小编的最爱是《天使与魔鬼》,中文版看过两遍以后,英文版和电影又各刷了一遍。话说刷英文版那段时间也经历着失眠的困扰,结果刷着刷着,养成了刷15分钟秒睡的好习惯...... 在此跑题推荐有失眠困扰的孩子们,都可以尝试一下丹布朗的安眠药。
作为忠实书迷的小编,当然是第一时间,买了本有声书,18个小时9分钟的时长。正好那段时间有些失眠,每天睡前开启15分钟有声书睡眠模式,即使小说情节越来越精彩,也抵挡不住我洪荒的睡意...... 就酱紫,每天睡前15分钟加一趟去加拿大的长途开车,把这部大部头听完了......
还是熟悉的丹·布朗风格,融合了密码学、科技、宗教、历史、艺术、建筑等元素...... 最让人眼前一亮的是,丹叔竟然抱起了人工智能的大腿。丹叔表示,近期一直在密切关注人工智能技术方面的进展。丹叔对人工智能的兴趣在新书中得到了很好的呈现,书中人工智能Winston简直聪明机智到令人发指......
理工科或者计算机Computer Science专业, 数学统计专业, 计算机编程爱好者
如果Python背景比较弱, 可以先参加我们的Python基础入门课程
机器学习, 深度学习与神经网络, 案例项目实践
机器学习Machine Learning部分全程由英文教学, 方便学员未来求职时对答如流. 深度学习与神经网络和项目实践部分才用中英双语
Peter(USC Information Institute Post Doc, MachineLearning), Carol (Google工程师, 精通Tensorflow), Eric(Google工程师, AI专家)
课程设计多项AI领域必备前沿技术, 包括全面系统的Machine Learning知识讲解梳理, 神经网络与深度学习从入门到实践,Tensorflow实战入门, 人脸识别项目, NLP自然语言处理实战项目
课程内容基于实战项目, 边学习边练习 项目一: Facial Recogniztion 项目二:Natural Language Processing (详见syllabus)
全面系统了解Machine Learning(Regression, Classification,Dimension Reduction, Clustering)
了解Neutral Network与DeepLearning (Neural Network, deep neutral network, convolution neural network, 调参技巧, RNN等)
用Tensorflow实战FacialRecognition, 并且尝试改进与调参
学习和掌握深度学习与NLP自然语言处理 (NLP概念与基础, word2vec, GloVe, 复杂NLP模型)
Modular 1 – Machine Learning
Class 1 Regression
Basic concept of Regression
Bias-Variance tradeoff
Underfitting vs.Overfitting
Linear regressionanalytical solution
Regularization: Lasso,Ridge,Elastic-Net,Pros and cons of L1and L2 regularization
Advanced techniquesin regression,Gradient Descendent,CoordinatedDescendent,Stochastic GradientDescendent,Random sampleconsensus (RANSAC)
Class 2 Classification
Evaluation Methodsof classification
Basicclassification model: logistic regression, decision tree
ClassificationTypes (how binary and multi-class works)
Ensemble modelmethod: Bagging,Boosting,Stacking
Class 3 DimensionReduction
Dimension reduction overview
Dimension reduction methods:Randomized Projection,Principal Component Analysis,PCA Calculation,Randomized PCA,Sparse PCA
Manifold learning
Class 4 Clustering
Unsupervisedlearning introduction
Clustering methods& techniques:K-mean Algorithm,HierarchicalClustering Algorithm,DBSCAN algorithm,
Outlierand anomaly detection
Modular 2 – NeuralNetwork & Deep Learning
Class 1
Neuralnetwork basic (which maybe duplicate with NLP part)
Introduction toneural network, include some basic concept like neuron, weights, bias,activation function.
Forward propagation for inference
Training algorithm: backpropagation (use 1hidden layer neural network with binary output as example)
Deep neural network
Convolutionalneural network
Motivation: why useCNN in computer vision problem: position invariance.
Intro toconvolutional layer + pooling layer
Revisit MNIST problem and show how to use CNNto improve it. #params reduced.
Class 2 Short recap to fully connected layer, convolutional layer and pooling layer
Introduction tofamous vision problems and corresponding networks
Useful technicalsfor neural network training
Performance: trydifferent network structure, different number of layers and different number ofhidden units in each layer
Converge: sensitive to learning rate
Speed up training:Stochastic Gradient Descent, Momentum
Gradient vanishingproblem: Batch Normalization
Recurrent NeuralNetwork for video learning
Class 3 –Tensorflow and Facial Recognition
Brief introductionto Tensorflow: Tensor, operator concept.
Shows one smallnetwork structure and shows how to write it in Tensorflow.
Lab problem:
Face recognition:given face images for 40 person, each have 10 images, use 9 images of eachperson for training. Target is to label the left 40 images (1 per person) tothe right person.
Face recognition iswidely used technologies, such as photo softwares, surveillance.
Class 4
Finish the basic versionfor the Face recognition.
Improve network:
Modular 3 – DeepLearning and Natural Language Processing
Class 1
Class 2
Simple Word Vectorrepresentations: word2vec, GloVe
Problem withdiscrete representation
Cooccurence Matrix
Main idea ofword2vec
Main idea of Glove