专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-10-20 11:21


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)报道,土耳其钢厂在上周后期达成更多废钢交易。

Turkish mills are seen to have concluded further scrap purchases towards the end of last week, Kallanish reports.

继美国原产 HMS 80:20 废钢以 287 美元 / cfr 土耳其成交后,上周又有三笔美国原产废钢成交, HMS 80:20 价格为 286 美元 / cfr

Following the sale of US-origin HMS80:20 at $287/tonne cfr Turkey, there were three more US-origin scrap sales last week with HMS 80:20 priced at $286/t cfr.

据此前报道,在 HMS 80:20 287 美元 / cfr 成交之后,马尔马拉地区一家钢厂购买的美国原产 HMS 80:20 价格为 286 美元 / 吨,碎废钢价格为 291 美元 / 吨,优质废钢价格为 296 美元 / cfr

A mill in the Marmara region boughtUS-origin HMS 80:20 at $286/t, shredded at $291/t and bonus grade at $296/tcfr, following the HMS 80:20 sale at $287/t cfr, as previously reported.

稍后,在当周后期,南部地区的一家钢厂购买了一批 11 月底船期的美国废钢,包括 1,6000 HMS 95:5 9,000 吨碎废钢,平均价格为 294 美元 / cfr 。北方地区的另一家钢厂购买了一批美国原产废钢,碎废钢价格为 291 美元 / 吨,优质废钢价格为 296 美元 / cfr

Later, towards the end of the week, amill in the south bought an end-November shipment US cargo comprising 16,000tonnes of HMS 95:5 and 9,000t of shredded at average $294/t cfr. Another millin the north bought a US-origin cargo that consists of shredded at $291/t andbonus at $296/t cfr.

一家波罗的海供应商达成交易, HMS 80:20 售价为 286 美元 / 吨,优质废钢价格为 296 美元 / cfr

A Baltic supplier has sold HMS 80:20at $286/t and bonus at $296/t cfr.

一家英国供应商以 289.5 美元 / cfr 向土耳其西部地区的一家钢厂售出 35,000 吨碎废钢。

A UK supplier has sold to a mill inthe west 35,000t of shredded at $289.5/t cfr.

一家欧盟贸易商向土耳其南部地区的一家钢厂售出 18,000 HMS 80:20 7,000 吨优质废钢,平均价格为 283 美元 / cfr

A trader in the EU has sold to a southern mill 18,000t of HMS 80:20 and 7,000t of bonus at average $283/t cfr.


Turkish mills are expected to conclude further scrap bookings this week, though they have had a quiet start to theweek so far.
