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【纽约时报】 纸牌屋男主Kevin Spacey:对不起,我猥亵了你,但我是一名同志哟

取经号JTW  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-11-10 20:39


纸牌屋男主Kevin Spacey在上周公开出柜,引起了人们的一阵哗然。但是更让人意想不到的是,这次出柜宣言的背后竟然是由于当年Kevin Spacey猥亵了一名儿童。当公然出柜遇到威胁儿童,人们是否会把注意力转移到前者而不是后者。更令人担心的是,这起事件会不会使LGBT 平权事业倒退呢?

纸牌屋男主Kevin Spacey:


作者: Daniel Victor

译者: 倪凌晖

校对:刘   蕊

策划:刘   璠

Kevin Spacey Criticized for Using Apology to Anthony Rapp to Come Out

纸牌屋男主Kevin Spacey:对不起,我猥亵了你,但我是一名同志哟

本文选自 The Guardian | 取经号原创翻译

关注 取经号, 回复关键词“外刊”


Kevin Spacey evaded questions about his sexuality for years, insisting that it was a private matter even as Hollywood gossip surrounded him. On Sunday, the celebrated actor confirmed what had long been whispered: “I choose now to live as a gay man,” he wrote.

多年来,好莱坞中一直有传闻说纸牌屋男主Kevin Spacey是一名同志。他本人一直回避这个问题,并且坚称性取向是他个人的事情,与他人无关。但就在周日,Kevin却在推特上写道:“现在,我选择作为一名同志活下去。”这无疑坐实了多年来围绕在他身上的同志流言。

But some of those who might have supported him were instead incensed by the implication that his sexuality was relevant to an accusation, reported by BuzzFeed News, that he had made a sexual advance toward a 14-year-old boy 31 years ago. They saw his coming out story as an intentional distraction from the accusation and a damaging conflation of homosexuality and pedophilia.

此事一出,原来某些应该支持他出柜的人却被他 激怒 了。原来,真相是他的出柜和一起猥亵指控有关。前不久,BuzzFeed新闻报道称,31年前,Kevin猥亵了一名当年只有14岁的孩子。在他们看来,Kevin其实是想借出柜来转移公众对于这起指控的注意力,更糟的是他的出柜更是让人将同性恋和恋童癖联系在了一起。

incense verb /ɪnˈsens/ [VN] to make sb very angry 激怒;使大怒

曾出演《美国恐怖故事》的男演员Billy Eichner在推特上说:Kevin Spacey发明一个前所未有的东西:在错误的时间出柜。

The sentiment expressed by Mr. Eichner, an actor, was shared across Hollywood and the gay community, as people criticized the timing and tactics of Mr. Spacey’s response. Some also directed ire at news organizations that appeared to focus more on Mr. Spacey’s coming out than the sexual misconduct accusations.

随着人们纷纷指责Kevin Spacey别有用心地在这个时间点出柜,Eichner的这句推文在好莱坞和同志圈里广泛分享并流传。一些人甚至 将怒火撒到了 那些将更多注意力放在Kevin出柜而不是Kevin性侵的新闻机构上。

ire /ˈaɪə(r)/ noun [U] (formal) or (literary) anger 愤怒

On Sunday, BuzzFeed News reported that Anthony Rapp, an actor, said Mr. Spacey had made a sexual advance toward him in 1986, when Mr. Rapp was 14. He said that Mr. Spacey, who was then 26, had picked him up, placed him on a bed and climbed on top of him.

周日,BuzzFeed新闻报道,演员Anthony Rapp亲口表示,在1986年,Kevin Spacey对当年只有14岁的他实施了猥亵。他说,当年26岁的Kevin Spacey把他抱起放在了床上,让后爬到了他的身上。

Mr. Spacey did not offer a comment to BuzzFeed. But shortly after the story was published, he released a statement in which he said he did not recall the encounter. “But if I did behave then as he describes, I owe him the sincerest apology for what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior,” he said in the statement.

Kevin Spacey对此没有向BuzzFeed发表任何意见。但是,就在这则报道发布不久,他发表了一份声明,表示自己并不记得当年发生过猥亵事件。在声明中,他是这样说的:但是,如果当年我真的像他描述得那样做出了那样的行为,那我确实应该为自己不合适的醉酒行为,向他表示最真诚的道歉。

The accusation “has encouraged me to address other things about my life,” he continued in the statement. He then publicly divulge d for the first time that he had “loved and had romantic encounters with men throughout my life.”

他还在声明中指出,这起指控给了我解决生活中其他事情的勇气。然后,他便首次公开 透露 ,在他的一生中确实有爱过男人,并且也和男人有过恋人关系。

divulge /daɪˈvʌldʒ/ verb ~ sth (to sb) (formal) to give sb information that is supposed to be secret 泄漏,透露(秘密)

George Takei, who has used his large social media following to advocate social-justice causes, said in an emailed statement that Mr. Rapp’s accusations were about power, not sexuality.

已经公开出柜的好莱坞男演员George Takei在一份邮件声明中表示,Anthony Rapp的指控是对权力的控诉,与性取向无关。George在社交媒体上有众多的粉丝,并用自己的高人气呼吁大家寻求社会正义。

“Men who improperly harass or assault do not do so because they are gay or straight — that is a deflection,” he said. “They do so because they have the power, and they chose to abuse it.”


Zachary Quinto, an actor, said in a statement that Mr. Spacey had come out not “as a point of pride” that could inspire children but “as a calculated manipulation to deflect attention from the very serious accusation that he attempted to molest one.”

曾出演《星际迷航》的同志男演员Zachary Quinto则发表声明说:如果Kevin Spacey是出于对自己同志身份的自豪而出柜的话,他的出柜宣言能够启发孩子们。但事实恰恰相反,他这么做完全是出于精心计算,想转移公众对自己 猥亵 儿童 事件的注意力。

molest /məˈlest/ verb [VN] to attack sb, especially a child, sexually 对(儿童)进行性骚扰

“I am sorry that Kevin only saw fit to acknowledge his truth when he thought it would serve him — just as his denial served him for so many years,” he said.

他说:“Kevin Spacey出柜完全是因为他这样做会对他有所帮助。就像多年来,他拒绝承认自己的同志身份,也是由于否认同志身份对他有所帮助一样。”

While Mr. Spacey made reference to rumors regarding his sexuality when he hosted the 2017 Tony Awards, he had never publicly confirmed them and fiercely guarded his privacy. In 2010, Kevin Sessums, a journalist, pressed Mr. Spacey on his sexuality in an interview for The Daily Beast.

尽管在今年美国话剧和音乐剧的最高奖——托尼奖的颁奖现场,作为主持人的Kevin Spacey提及了有关自己性取向的谣言。但他从未公开承认自己的同志身份,并且坚定捍卫自己的隐私。在2010年,记者Kevin Sessums在《每日野兽》(The Daily Beast)的一起采访中,就性取向一事逼问Kevin。

“We gay men have always proudly claimed you as a member of our tribe, and yet you don’t proudly claim us back,” Mr. Sessums said. “Why?”


Mr. Spacey responded: “Look, I might have lived in England for the last several years but I’m still an American citizen and I have not given up my right to privacy.”

Kevin Spacey回答说:“你看,在过去几年,我或许一直住在英格兰。但是,我仍然是一名美国公民,我仍然拥有自己的隐私权。”

Mr. Sessums continued the line of questioning, but Mr. Spacey pivoted to a discussion of bullying without addressing his own sexuality.
