专栏名称: 大数据应用
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大数据应用  · 公众号  · 大数据  · 2018-01-30 10:16



小编的最爱是《天使与魔鬼》,中文版看过两遍以后,英文版和电影又各刷了一遍。话说刷英文版那段时间也经历着失眠的困扰,结果刷着刷着,养成了刷15分钟秒睡的好习惯...... 在此跑题推荐有失眠困扰的孩子们,都可以尝试一下丹布朗的安眠药。

作为忠实书迷的小编,当然是第一时间,买了本有声书,18个小时9分钟的时长。正好那段时间有些失眠,每天睡前开启15分钟有声书睡眠模式,即使小说情节越来越精彩,也抵挡不住我洪荒的睡意...... 就酱紫,每天睡前15分钟加一趟去加拿大的长途开车,把这部大部头听完了......

还是熟悉的丹·布朗风格,融合了密码学、科技、宗教、历史、艺术、建筑等元素...... 最让人眼前一亮的是,丹叔竟然抱起了人工智能的大腿。丹叔表示,近期一直在密切关注人工智能技术方面的进展。丹叔对人工智能的兴趣在新书中得到了很好的呈现,书中人工智能Winston简直聪明机智到令人发指......










理工科或者计算机Computer Science专业, 数学统计专业, 计算机编程爱好者

如果Python背景比较弱, 可以先参加我们的Python基础入门课程


2月17日起,全长6周, 每周六周日2小时课程


三大模块: 机器学习, 深度学习与神经网络, 案例项目实践

双语教学: 机器学习Machine Learning部分全程由英文教学, 方便学员未来求职时对答如流. 深度学习与神经网络和项目实践部分才用中英双语

三大名师: Peter(USC Information Institute Post Doc, MachineLearning), Carol (Google工程师, 精通Tensorflow), Eric(Google工程师, AI专家)

前沿技术: 课程设计多项AI领域必备前沿技术, 包括全面系统的Machine Learning知识讲解梳理, 神经网络与深度学习从入门到实践,Tensorflow实战入门, 人脸识别项目, NLP自然语言处理实战项目

实战演练: 课程内容基于实战项目, 边学习边练习 项目一: Facial Recogniztion 项目二:Natural Language Processing  (详见syllabus)


  • 全面系统了解Machine Learning(Regression, Classification,Dimension Reduction, Clustering)

  • 了解Neutral Network与DeepLearning (Neural Network, deep neutral network, convolution neural network, 调参技巧, RNN等)

  • 用Tensorflow实战FacialRecognition, 并且尝试改进与调参

  • 学习和掌握深度学习与NLP自然语言处理 (NLP概念与基础, word2vec, GloVe, 复杂NLP模型)

  • 用Tensorflow实战NLP项目


  • 课程项目适用于求职简历, 增强简历效果

  • 加入Data Application Lab海量求职内推网络

  • 简历与面试助攻(详情请咨询课程老师)


Modular 1 – Machine Learning

Class 1 Regression

  1. Basic concept of Regression

  2. Bias-Variance tradeoff

  3. Underfitting vs.Overfitting

  4. Linear regressionanalytical solution

  5. Regularization: Lasso,Ridge,Elastic-Net,Pros and cons of L1and L2 regularization

  6. Advanced techniquesin regression,Gradient Descendent,CoordinatedDescendent,Stochastic GradientDescendent,Random sampleconsensus (RANSAC)

Class 2 Classification

  1. Evaluation Methodsof classification

  2. Basicclassification model: logistic regression, decision tree

  3. ClassificationTypes (how binary and multi-class works)

  4. Ensemble modelmethod: Bagging,Boosting,Stacking

Class 3 DimensionReduction

  1. Dimension reduction overview

  2. Dimension reduction methods:Randomized Projection,Principal Component Analysis,PCA Calculation,Randomized PCA,Sparse PCA

  3. Manifold learning

  4. MultidimensionalScaling:MDS,Isomap

Class 4 Clustering

  1. Unsupervisedlearning introduction

  2. Clustering methods& techniques:K-mean Algorithm,HierarchicalClustering Algorithm,DBSCAN algorithm, Outlierand anomaly detection

Modular 2 – NeuralNetwork & Deep Learning

Class 1

Neuralnetwork basic (which maybe duplicate with NLP part)

  • Introduction toneural network, include some basic concept like neuron, weights, bias,activation function.

  • Forward propagation for inference

  • Training algorithm: backpropagation (use 1hidden layer neural network with binary output as example)

Deep neural network

  • Fully connectedlayer

  • Shows how to useDNN for MNIST digit recognition problem

Convolutionalneural network

  • Motivation: why useCNN in computer vision problem: position invariance.

  • Convolution

  • Intro toconvolutional layer + pooling layer

  • Revisit MNIST problem and show how to use CNNto improve it. #params reduced.

Class 2 Short recap to fully connected layer, convolutional layer and pooling layer .

Introduction tofamous vision problems and corresponding networks

  • Imageclassification: Alexnet

  • Object detection:R-CNN

  • Image segmentation:U-Net

Useful technicalsfor neural network training

  • Performance: trydifferent network structure, different number of layers and different number ofhidden units in each layer

  • Converge:  sensitive to learning rate

  • Speed up training:Stochastic Gradient Descent, Momentum

  • Gradient vanishingproblem: Batch Normalization

Recurrent NeuralNetwork for video learning

  • RNN basic (thismaybe duplicate with NLP part)

  • Use example to showhow to use RNN for video analysis.


  • Deep Q-learning

  • Playing Atari gameby DeepMind (Brief introductioninstallation tensorflow)

Class 3 –Tensorflow and Facial Recognition

Brief introductionto Tensorflow: Tensor, operator concept.

Shows one smallnetwork structure and shows how to write it in Tensorflow.

Lab problem:

Face recognition:given face images for 40 person, each have 10 images, use 9 images of eachperson for training. Target is to label the left 40 images (1 per person) tothe right person.

Face recognition iswidely used technologies, such as photo softwares, surveillance.

Class 4

Finish the basic versionfor the Face recognition.

Improve network:

  • Try differentlearning rate

  • Add more layer

  • Add more neuronsfor each layer

  • Compare DNN and CNN

  • Try differentoptimizer

Modular 3 – DeepLearning and Natural Language Processing

Class 1

  • Intro to NLP andDeep Learning

  • what is NLP?

  • NLP difficultylevel

  • Industryapplications

  • Deep neural networkfor NLP

  • Phonology andMorphology

  • Syntax andSemantics

  • Question Answering

Class 2

  • Simple Word Vectorrepresentations: word2vec, GloVe

  • Vector(discrete)Representation

  • Problem withdiscrete representation

  • Cooccurence Matrix

  • Main idea ofword2vec

  • Main idea of Glove
