Deaton获诺贝尔经济学奖之后,结构模型与随机实验的争论又重现江湖。最近Boston College 的Arthur Lewbel教授在自己的facebook上对一争论发表了自己的看法。
Deaton argues that the virtues of randomized experiments over detailed survey data have been greatly exaggerated in the modern development literature. I agree. I don't usually discuss my real work on Facebook, however, below are some paragraphs from a survey article I'm writing on identification. I'd be interested in hearing what people of think of this, especially the last paragraph:
The main advantage of structural models over causal models is that, as the name implies, they contain information about underlying structure. Structural models can incorporate, or be used to test, behavioral restrictions implied by economic theory, and can likewise gain identification from incorporating such restrictions, even when external sources of randomization are not present.
The main disadvantage of structural modeling is that any structure we write down is likely to be misspecified, and one generally does not know the extent to which misspecification corrupts the interpretation and applicability of the structural model estimates. Causal models can of course also be misspecified, e.g., in the LATE model even if an instrument Z is randomly assigned, the population may contain defiers or SUTVA may be violated. The relative plausibility of structural vs causal assumptions depends on context. More subtly, both structural and causal models generally require covariates, which in turn require functional forms that may either be parametrically misspecified (the popularity of linear probability models in reduced form methods is a case in point), or are nonparametrically specified and thereby suffer the curse of dimensionality.
Still, causal models generally invoke fewer assumptions regarding behavior and outcomes than structural models. But a big issue in causal modeling is external validity. This is the question of relevance of an object like LATE to any situation other than the particular data set at hand. For example, if the set of compliers for a given instrument Z differs greatly from the general population, then the ATE of people we actually treat may differ greatly from the identified LATE. Alternatively, if Z is a policy variable, then compliers may indeed be a subpopulation of interest. But generally, by not assuming any structure (which in the best case would be derived from economic theory), we cannot say much about how any causal effect we identify in one environment would differ from the causal effect in any other, even only slightly different, environment.