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可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-04-11 09:41





To be wired. Well, if you're talking about electricity that's not surprising I suppose, wires join electrical things.
“To be wired”。如果你在谈论的是电学,那么我想这个短语就不算陌生,电线是用来连接电器设备的。
But people being wired? If I say to you "are you wired?" or you say to me, "yes, you're wired"?
但是人要是being wired呢?比如我对你说“are you wired”,或者是你对我说“yes, you're wired”呢?
It's another one of those descriptive words that came in in the 1990s, based on technology.
It really was referring to the I.T. world, the world where computers connect to the internet,
and because your computer was now wired in through a cable into a telephone line,
people were said to be 'wired' meaning you are connected to the internet.

And so after a while it developed a figurative use.
People would say, you know, "are you wired?" and what they would mean is,
人们会说:“are you wired?”,说话人的意思是
are you ready to handle this, can you talk to me in a reasonably efficient way?
Or if say "Jane is wired"
或者当我们说“Jane is wired”的时候
it means "oh, Jane can cope with anything, she's able to handle all the things that I might throw at her, and her at me".
Actually, all this is history now:
in the last year or so, "wired" has been replaced very largely by "wireless" as the coolest term to use around,
because "wireless fidelity technology", or "wi-fi" as it's called, w-i hyphen f-i, "wi-fi technology" is now in.
因为“wireless fidelity technology”(无线保真技术)或者“wi-fi技术”现在正如日中天。
Wireless is replacing wired. Now I say, "are you wireless?" meaning "are you ready for me?"
Wireless正在取代wired。现在我说“are you wireless”,意思就是“你做好准备了吗?”
I expect that'll be said in the near future. It hasn't happened yet, but it will!

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