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GitHubStore  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-09 08:37




现在,你可以让 AI 与你一起观看,并使用简单的英语句子自动截取关键时刻的屏幕截图,就像它是你的朋友一样解释你想要的内容

即使更好,这一切都在客户端的网络浏览器中工作,因为我正在使用#WebAI 运行 AI 模型,这意味着一旦网页下载完成,这可以完全离线工作 - 保护您的隐私,并且无需支付昂贵的 API 费用!

此外,由于您正在处理从未上传到云服务器的本地文件,这意味着您甚至可以在硬盘上观看那 100G



在您的 HTML 文件中使用模块脚本包含:

<script type="module" src="YOUR/PATH/TO/doesVideoContain.js">script>

然后在你的 JavaScript(也设置为模块)中:

// Import this library - host the doesVideoContain.js file from this repo// on your own server on the same domain (or enable CORS headers if not)import {doesVideoContain} from "https://YOUR_PATH_TO/doesVideoContain.js";

/** * Now define 4 key DOM element IDs from your HTML it needs to work with: **/
// ID of an input box element that user will type what to search for.const SEARCH_BOX = 'searchbox';
// ID of an input file picker element that user will use to select a video.const UPLOADER = 'videoUpload';
// ID of a HTML element that this library will render the video into (e.g a DIV container).const VIDEO_CONTAINER_ELEMENT = 'videoRenderer';
// ID of a HTML element where found results will be rendered to (e.g. a DIV container element).const RESULTS_RENDER_ELEMENT = 'output';

// Advanced configuration object (optional):const CONFIG = { task: '', // Select one of . videoMuted: false, // Mute video boolean. videoDisableAutoplay: false, // Disable autoplay boolean. debugLogs: true, // Log debug messages. minSimilarity: 0.35 // Minimum cosine similarity for screenshot to be captured.};

// Alright, now just initialize the library and once loaded, // tell your user to select a video and it will automatically start capturing screenshots for matches.doesVideoContain.init(SEARCH_BOX, UPLOADER, VIDEO_CONTAINER_ELEMENT, RESULTS_RENDER_ELEMENT, CONFIG, loaded);
// An example callback function to know when the library is loaded and ready to do work.function loaded() { // This is where you can now do things and write your custom code.}


这得益于令人惊叹的 Web AI 生态系统,它将许多流行的 AI 模型带到了网络浏览器。我计划在未来利用更广泛的生态系统来进一步提升这一功能,但最初版本之所以可能,得益于 Transformers.js 和 ONNX Runtime Web 的结合,以及我自己的定制逻辑,用于从 AI 模型生成的嵌入中执行余弦相似性计算,并与各种 DOM 处理/渲染相结合。

