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征文启事 | 专刊《虚实行为和城市空间转型》等你来

北京城市实验室BCL  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-08 10:00




关键观点1: 文章主题


关键观点2: 投稿指南


关键观点3: 时间表


关键观点4: 联系方式



Call for papers

本期为大家推介的是期刊《城市数据、科学与技术汇刊》( Transactions in Urban Data, Science, and Technology )专刊 虚实行为和城市空间转型 》( Virtual-real Behaviors and the Transformation of Urban Space 的征文启事, 包含Rationale(选题依据)、 The scope of Topics (主题范围)、 Guidelines(投稿指南)、Timeline(时间表)等内容。欢迎您的咨询、建议与投稿!

[ Rationale(选题依据) ]

The advent of the technological revolution, epitomized by the steam engine, electricity, and the internal combustion engine, has precipitated profound alterations in geographical space since the Industrial Revolution. In the current century, the widespread adoption of electronic information technology has heralded a new technological era, giving rise to virtual spaces and behaviors that parallel physical spaces and actions. The integration of the virtual and real has become an intrinsic aspect of nearly all contemporary urban human activities.

Since the concept of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) was introduced in the previous century, scholars in geography and urban studies have continually investigated the behaviors and spaces within the virtual-reality context. Behaviorally, the effects of substitution and complementation, as well as the hypotheses of efficiency and technology diffusion, have been proposed. Spatially, the agglomeration/dispersion hypothesis and the theories of flow space and hybrid space have been developed. However, these early theories and empirical findings, grounded in fixed infrastructure, may not adequately explain the emergent transformation: human activities based on mobile connected devices are becoming increasingly virtualized, less predictable, and exert a more significant impact on urban environments. Urban and geographical researchers are in urgent need of establishing new research paradigms and developing activity data that encompass both virtual and real scales to enhance our understanding of human society and the evolution of urban space.

This special issue aims to offer novel insights into the evolution of urban residents and urban spaces, providing guidance for decision-making in urban planning and management. It encompasses the substitution and enhancement effects of virtual activities on physical activities; the emergence, decline, and geographical distribution of urban spaces supported by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT); the agglomeration and diffusion of urban spatial structures, and the formation of world city regions and urban networks. This special issue focuses on the role of mobile internet networks in shaping behavioral and spatial evolution and envisions human settlements under the influence of potential technologies to foster theoretical innovation. We invite empirical articles that leverage survey data or big data from platforms concerning the virtual-real behaviors of inhabitants, as well as research from practitioners of Online-Offline services, including interviews and questionnaire studies. We also welcome related theoretical explorations and literature reviews.




[ The scope of Topics(主题范围) ]

With this background, we are excited to introduce this special issue on “Virtual-real behaviours and the transformation of urban space”. Aligned with the journal’s scope, this issue highlights the transformative potential of virtual-real fusion in deepening our understanding of the human demands, elucidating the dynamics of temporal and spatial behaviour, contributing to the refinement of urban space theories, and spurring innovation in urban research and practice.

Submitted articles should be in the form of an article and are required to be written in English. Please refer strictly to the journal’s requirements for an “article”. The contributions may include but are not limited to the following topics:



  1. Intervention of Virtual Behaviors on Reality Behaviors: Exploring the potential disappearance, intensification, or transformation of real-world activities.

  2. Online-Offline Interplay and the Evolution of Urban Services: Examining changes in service delivery, infrastructure, and systems, e.g., takeaway vs. restaurant.

  3. The places under the fusion of virtual-real: Investigating the mechanisms behind the creation and spatial characteristics of novel urban spaces.

  4. Industry chains organized by the mobile Internet: Analyzing patterns of dispersal, proximity, and reorganization.

  5. The Mobile Internet’s Influence on Urban Spatial Structure: Assessing trends towards centralization or decentralization.

  6. Planning practices in the fusion of virtual-real: Exploring metaverse cities and virtual design methodologies.

[ Guidelines(投稿指南) ]

Submissions should be prepared according to the “Submission Guidelines” available on the journal homepage https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/transactions-in-urban-data-science-and-technology/journal203731#submission-guidelines. Please visit the Journal’s submission site https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tus to upload your manuscript. Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor been currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into the special issue, it is important to select “Online-Offline behavior and the Transformation of Urban Space” when you reach the “Article Type” step in the submission process and indicate the special issue in your cover letter.

Abstracts for papers should contain the following information: name and affiliation of the authors, the title, and an abstract description (max. 200 words). The authors are recommended to send their abstract to Dr. Qiang Niu, Dr. Zhendong Luo , and/or Dr. He Zhang by October 15, 2024 for a review of its fit to the theme of this special issue. After the abstract is approved by the guest editors, the authors are invited to submit a full paper, which will then go through a peer-review process. Please note that the papers can be submitted any time before the deadline. The authors can also directly submit the full paper in the journal’s submission system, without contact in advance with the guest editor.

请依据网站要求提交完整论文,并在cover letter中注明向专刊《虚实行为与城市空间转型》投稿。我们也鼓励作者向专刊编辑提交200字左右的论文摘要,以便在提交全文前获得反馈。

[ Timeline(时间表) ]

October 15, 2024: Abstract submission.
January 31, 2025: Full paper submission.
March 31, 2025: Notification of the first-round reviews.
May 31, 2025: Notification of the second-round reviews, if necessary.
July 31, 2025: Special issue published.


[ Guest editors(客座编辑) ]

You are also encouraged to contact the guest editors to discuss the issues related to the submission:


Dr. Qiang Niu, [email protected], Wuhan University, China
Dr. Zhendong Luo, [email protected], Nanjing University, China
Dr. He Zhang, [email protected], Tianjin University, China
