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TeacherGwen  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-05 20:19


【老外说】是一档以“采访”老外为主的节目,帮助大家更好的了解中西文化差异,一窥英国人、美国人日常生活。 每周一更新。本栏目适合精听/泛听。可做听写练习。

你的一天是怎样度过的呢? 你有什么兴趣爱好?如果朋友问你,你会怎么跟他描述?让我们一起来听听今天这位老外为我们讲述他的一天吧。

So let me just tell you what a usual day for me would be like. I get up maybe in the morning and start working.I just get on my laptop and start working. I have a lot of projects and stuff like that. And then around noon, I just make food and go out to run errands and stuff. But for fun, I like to go roller skating (滑旱冰). Have you ever tried roller skating?

There is a nice roller skating arena next to me, where I live. So that's why. It's really good exercise.

And I like to play board games (桌游/棋盘游戏) . That's my favorite hobby. I even made a YouTube channel talking about board games. Do you play board games?


I know nothing about it.

That's too bad. It's not interesting to you?


No, not interested. Is that long sticks and several balls on the table? Is that...?

No, that's more complicated. I think what you're talking about is the Dungeons and Dragons. Those games take very long time, like four hours or five.

The games I'm talking about take maybe one hour, two maximum. The game is a good category of games, board games. They're also called tabletop games .

I'm sure you've seen Monopoly (大富翁) . It's like a square board. And you have to roll two dice to move around the board. And you have to buy property. And then you have to make everyone else go bankrupt.  I actually don't like that game, but it’s the most popular game. If I tell people about board games, that's the first thing they think of.


Those games are for clever people. I'm not a clever people, so I couldn't play those games.

Really? What do you mean? Why do you think that you're not clever enough for those games?


Because it takes, you know, strategy, takes technical thoughts and things(什么的) . How to play this or that. I'm a stupid person and I'm bad at mathematics, actually, that requires your mathematic ability, right?

So what do you... what's your best, like a trait? If it's not math, then what? What do you excel in (在……方面很擅长) ?


Well, English...language. Yes, I studied literature in my college, actually. I’m more of an art girl than a math girl. Board games, and then what? I mean your day.

I just usually work and around noon, I go into the city to run errands, if I have errands to run, like, if I have to go to the post office or if I have to buy groceries or whatever. And then I get home, and usually make food. And then depending on the day of the week, either I go exercise or I play board games with friends or watch a movie at home in the afternoon in the evening. Or if I have a lot of work to do, I might even work. I don't know.

So that's usually pretty much it.(就这些了) And then on the weekends, they're very different. Every single time. Like this last weekend, I participated in a competition to make an app in one weekend.


What's that app about?

It’s the app idea that I told you with the dating through voice.

I don't remember who got first place. But second place was like this team that was making camps for young kids. But you know the whole competition was about making a tech solution. And, well, they didn't even have a tech solution. And they still got second place. So I was really mad. And I had a really, really good presentation. And yeah, I don't know. The judges, I guess, don't...


Do you have a team? Or do you do that yourself?

I had a team. There was four of us. Yeah, for this competition. First, second, and third prize got like free membership to a co-working space and memberships and tickets to events and stuff like that. There was no money or crazy prizes. But even though I didn't win, I don't feel that bad, because the prizes weren't that good.


They would offer you some opportunities to be in different kinds of events to show your app.

Yeah, exactly. And they will help you develop the app further by giving you access to mentors and stuff like that.


That’s a good start actually, because a lot of great applications started by that.

What do you mean?


Like here in China, you know WeChat? They started in a very small room, small company in southern China and now it's become the biggest, the most popular daily application for everyone in China. But it just started in a very very small company, and that app went so big, in a flash like ten, twenty years and everybody now is using it and even everybody's paying money through this application. You know that?

Yeah, I heard about that. That's crazy. Do you do that every day? Do you play with it every day?


Yeah sure we buy groceries, we buy stuff in the supermarket and we pay through this application, this WeChat Pay .

Yeah, where do they get the money from? Is it
