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阅读,是一种习惯 #0118#

湖畔大学  · 公众号  · 科技创业  · 2017-01-18 20:49



这是一本适合做产品的人读的书。 By 任向晖(湖畔大学一期学员、明道创始人)



How to Build Habit-Forming Products

Nir Eyal  著


Nir Eyal is an Israeli-American author, educator, and entrepreneur.[2] In addition to his personal blog, NirAndFar.com, he is a frequent contributing writer for Forbes, TechCrunch,[3] and Psychology Today – writing about the intersection of psychology, technology, and business. Nir frequently writes about how technology shapes user behavior by creating new habits.(from Wikipedia)

若想知道这些令人上瘾的产品背后有什么开发诀窍,不妨向Nir Eyal请教。他是加州湾区的一名创业者,也是一名设计大师,曾供职于硅谷多家顶级科技公司,指导这些公司如何利用他设计的系统,开发出能培育用户习惯的应用、服务和游戏。

内 容 简 介

Why do some products capture our attention, while others flop?

What makes us engage with certain products out of habit?

Is there a pattern underlying how technologies hook us?

This book introduces readers to the "Hook Model," a four steps process companies use to build customer habits. Through consecutive hook cycles, successful products reach their ultimate goal of bringing users back repeatedly -- without depending on costly advertising or aggressive messaging.Hooked is a guide to building products people can't put down.

Written for product managers, designers, marketers, startup founders, and people eager to learn more about the things that control our behaviors, this book gives readers:

- Practical insights to create user habits that stick.

- Actionable steps for building products people love.

- Behavioral techniques used by Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and other habit-forming products.

Nir Eyal distilled years of research, consulting and practical experience to write a manual for creating habit-forming products. Nir has taught at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and Hasso Plattner Institute of Design. His writing on technology, psychology and business appears in the Harvard Business Review, The Atlantic, TechCrunch, and Psychology Today.

(from 豆瓣)

