid  Earth 6.9
Egyptian  Journal of Aquatic Research 6.8
Geobiology 6.8
Lithos 6.8
Dili  Xuebao/Acta Geographica Sinica 6.7
International  Journal of Geoheritage and Parks 6.7
Journal  of Hydrology: Regional Studies 6.7
Journal  of the Meteorological Society of Japan 6.7
Publications  of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 6.7
AAPG  Bulletin 6.6
Extractive  Industries and Society 6.6
Geochronology 6.6
ICES  Journal of Marine Science 6.6
Journal  of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 6.6
Journal  of Metamorphic Geology 6.6
Journal  of Taibah University for Science 6.6
Natural  Hazards 6.6
Seismological  Research Letters 6.6
Contributions  to Mineralogy and Petrology 6.5
International  Journal of Digital Earth 6.5
Natural  Gas Industry 6.5
Ore  Geology Reviews 6.5
Progress  in Earth and Planetary Science 6.5
Bulletin  of Volcanology 6.4
Deep-Sea  Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 6.4
Earth  Surface Processes and Landforms 6.4
Geomechanics  and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources 6.4
International  Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 6.4
International  Journal of Biometeorology 6.4
International  Journal of Geomechanics 6.4
Journal  of Energy Resources Technology 6.4
Meitan  Xuebao/Journal of the China Coal Society 6.4
Monthly  Weather Review 6.4
Soils  and Foundations 6.4
Weather  and Climate Dynamics 6.4
Anthropocene 6.3
Icarus 6.3
Ingegneria  Sismica 6.3
Journal  of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 6.3
Modeling  Earth Systems and Environment 6.3
Environmental  Geotechnics 6.2
Journal  of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 6.2
Journal  of Marine Systems 6.2
Journal  of Meteorological Research 6.2
Paleoceanography  and Paleoclimatology 6.2
Applied  Geochemistry 6.1
Chinese  Geographical Science 6.1
Computational  Geosciences 6.1
Journal  of Navigation 6.1
Marine  Geology 6.1
Oceanography 6.1
Geography  Compass 6
Journal  of Structural Geology 6
Journal  of the Geological Society 6
Marine  Chemistry 6
Theoretical  and Applied Climatology 6
Boreas 5.9
Geochemistry,  Geophysics, Geosystems 5.9
Geomechanics  for Energy and the Environment 5.9
Geoscience  Data Journal 5.9
Geothermal  Energy 5.9
Journal  of Asian Earth Sciences 5.9
Journal  of Petroleum Exploration and Production 5.9
Journal  of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 5.9
Marine  Environmental Research 5.9
Ocean  Science 5.9
Palaeogeography,  Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 5.9
Publications  of the Astronomical Society of Australia 5.9
Space  Weather 5.9
American  Journal of Science 5.8
BSGF -  Earth Sciences Bulletin 5.8
Bulletin  of the Seismological Society of America 5.8
Earth,  Planets and Space 5.8
Journal  of Earthquake Engineering 5.8
Journal  of Glaciology 5.8
Journal  of Physical Oceanography 5.8
Journal  of the Atmospheric Sciences 5.8
Natural  Gas Industry B 5.8
International  Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment 5.7
Journal  of Arid Environments 5.7
Journal  of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience 5.7
Meteorological  Applications 5.7
Disasters 5.6
Estuarine,  Coastal and Shelf Science 5.6
Journal  of Marine Science and Technology 5.6
Palaeontology 5.6
Quaternary  International 5.6
Applied  Computing and Geosciences 5.5
Asia-Pacific  Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 5.5
Climate 5.5
Earth  and Space Science 5.5
Episodes 5.5
Journal  of Earth Science 5.5
Newsletters  on Stratigraphy 5.5
Ocean  Modelling 5.5
Organic  Geochemistry 5.5
Upstream  Oil and Gas Technology 5.5
Applied  Geomatics 5.4
Earth  Surface Dynamics 5.4
Geophysical  Journal International 5.4
Hydrogeology  Journal 5.4
Journal  of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste 5.4
Journal  of Land Use Science 5.4
Ocean  Dynamics 5.4
Physics  and Chemistry of the Earth 5.4
Planetary  and Space Science 5.4
Spatial  Economic Analysis 5.4
ACS  Earth and Space Chemistry 5.3
Advances  in Meteorology 5.3
Anthropocene  Review 5.3
Climate  Services 5.3
Experimental  Astronomy 5.3
Geo-Marine  Letters 5.3
Geosciences  (Switzerland) 5.3
International  Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 5.3
Journal  of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 5.3
Journal  of Systematic Palaeontology 5.3
Marine  Georesources and Geotechnology 5.3
Mathematical  Geosciences 5.3
Oceanologia 5.3
Paleobiology 5.3
Polar  Geography 5.3
Soil  Systems 5.3
SPE  Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering 5.3
Vegetation  History and Archaeobotany 5.3
Advances  in Space Research 5.2
American  Mineralogist 5.2
Anatolia 5.2
Geografisk  Tidsskrift 5.2
Geomechanics  and Engineering 5.2
Infrastructures 5.2
International  Geology Review 5.2
Mediterranean  Marine Science 5.2
Mining  of Mineral Deposits 5.2
Planetary  Science Journal 5.2
Weather  and Forecasting 5.2
Ecohydrology 5.1
Environmental  Earth Sciences 5.1
Frontiers  in Marine Science 5.1
Geoheritage 5.1
ISPRS  Open Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 5.1
Journal  of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 5.1
Journal  of Spatial Information Science 5.1
New  Zealand Journal of Geology, and Geophysics 5.1
Sedimentary  Geology 5.1
Solar  Physics 5.1
Tellus,  Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology 5.1
Arctic  Science 5
Canadian  Journal of Remote Sensing 5
Fisheries  Oceanography 5
International  Journal of Image and Data Fusion 5
Journal  of Island and Coastal Archaeology 5
Journal  of Spatial Science 5
Journal  of the Air and Waste Management Association 5
Mine  Water and the Environment 5
Physics  of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 5
Spatial  Information Research 5
Atmospheric  Science Letters 4.9
Bulletin  of Atmospheric Science and Technology 4.9
Geographical  Research 4.9
Geophysical  Prospecting 4.9
Geoscience  Letters 4.9
GSA  Today 4.9
Hydrology 4.9
Journal  of Geography 4.9
Journal  of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control 4.9
Journal  of Palaeogeography 4.9
KN -  Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information 4.9
Tectonophysics 4.9
Advances  in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography 4.8
American  Journal of Biological Anthropology 4.8
Geographical  Review 4.8
Geomicrobiology  Journal 4.8
Ground  Water 4.8
Jinshu  Xuebao/Acta Metallurgica Sinica 4.8
Journal  of Hydroinformatics 4.8
Journal  of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 4.8
Journal  of Water and Climate Change 4.8
Petroleum  Geoscience 4.8
Terra  Nova 4.8
Earthquake  Engineering and Engineering Vibration 4.7
Geologica  Belgica 4.7
Geological  Magazine 4.7
Geosystems  and Geoenvironment 4.7
Holocene 4.7
Journal  of African Earth Sciences 4.7
Journal  of Arid Land 4.7
Journal  of Quaternary Science 4.7
Nature  Conservation Research 4.7
Quaternary  Research 4.7
Yanshilixue  Yu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 4.7
Zhongguo  Kuangye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of China University of Mining and Technology 4.7
Deep-Sea  Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 4.6
Earth  Science Informatics 4.6
International  Journal of Earth Sciences 4.6
Journal  of Atmospheric Chemistry 4.6
Journal  of Geodynamics 4.6
Marine  and Freshwater Research 4.6
One  Ecosystem 4.6
Transactions  in GIS 4.6
Transportation  Infrastructure Geotechnology 4.6
Tropical  Cyclone Research and Review 4.6
Environmental  Chemistry 4.5
Frontiers  in Climate 4.5
Geotechnical  Research 4.5
Journal  of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 4.5
Papers  in Palaeontology 4.5
Swiss  Journal of Geosciences 4.5
Earth  and Planetary Physics 4.4
Geodesy  and Geodynamics 4.4
Geosphere 4.4
Journal  of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems 4.4
Mediterranean  Geoscience Reviews 4.4
Proceedings  of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Geotechnical Engineering 4.4
Quaternary  Geochronology 4.4
Spatial  Cognition and Computation 4.4
Volcanica 4.4
Annales  Geophysicae 4.3
Aquatic  Geochemistry 4.3
Continental  Shelf Research 4.3
Earthquake  Research Advances 4.3
Journal  of Maps 4.3
Journal  of Micropalaeontology 4.3
Life 4.3
Marine  Resource Economics 4.3
Singapore  Journal of Tropical Geography 4.3
Swiss  Journal of Palaeontology 4.3
Artificial  Intelligence in Geosciences 4.2
Atmospheric  and Oceanic Science Letters 4.2
Chemistry  and Ecology 4.2
Geological  Journal 4.2
Geotechnique  Letters 4.2
Journal  of Mountain Science 4.2
Journal  of Propulsion and Power 4.2
Pure and  Applied Geophysics 4.2
Seismic  Record 4.2
World  Journal of Engineering 4.2
Advances  in Science and Research 4.1
Astronomy  and Computing 4.1
Australian  Geographer 4.1
Cretaceous  Research 4.1
Depositional  Record 4.1
Geographical  Journal 4.1
International  Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization 4.1
Journal  of Applied Volcanology 4.1
Journal  of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 4.1
Journal  of the American Water Resources Association 4.1
Marine  Geodesy 4.1
Minerals 4.1
Moravian  Geographical Reports 4.1
Natural  Hazards Research 4.1
Publication  of the Astronomical Society of Japan 4.1
Remote  Sensing Letters 4.1
Rendiconti  Lincei 4.1
Shuikexue  Jinzhan/Advances in Water Science 4.1
Applied  and Environmental Soil Science 4
Geologie  en Mijnbouw/Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 4
Iranian  Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction A: Science 4
Journal  of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology 4
Meteorology  and Atmospheric Physics 4
Mineralogical  Magazine 4
New  Astronomy 4
Nonlinear  Processes in Geophysics 4
Palaeoworld 4
Quaternary  Science Advances 4
Soil  Security 4
Space:  Science and Technology (United States) 4
Spatial  Statistics 4
Tellus,  Series A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 4
African  Geographical Review 3.9
CEAS  Space Journal 3.9
Geojournal  of Tourism and Geosites 3.9
International  Journal of Civil Engineering 3.9
Meteoritics  and Planetary Science 3.9
Palaeobiodiversity  and Palaeoenvironments 3.9
Polar  Science 3.9
Progress  in Geography 3.9
AAPP  Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche,  Matematiche e Naturali 3.8
Acta  Geophysica 3.8
Anthropocene  Coasts 3.8
Geomechanics  and Geoengineering 3.8
Innovative  Infrastructure Solutions 3.8
International  Journal of Modern Physics D 3.8
Journal  of Sedimentary Research 3.8
Lithosphere 3.8
Advances  in Geosciences 3.7
Facies 3.7
Geochemical  Transactions 3.7
Geoscientific  Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems 3.7
Geotechnical  and Geological Engineering 3.7
Hupo  Kexue/Journal of Lake Sciences 3.7
International  Journal of Astrobiology 3.7
International  Journal of Geo-Engineering 3.7
Journal  of Paleolimnology 3.7
Journal  of South American Earth Sciences 3.7
Marine  Micropaleontology 3.7
Acta  Montanistica Slovaca 3.6
Acta  Petrologica Sinica 3.6
Antarctic  Science 3.6
Fossil  Record 3.6
Geoarchaeology  - An International Journal 3.6
Geochemistry:  Exploration, Environment, Analysis 3.6
Geografiska  Annaler, Series A: Physical Geography 3.6
International  Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 3.6
Journal  of Applied Geophysics 3.6
Journal  of Coastal Conservation 3.6
Journal  of Spacecraft and Rockets 3.6
National  Remote Sensing Bulletin 3.6
Near  Surface Geophysics 3.6
Photogrammetric  Record 3.6
Physical  Geography 3.6
Rivista  Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia 3.6
Solid  Earth Sciences 3.6
South  African Journal of Geology 3.6
Vietnam  Journal of Earth Sciences 3.6
Climate  Change Research 3.5
E and G  Quaternary Science Journal 3.5
Environmental  Research Communications 3.5
Frontiers  in Earth Science 3.5
Frontiers  of Earth Science 3.5
GEM -  International Journal on Geomathematics 3.5
Journal  of Geology 3.5
Journal  of Oceanography 3.5
Journal  of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 3.5
Mineral  Processing and Extractive Metallurgy: Transactions of the Institute of Mining  and Metallurgy 3.5
Mining,  Metallurgy and Exploration 3.5
Natural  Gas Geoscience 3.5
Review  of Palaeobotany and Palynology 3.5
Scientific  Online Letters on the Atmosphere 3.5
Survey  Review 3.5
Yantu  Lixue/Rock and Soil Mechanics 3.5
Acta  Astronomica 3.4
Acta  Geophysica Sinica 3.4
Astrophysics  and Space Science 3.4
Clays  and Clay Minerals 3.4
Diqiu  Kexue - Zhongguo Dizhi Daxue Xuebao/Earth Science - Journal of China  University of Geosciences 3.4
Journal  of Applied Remote Sensing 3.4
Journal  of Asian Earth Sciences: X 3.4
Journal  of Petroleum Geology 3.4
Palynology 3.4
Periodica  Polytechnica Civil Engineering 3.4
Quarterly  Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology 3.4
Quaternary  Sciences 3.4
Shock  and Vibration 3.4
Southern  African Geographical Journal 3.4
Space  Policy 3.4
Volumina  Jurassica 3.4
Weather,  Climate, and Society 3.4
Dizhi  Xuebao/Acta Geologica Sinica 3.3
Earth  (Switzerland) 3.3
Geobios 3.3
Geoscience  Canada 3.3
Geoscience  Communication 3.3
International  Journal of Environmental Studies 3.3
International  Journal of Health Governance 3.3
Iranian  Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Civil Engineering 3.3
Journal  of Seismology 3.3
Lethaia 3.3
Lithologic  Reservoirs 3.3
Marine  Biodiversity 3.3
Palaeontologia  Electronica 3.3
Palaontologische  Zeitschrift 3.3
Professional  Geographer 3.3
Quaternary 3.3
Radio  Science 3.3
US  Geological Survey Profesional Paper 3.3
Acta  Geoscientica Sinica 3.2
Brazilian  Journal of Geology 3.2
Geo:  Geography and Environment 3.2
Geology  in China 3.2
Hungarian  Geographical Bulletin 3.2
Journal  of Cold Regions Engineering - ASCE 3.2
Journal  of Earth System Science 3.2
Journal  of Geomechanics 3.2
Journal  of Geoscience Education 3.2
Journal  of Oceanology and Limnology 3.2
Journal  of Sea Research 3.2
Micropaleontology 3.2
Origins  of Life and Evolution of Biospheres 3.2
Polar  Research 3.2
Research  in Astronomy and Astrophysics 3.2
Soil  Research 3.2
South  African Journal of Science 3.2
Acta  Geodaetica et Geophysica 3.1
Alpine  and Mediterranean Quaternary 3.1
Austrian  Journal of Earth Sciences 3.1
Bulletin  of Geosciences 3.1
Dynamics  of Atmospheres and Oceans 3.1
Fire 3.1
Geophysical  and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 3.1
Geotechnical  Testing Journal 3.1
International  Journal of Speleology 3.1
Leading  Edge 3.1
Oceans 3.1
Open  Geosciences 3.1
Proceedings  of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Ground Improvement 3.1
Remote  Sensing in Earth Systems Sciences 3.1
Acta  Geologica Sinica (English Edition) 3
Arctic,  Antarctic, and Alpine Research 3
Biogeotechnics 3
Celestial  Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 3
Clay  Minerals 3
Cuadernos  de Investigacion Geografica 3
Geodiversitas 3
Journal  of the Astronautical Sciences 3
Mining  Science and Technology(Russian Federation) 3
SOCAR  Proceedings 3
Acta  Sedimentologica Sinica 2.9
AGU  Advances 2.9
Bulletin  of Marine Science 2.9
Carnets  de Geologie 2.9
Climate  Research 2.9
Die Erde 2.9
Gems and  Gemology 2.9
Geologia  Croatica 2.9
Island  Arc 2.9
Italian  Journal of Geosciences 2.9
Journal  of Vertebrate Paleontology 2.9
Oil  Shale 2.9
Petroleum  Geology and Experiment 2.9
Petroleum  Science and Technology 2.9
Physics  and Chemistry of Minerals 2.9
Transactions  of Atmospheric Sciences 2.9
Acta  Geochimica 2.8
Acta  Palaeontologica Polonica 2.8
Asian  Journal of Atmospheric Environment 2.8
Australian  Journal of Earth Sciences 2.8
Bollettino  della Societa Paleontologica Italiana 2.8
Bulletin  of Geological Science and Technology 2.8
Bulletin  of the Geological Society of Denmark 2.8
Canadian  Journal of Earth Sciences 2.8
Carbonates  and Evaporites 2.8
Comptes  Rendus - Geoscience 2.8
European  Journal of Mineralogy 2.8
Geofluids 2.8
Geographica  Pannonica 2.8
GEUS  Bulletin 2.8
GFF 2.8
Journal  of Groundwater Science and Engineering 2.8
Journal  of Paleontology 2.8
Marine  Geophysical Researches 2.8
Meitan  Kexue Jishu/Coal Science and Technology (Peking) 2.8
Meteorologische  Zeitschrift 2.8
Mining 2.8
Palaios 2.8
Tethys 2.8
Transactions  of the Royal Society of South Africa 2.8
Zeitschrift  der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Geowissenschaften 2.8
Advances  in Astronomy 2.7
Aquatic  Biology 2.7
China  Ocean Engineering 2.7
Earth  Interactions 2.7
Earth  Science Frontiers 2.7
Eurasian  Mining 2.7
Geosciences  Journal 2.7
Hangkong  Xuebao/Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica 2.7
Journal  of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 2.7
Journal  of Geo-Information Science 2.7
Journal  of Hohai University (Natural Sciences) 2.7
Journal  of Palaeogeography (Chinese Edition) 2.7
Proceedings  of the Geologists' Association 2.7
Wuhan  Daxue Xuebao (Xinxi Kexue Ban)/Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan  University 2.7
ZooKeys 2.7
Acta  Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica 2.6
Acta  Geographica Slovenica 2.6
Alcheringa 2.6
Andean  Geology 2.6
Annales  Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2.6
Cartographic  Journal 2.6
Hydrogeology  and Engineering Geology 2.6
Journal  of Earthquake and Tsunami 2.6
Journal  of Iberian Geology 2.6
Journal  of the Bulgarian Geographical Society 2.6
Mineralogy  and Petrology 2.6
Nitrogen  (Switzerland) 2.6
Norsk  Geografisk Tidsskrift 2.6
Ocean  Science Journal 2.6
World  Archaeology 2.6
Acta  Oceanologica Sinica 2.5
Ameghiniana 2.5
Annals  of Carnegie Museum 2.5
Arid  Land Geography 2.5
Arid  Zone Research 2.5
Atmosphere  - Ocean 2.5
Bulletin  of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering 2.5
Eurasian  Soil Science 2.5
Geologica  Acta 2.5
Ichnos 2.5
Indian  Geotechnical Journal 2.5
International  Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology 2.5
Interpretation 2.5
Journal  of Geophysics and Engineering 2.5
Journal  of Ocean University of China 2.5
Petroleum  Chemistry 2.5
Revue de  Micropaleontologie 2.5
Rudarsko  Geolosko Naftni Zbornik 2.5
Shiyou  Diqiu Wuli Kantan/Oil Geophysical Prospecting 2.5
Soil  Science Annual 2.5
Xitong  Gongcheng Lilun yu Shijian/System Engineering Theory and Practice 2.5
Yantu  Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 2.5
Yuhang  Xuebao/Journal of Astronautics 2.5
Annals  of Geophysics 2.4
Archives  of Mining Sciences 2.4
Atmospheric  and Oceanic Optics 2.4
Bulletin  of the Geological Survey of Finland 2.4
Central  Asian Survey 2.4
Folia  Geobotanica 2.4
Geographia  Polonica 2.4
Geologica  Carpathica 2.4
Journal  of Operational Meteorology 2.4
Journal  of Umm Al-Qura University for Applied Sciences 2.4
Meteorological  Monthly 2.4
Mineral  Deposits 2.4
Mining  Science 2.4
New  Zealand Geographer 2.4
Ofioliti 2.4
Petrology 2.4
Rock  Mechanics Bulletin 2.4
Sustainable  Development of Mountain Territories 2.4
Tree-Ring  Research 2.4
Turkish  Journal of Earth Sciences 2.4
Acta  Geodynamica et Geomaterialia 2.3
Carpathian  Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2.3
Chinese  Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 2.3
Exploration  Geophysics 2.3
Geographia  Technica 2.3
Geologiya  i Geofizika Yuga Rossii 2.3
Geomatics  and Environmental Engineering 2.3
Journal  of Applied Geodesy 2.3
Journal  of Engineering and Technological Sciences 2.3
Journal  of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science 2.3
Journal  of Geosciences (Czech Republic) 2.3
Marine  Origin Petroleum Geology 2.3
Meitiandizhi  Yu Kantan/Coal Geology and Exploration 2.3
Mining  Informational and Analytical Bulletin 2.3
Resource  Geology 2.3
Advances  in Earth Science 2.2
Atmosfera 2.2
Bulletin  of Geography, Physical Geography Series 2.2
Bulletin  of Glaciological Research 2.2
Canadian  Mineralogist 2.2
Earthquake  Science 2.2
Geochronometria 2.2
Geografie-Sbornik  CGS 2.2
Geological  Quarterly 2.2
Geotectonica  et Metallogenia 2.2
International  Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 2.2
Jilin  Daxue Xuebao (Diqiu Kexue Ban)/Journal of Jilin University (Earth Science  Edition) 2.2
Journal  of the Geological Society of India 2.2
Mining  Technology: Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy 2.2
Papers  in Applied Geography 2.2
Physicochemical  Problems of Mineral Processing 2.2
Arktika:  Ekologia i Ekonomika 2.1
Atlantic  Geology 2.1
Comptes  Rendus - Palevol 2.1
Dizhen  Dizhi 2.1
Energetika 2.1
Environmental  and Engineering Geoscience 2.1
Fisheries  and Aquatic Sciences 2.1
Geophysica 2.1
Geophysical  Prospecting for Petroleum 2.1
Irish  Geography 2.1
Italian  Journal of Agrometeorology 2.1
Journal  of Foraminiferal Research 2.1
Marine  and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology 2.1
Marine  Biology Research 2.1
Scientia  Marina 2.1
Zhongguo  Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of China University of  Petroleum (Edition of Natural Science) 2.1
Advances  in Oceanography and Limnology 2
British  Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 2
Chinese  Journal of Agrometeorology 2
Earth  and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
