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Konrad Lorenz 中学是下奥地利州 Gänserndorf 市最大的综合建筑,可容纳约 1000 名学生。然而,现有学校的单层教室和长长的走廊已不再适合这项任务。因此,我们为总共 40 个班级设计了新的空间概念。我们对南北两侧的现有建筑进行了翻新和改造,并在它们之间插入了一个新的连接结构,从而形成了一个现代而友好的学校建筑群,让教师和学生都能感受到家的温馨。
Accommodating around 1000 students, the Konrad Lorenz Secondary School is the largest building complex in the city of Gänserndorf in Lower Austria. However, the existing somber school, with its single-story classroom wings and long corridors, was no longer fit for the task. So we developed a new spatial concept for a total of 40 classes. We renovated and adapted the existing buildings to the north and south and inserted a new connecting structure between them, which resulted in a modern and friendly school ensemble where teachers and pupils can feel at home.随着新校舍的落成,这所中学的外观也焕然一新。精致的木制薄片外墙为建筑增添了轻盈和活力。这些对角线和垂直排列的板条由本地落叶松制成,随着时间的流逝,它们将呈现出美丽的银灰色。
With the new addition, the secondary school also obtained a new, characteristic exterior. The delicate wooden lamella façade lends the building lightness and dynamism. Made of native larch, the diagonally and vertically aligned slats will, due to weathering effects over time, acquire a beautiful silvery-grey patina.位于建筑群中心的宽敞大厅是学校的交流中心和标志性建筑。宽阔的座椅楼梯上铺着五颜六色的坐垫,将花园、地面和楼上连接起来。在下面的区域,学生们可以在课间休息时打乒乓球或踢桌上足球,也可以在体操垫上嬉戏玩耍。三个大型天窗为整个空间提供了充足的日光。
The spacious aula at the center of the complex forms the communicative and emblematic heart of the school. A broad seating staircase with multi-colored cushions connects the garden, ground, and upper floors. In the zone underneath, schoolchildren can play table tennis or table soccer during breaks and romp around on a gymnastics mat. Three large skylights bathe the space with plenty of daylight.从走廊和重新设计的门厅等公共区域开始,班级在空间上被分组。在其他休息区和活动区,有舒适的座椅或攀爬杆供学生攀爬。
Starting at the public areas, such as the aula and the redesigned foyer, the classes are grouped spatially into clusters. In additional break and activity zones, there is comfortable seating or climbing poles for the pupils to clamber around on.为了确保在这座宽敞的建筑中方便定位,我们与 Kriso Leinfellner/Visuelle Kultur KG 共同开发了一套视觉引导系统,为每个班级分配了自己独特的视觉地址。海绿色是整个室内设计的主色调,每层楼还标有自己的信号色--红色、绿色或蓝色。根据学校所处位置的不同,每个班级集群也有自己独特的图案,例如,在玻璃表面或座位壁龛上都能找到,这些壁龛被设计成多功能嵌入式家具,将班级与走廊隔开。这些元素的对立面为教室提供了充足的储物空间。
To ensure easy orientation in the expansive building, we developed a visual guidance system together with Kriso Leinfellner/Visuelle Kultur KG, which assigns each class its own unique visual address. While sea green is the primary color throughout the interiors, each floor is also marked with an own signal color – red, green, or blue. Depending on the location of the school, there is also a distinctive pattern for each class cluster, which can be found, for example, on glazed surfaces or the seating niches, which are designed as multifunctional built-in furniture that separate the classes from the corridors. The opposite sides of these elements provide ample storage space in the classrooms.从教室的落地窗望出去,学生们可以看到学校操场和设计豪华的学校花园。室外区域与室内空间一样,并不单调乏味:各种家具、结构化广场和自然区域交替出现,为放松、运动、游戏和创造性学习提供了充足的空间。
From the room-height windows in the classrooms, pupils have a view of the schoolyards and the lavishly designed school garden. The outdoor areas, like the indoor spaces, are anything but monotonous: With a variety of furniture and alternating structured squares and natural areas, there is plenty of space for relaxing, movement, play, and creative learning.项目图纸
面积:12241 m²
摄影:EMILBLAU/Martin Geyer, Lisa Rastl