这是一本适合做产品的人读的书。 By
How to Build Habit-Forming Products
Nir Eyal
Nir Eyal is an Israeli-American author, educator, and entrepreneur.[2] In addition to his personal blog, NirAndFar.com, he is a frequent contributing writer for Forbes, TechCrunch,[3] and Psychology Today – writing about the intersection of psychology, technology, and business. Nir frequently writes about how technology shapes user behavior by creating new habits.(from Wikipedia)
若想知道这些令人上瘾的产品背后有什么开发诀窍,不妨向Nir Eyal请教。他是加州湾区的一名创业者,也是一名设计大师,曾供职于硅谷多家顶级科技公司,指导这些公司如何利用他设计的系统,开发出能培育用户习惯的应用、服务和游戏。