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海外之声 | 美国新关税如何影响中国经济?

IMI财经观察  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-02-16 09:00



当前全球经济风云变幻,国际贸易政策调整已成为各国政府和企业关注的焦点。2025年初,美国总统唐纳德·特朗普宣布对中国商品加征新关税,这一举措不仅加剧了中美贸易紧张局势,也可能成为新一轮贸易战的导火索。 尽管短期内这一政策对中国经济的直接影响有限,但它无疑加剧了中国在全球经济不确定性中的困境,尤其是在美国持续施压的背景下。


尽管新关税对中国出口的直接影响有限,但其间接压力不容忽视。 当前,中国经济面临多重挑战:经济增长放缓、房地产行业危机以及消费疲软。彭博社预测,此次新增的10%的关税可能导致中国对美部分商品出口减少40%。虽然这一数字占中国GDP的比重较小,但它无疑增加了中国决策者在应对国内外经济困境时的难度。值得注意的是,特朗普的新政策似乎更侧重于加拿大和墨西哥,与中国的经济关系相比,反而显得次要。


这一系列关税措施虽然未必立即引发剧烈的经济反应,却可能成为更大范围贸易摩擦的“导火索”。 随着国际政治经济形势的不断演变,中美贸易争端仍是全球市场关注的焦点。尽管中国宏观经济在面对外部压力时表现出一定的韧性,但如何有效应对外部挑战、保持经济增长,将是中国决策者面临的最大考验。


China shrugs off new Trump tariffs but bruising trade war looms

Beijing (AFP) – Donald Trump's new tariffs will probably not have a major impact on China's economy but may herald the opening salvo of another bruising trade war with Beijing, analysts said Sunday.

The US President on Saturday announced sweeping measures against major trade partners, with goods from China facing an additional 10 percent tariff on top of the duties they already endure.

Trump said the measures aimed to punish countries for failing to halt flows of illegal migrants and drugs including fentanyl into the United States.

However, his action against Beijing was "not a big shock to China's economy", according to Zhiwei Zhang, president of Pinpoint Asset Management.

Given Beijing had already factored in higher tariffs this year, the move was "unlikely to change the market expectation on China's macro outlook", Zhang said.

According to Bloomberg Economics, the 10 percent levy could knock out 40 percent of Beijing's goods exports to the US, affecting 0.9 percent of Chinese GDP.

That is a small fraction of China's vast economy, but it would put extra pressure on policymakers already grappling with slowing growth, a property sector crisis, and sluggish domestic consumption.

Under the new rules, Canadian and Mexican exports to the US will face 25 percent tariffs, with a partial exemption for Canadian energy resources.

But with targeted countries already vowing retaliation and Trump promising more duties in future, the move was "just the first strike in what could become a very destructive global trade war", said Paul Ashworth, chief North America economist at Capital Economics.

Gary Ng, a senior economist at Natixis, said Beijing "may react by imposing reciprocal tariffs on US imports, limiting exports of critical materials, and restricting market access to some American firms"."At the same time, China may also see this as an opportunity to divide US allies and build closer relationships with other countries," he told AFP. Zhang, of Pinpoint, said "the trade negotiation between China and the US will be a long process".

"I think this is just the beginning. We will have to wait and see if the US will raise tariffs on China further down the road," he said.

"China doesn't really care too much about the (trade) barriers, because we have already prepared for them," Xu Yiming, a private equity professional, told AFP outside a busy downtown shopping mall.

China's robust supply chains and cheap exports were "actually good for the American public, but MAGA supporters might need some trade barriers to help bring jobs back to the US", the 36-year-old added, using the acronym for Trump's grassroots movement.

Most people approached by AFP reporters said they were either unaware of the prospective levies or did not understand them well enough.

And though some declined to speak due to the political sensitivity of China-US ties, many seemed more interested in enjoying the ongoing Lunar New Year holiday.

"He should look after the US and leave China to us," a gruff middle-aged man said of Trump, before wandering off in the direction of a raucous temple fair.







AFP(Agence France-Presse,法新社)
