1.Dr. James Meese: “Cambridge Analytica”, digital citizenship and consumer rights
Dr. James Meese is a lecturer atthe University of Technology Sydney. He is currently leading a research projecton consumer rights to personal data. His research on media law and regulationhas been published in Television and New Media, Mobile Media and Communicationand various edited collections. His latest two books are Authors, Users, andPirates: Copyright Law and Subjectivity (MIT Press) and Death and Digital Media(Routledge, co-authored).
2.Professor Mark Evans:Transnational journalism in the digital age
Professor Mark Evans is Head of theSchool of Communication at the University of Technology Sydney. Prior tojoining UTS he was the Head of Media, Music, Communication and Cultural Studiesat Macquarie University. He is Series Editor for Genre, Music and Sound(Equinox Publishing) and currently Editor for The International Encyclopedia ofFilm Music and Sound. He is Executive Editor for the international journal,Perfect Beat, and holds an Australian Research Council (ARC) grant to design anartistic and environmental map of the Shoalhaven basin in New South Wales.