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Call4Papers  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2017-08-01 07:43



Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming

Special Issue on Open Problems in Concurrency Theory

全文截稿: 2017-11-20
影响因子: 0.692
期刊难度: ★★★
CCF分类: C类
网址: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-logical-and-algebraic-methods-in-programming

This special issue of the Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming is devoted to the themes of the Research Seminar on Open Problems in Concurrency Theory and has its root in the research seminar of the same name held in Vienna on 26-29 of June, 2017. This is an open call for papers, therefore both participants of the research seminar and other authors are encouraged to submit their contributions.

Submissions are invited in the field of concurrency theory; specific topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Models of concurrency
- Process calculi
- Behavioral relations and metrics
- Expressiveness
- Programming languages and types
- Quantitative and security aspects
- Verification, testing, and synthesis


Journal of Computational Science

Special Issue on Computational Intelligence Paradigms in Recommender Systems and Online Social Networks

全文截稿: 2017-12-30
影响因子: 1.748
期刊难度: ★★
CCF分类: 无
网址: www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-computational-science

Computational Intelligence encompasses a number of nature-inspired computational methodologies, mainly artificial neural networks (ANNs), fuzzy sets, genetic algorithms (GAs), and their hybridizations, such as neuro-fuzzy computing and neo-fuzzy systems, for addressing real-world problems to which conventional modelling can be useless due to several reasons such as complexity, existent of uncertainties, and the stochastic nature of the processes. Computational Intelligence is a powerful methodology for a wide range of data analysis problems such as financial forecasting, industrial, scientific, and social media applications. The recent advances in computational intelligence have shown very promising results in industry, business, sciences and social media studies. Meanwhile, the online social networks (OSNs) such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram have become very popular and attracted many users from all around the world. Recommender systems in combination with OSNs have also produced new business opportunities, making the social impact of OSNs more critical for product marketing, establishing new connections and improving the user’s experience by personalization of the user’s contents. This has led to new diverse challenges for practitioners and researchers of OSNs and recommender systems in terms of large-scale social network interactions and diversity of social media data from a multitude of OSNs. Given the success of computational intelligence methods and techniques in big data analysis applications, it is expected that they can also be applied successfully in the analysis of large-scale raw data in OSNs. In this context, computational intelligence paradigms comprising of numerous branches including neural networks, swarm intelligence, expert systems, evolutionary computing, fuzzy systems, and artificial immune systems, can play a vital role in handling the different aspects of OSNs and recommender systems.

In this special issue, we invite researchers to contribute high-quality articles and surveys focusing on computational intelligence methods for recommenders systems and OSNs. The relevant topics of this special issue include but are not limited to:
- Computational intelligence solutions for OSNs and recommendation in recommender systems
- Computational intelligence in mobile-cloud based computing for social network recommendation services
- Big data analytics for community activity prediction, management, and decision-making in OSNs
- Fuzzy system theory in OSNs and recommender systems
- Social data analytical approaches using computational methods
- Deep learning and machine learning algorithms for efficient indexing and retrieval in multimedia recommendation systems and OSNs
- Intelligent techniques for smart surveillance and security in OSNs
- Modeling, data mining, and public opinion analysis based on social big data
- Crowd computing-assisted access control and digital rights management for OSNs
- Evolutionary algorithms for data analysis and recommendations
- Crowd intelligence and computing paradigms for sentimental analysis and recommendation
- Applied soft computing for content security, vulnerability and forensics in OSNs
- Computational intelligence in multimedia computing and context-aware recommendation
- Scalable, incremental learning and understanding of OSN big data with its real-world applications for visualization, HCI, and virtual reality community
- Crowd intelligence-assisted ubiquitous, personal, and mobile social media applications
- Recommender systems for crowdsourcing and privacy preserving crowdsourcing
- Crowdsourcing and crowd sensing based on OSN and its applications for trust evaluation
- Artificial intelligence and pattern recognition technologies for recommendation in healthcare
- Deep learning and computational intelligence based medical data analysis for recommendation and smart healthcare services


Physical Communication

Special Issue on energy harvesting and wireless power transfer enabled wireless networks

全文截稿: 2018-01-01
影响因子: 1.583
期刊难度: ★★
CCF分类: 无
网址: www.journals.elsevier.com/physical-communication

In future mobile systems, a tremendous number of low-power wireless devices will exist within the densely deployed heterogeneous networks. This enables the applications of internet of things (IoT). One key challenge from the growing demand in wireless applications is a sufficient and flexible energy supply. Recently, energy harvesting (EH) has emerged as an important method to provide a power supply for green self-sufficient wireless nodes, in which the energy captured from intentional or ambient sources can be collected to replenish the batteries. Especially, since radio frequency (RF) signals carry energy, wireless power transfer (WPT) through RF signals becomes an important aspect of EH. As RF signals are commonly used as a vehicle for transmitting information in wireless networks, simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) has become an emerging technique attracting great attention from both academia and industry.

The goal of this Special Issue is to disseminate the latest research and innovations on energy harvesting and wireless power transfer enabled wireless networks. Review papers on this topic are also welcome. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
- Fundamental research trends and challenges for EH, WPT and SWIPT
- Cognitive radio networks with EH and WPT
- Cooperative and relaying systems with EH and WPT
- Massive MIMO systems with EH and WPT
- Full-duplex networks with EH and WPT
- Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) with EH and WPT
- EH and WPT in multi-user interference networks
- Physical layer security in EH and WPT enabled networks
- QoS provisioning and resource management in wireless powered networks
- SWIPT in wireless networks
- Wireless powered IoT
- Network economics of EH and WPT
- Interference exploitation and management for EH and WPT


Digital Signal Processing

Special Issue on Co-operation and Joint Design of Communications and Radar Systems in a Crowded Spectrum

全文截稿: 2018-01-05
影响因子: 2.337
期刊难度: ★★★
CCF分类: 无
网址: www.journals.elsevier.com/digital-signal-processing

In recent years, the demand for wireless connectivity has skyrocketed, leading to explosive growth in industrial wireless communications. The increasing need for fast and reliable wireless connections necessitates efficient utilization of the limited radio frequency (RF) spectrum resources. Due to the accelerating demand of the commercial wireless communications industry and other RF applications, the RF spectrum is becoming increasingly crowded. Over the last decade, new concepts with the potential to contribute towards significant improvements in the efficiency of radio spectrum utilization and protection of passive sensing services have been introduced. This led to the development of several co-existence solutions based on simultaneous operations of wireless services and other RF applications within the same frequency band.

Recently, the emerging concept of RF spectrum cohabitation based on allowing communication systems and other RF applications to share their resources has attracted significant interest from researchers and practitioners. For example, competition over bandwidth between radar and communications can be directly alleviated if the two systems are allowed to share their resources and/or be deployed on a single platform. This can be achieved via jointly designing the radar and communication systems. The waveforms can be hosted on the same platform and used independently or utilized jointly and hosted in the same platform. Co-design and simultaneous operation can also be achieved for communications systems as well as other wireless applications such as radio telescope, radio telemetry, wireless power transfer, internet of things, and military radios.

The main thrust of this special issue is the co-existence between wireless communications and other users of the RF spectrum. Cognitive radio, in which multiple wireless communications users are able to share the same bandwidth, is outside the scope of this issue.

Key areas of interest, but are not limited to:
- Signal Processing algorithms for dual-function radar communication systems
- Receiver design and hardware for dual- and multi-function RF systems
- Spectral aggregations for aeronautical mobile telemetry services
- Co-existence strategies for wireless communications and radio telescopes
- Joint MIMO radar communications systems
- Efficient signalling strategies for dual-functionality systems
- Joint waveform design for communications and radar
- Array design and sparse array configurations for dual purpose systems
- Effective interference cancellation schemes in shared spectrum paradigms
- Performance analysis, statistical bounds, and tradeoffs in dual-systems
- Broader implications of joint design and simultaneous RF operations


Telematics and Informatics

Call for Papers ICTs and SUSTAINABLE Social Change (Code: ICTSSC)

全文截稿: 2018-02-01
影响因子: 3.398
期刊难度: ★★★★
CCF分类: 无
网址: www.journals.elsevier.com/telematics-and-informatics

Sustainable Development or Sustainable Social Change has emerged as one of the most prominent development paradigms. In 1987, the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) concluded that “sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. Sustainable development is seen as a means of enhancing decision-making so that it provides a more comprehensive assessment of the many multi-dimensional problems society faces. What is required is an evaluation framework for categorizing programs, projects, policies, and/or decisions as having sustainability potential.

Four dimensions are generally recognized as the “pillars” of sustainable development: economic, environmental, social, and cultural. Over the years, different perspectives -- based on both ‘Western’ and ‘Eastern’ philosophical starting points -- have resulted in a more holistic and integrated vision of Sustainable Development.

Human and environmental sustainability has become a central theme in development and social change activities. Sustainable interventions are necessary to ensure a world worth living in for future generations. Besides political-economic approaches, we need socio-cultural approaches to guarantee acceptable and integrated levels of sustainability and to build resilience.

Moreover, it is essential to recognize that development problems are complex. Complex or so-called wicked problems, such as the existence of climate change, conflict and war, health diseases, or migration, are problems that do not have one single solution that is right or wrong, good or bad, or true or false. These are problems in which many stakeholders are involved, all of them framing the problems and issues in a different way. Therefore, solutions need to be negotiated, for instance, in multi-stakeholder platforms.

At the same time, a unifying theme is that there is no universal development model. Development is an integral, multidimensional, and dialectic process that differs from society to society, community to community, context to context. In other words, each society and community must attempt to delineate its own strategy to sustainable development starting with the resources and “capitals” available (not only physical, financial and environmental but also human, social, institutional etc.), and considering needs and views of the people concerned.

Sustainable Social Change implies a participatory, multi-stakeholder approach to policy making and implementation, mobilizing public and private resources for development, and making use of the knowledge, skills and energy of all social groups concerned with the future of the planet and its people. Within this framework, communication and information play a strategic and fundamental role by; (a) contributing to the interplay of different development factors, (b) improving the sharing of knowledge and information, and (c) encouraging the participation of all concerned.

In this context, ICTs have often been praised for their intrinsic capacities to promote social integration and social change. This sometimes euphoric rhetoric contrasts with the results that we can find in the research literature on the digital divide. To bridge the gap between the possibilities of ICTs and the reality of the digital divide a profound ICT policy is needed.

Social integration refers to the equal participation of all social and cultural groups in society. In as far as this participation implies the possession and the use of digital equipment, this participation can be called digital participation. These digital participation processes can and should be enhanced by ICT policies.

Shifts and emerging tendencies in conceptions of technology, agency, and change might require a shift in critical thinking and urge us to reconsider or repurpose the critique of technological determinism. We draw attention to the ways in which skill, capabilities, and heterogeneous cultural resources are simultaneously stimulated, channeled, exploited, and repressed. We further need to integrate such a political account of skill with the concepts of voice and political efficacy, the need for a digital (visual) literacy, and need for new more participatory measurements and methods to assess their (short and/or longer term) impact.

We herewith invite contributions (both theoretical as well as applied case studies) that show how ICT policies can promote participation and contribute to sustainable social change. Whether a more theoretical essay or review type of submission, or a hard core empirical paper, each contribution should properly address the issue of ‘sustainability’ and its impact on social change in general or the subject being researched.


Signal Processing: Image Communication

Special Issue on Tensor Image Processing

全文截稿: 2018-02-09
影响因子: 2.244
期刊难度: ★★★
CCF分类: C类
网址: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/signal-processing-image-communication/

Tensor (i.e. multidimensional array) is a natural representation for image and video. The related advances in applied mathematics allow us to gradually move from classical matrix based methods to tensor methods for image processing methods and applications. The resulted new research topic, called tensor image processing, offers new tools to exploit the multi-dimensional and intrinsic structures in image data. In this inter-disciplinary research field, there are fast emerging works on tensor theory, tensor based models, numerical computation and efficient algorithms, and applications on image and video processing.

This special issue aims to collect the latest original contributions in tensor image processing, and offer new ideas, experiences and discussions by experts in this field. We encourage the submission of papers with new theory, analysis, methods, and applications in tensor image processing. The list of possible topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- tensor factorization/decomposition and its analysis
- tensor computation
- low rank tensor approximation
- tensor regression and classification
- tensor independent component analysis
- tensor principal component analysis
- tensor dictionary learning
- tensor subspace clustering
- tensor based blind source separation
- tensor image data fusion
- tensor image compression
- tensor image completion
- tensor image denoising/deblurring
- tensor image segmentation
- tensor image registration
- tensor image feature extraction
- tensor Image Interpolation
- tensor image’s quality assessment


Robotics and Autonomous Systems

Call for Papers of Special Issue on Autonomous Driving and Driver Assistance Systems

全文截稿: 2018-02-15
影响因子: 1.95
期刊难度: ★★★
CCF分类: 无
网址: www.journals.elsevier.com/robotics-and-autonomous-systems

With the recent interest of all major players in the automotive industry, the time when intelligent vehicles begin to drive autonomously seems to be right around the corner. This implies a boost in the development on novel algorithms, techniques and methodologies with direct application not only to Autonomous Driving but also to advanced Driver Assistance Systems. This special issue will cover all these advances.

The expected topics include, but are not limited to the following:
- Vision, lidar and radar perception;
- Sensor calibration-Multimodal sensor fusion;
- Perception in challenging conditions;
- Scene understanding;
- Software architectures for autonomous vehicles;
- Special sensors for autonomous navigation;
- Driver-vehicle interaction and assisted driving;
- Navigation, motion planning and maneuvering;
- Vehicle dynamics and control;
- Outdoors SLAM and Visual Odometry;
- Heads up Display for Vehicle to Driver Communication;
- Augmented Reality in DAS-V2V and V2I communications.

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