专栏名称: 投资圈女混混
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  投资圈女混混


投资圈女混混  · 公众号  · 投资  · 2017-04-09 20:24


第七章 把注意力集中在长期趋势上(1)

Focus on the Long-Term Trends

If it seems more difficult to make good profits in futures than it used to be, the fault is less with the market than with the players. The focus of the technical trader has become increasingly short-term and micro-oriented, due mainly to two factors:


1. Increased volatility and seemingly random price action results from enormous sums of investment money being thrown at markets that do not have sufficient breadth or hedging participation to cope with this huge volume of orders, and

1. 有大量的资金进入市场,但因涨跌差距不够大或者避险交易太少,不能应付庞大数量的订单,以致市场波动加剧,价格趋势变得似乎毫无章法。

2. The proliferation of powerful microcomputers and software programs that focus on short-term trading swings has convinced many technical operators that this is the new wave of the marketplace and the preferred way to trade.

2. 功能强大的电脑和软件程序日益普及,它们都是侧重于短线,让很多技术交易者误以为做短线是流行的做法,也是最好的交易方式。

Indeed, the day of the tick-by-tick computerized bar or point and figure chart, continuously on-line during the whole of each session, is fully upon us. For even a modest monthly outlay, any trader can now have five-minute (or less) bar charts flashing in rapid succession across his screen or printed out. Just imagine trading against a triple “top” created during a 30- or 40-minute segment of a single trading session. That’s pretty heady stuff, to be sure. I had a graphic demonstration of this micro-analysis recently, when a trader from Cleveland phoned and asked what I thought about the head-and-shoulders top formation he had identified in the cotton market. I could only reply with, “Huh?” And, after a brief silence, “Uh, what head and should top are you talking about? What cotton market are you looking at?” I felt like inquiring if his morning apple juice might have been left standing in the sun too long, but I resisted the impulse. In fact, I had been watching the very same cotton market, solidly entrenched in a strong and dynamic uptrend. I hadn’t detected anything remotely resembling a top formation. Under further questioning, the gentleman noted that his top formation had occurred during a two-hour period earlier in the session (August 27, 1986). I told him that he was looking at a very minute price consolidation within a strong bull trend and that I wasn’t impressed with his analysis. I advised him to look for a spot to buy, rather than to sell. The market apparently shared my opinion, for by the close we saw new highs. This earnest gentleman’s triple top formation had been sundered as if it didn’t exist-which it didn’t! (See Figure 7-1.)


图7-1 1987年7月棉花  (文字:某人所说的头肩顶)

【Can you imagine - someone seeing a head and shoulder top formation on August 27 on the basis of a tick-by-tick micro-analysis. The trader even went short on the basis of his analysis. His top formation lasted about an hour. This was, in fact, an excellent buying opportunity, especially on the close, when new highs were registered. From that point, it was “off to the races.”


This trader’s micro-oriented approach to short-term scalping is the antithesis of long-term position trading, which provides the best opportunity for consistent profits and limited risks. Keeping your primary focus on the longer-term trends allows you to avoid being distracted by daily market “noise” and to maintain a better perspective on price and trend action. How can the trader sitting in front of a five-minute tick-by-tick price chart have any balanced perspective on a market? Three to four hours is long-term to him.


Long-term weekly and monthly continuation charts are essential elements in the position trader’s tool kit. I would no sooner trade futures without these charts than I would sail across an ocean without navigation charts.


In addition to giving a clear-cut picture of major trends, these long-term charts provide the ideal view of likely support and resistance levels. I say “likely” because, while there is no sure road to trend and support/resistance identification, these long-term charts are the most effective toll you can find for doing the job. My major copper campaign comes to mind here. It was mid-1972, and my ongoing study of the big picture in various markets revealed that copper had been trading within a broad sideways zone of 45.00 to 55.00, coinciding with a solid long-range support area. The market found good support on reactions into the mid-40s and heavy selling pressure on rallies to the mid-50s. Furthermore, a study of copper’s long-term price cycle indicated that, since 1964, we had had an important bull move every few years, as follows:






















I wasn’t too impressed with the regularity of the every-two-years thing because that was probably coincidence. Nevertheless, the long-term charts (see Figure 7-2) clearly gave important clues to the big picture in this dynamic market. They reveled the each of the bottoms - the starting point for the big rallies (30.00, 38.00, 42.00, and 44.00) - was progressively higher than the previous bottom. With the major trend still sideways, I went to my short-term (pre-computer era) tools-daily charts, trend-lines, and moving average studies. On the basis of this analysis, I began accumulating a long position in copper in the 48.00 to 50.00 area, ultimately holding some 350 contracts.


图7-2 铜 长期月线图(文字:突破)

【During 1971 and 1972, copper traded within a broad range bounded by 45.00 and 55.00, representing a solid long-term support zone. I accumulated a large position between 48.00 to 50.00. The market came out of this trading range heading north on the early January 1973 close above 59.00. It didn’t even pause until reaching the 70.00 level. The brief consolidation around 70.00 proved temporary, and by first-quarter 1974, values had reached 1.30 to 1.40. Traders in the mid-1980s, watching the market mired in the 55.00 to 77.00 range, look longingly at these bull market peaks.


One morning, a young man called at my office at 25 Broad Street. He was the scion of an important Far East private banking family, and, after the requisite small talk, he got to the point of his visit.


“We understand that you are a large buyer of Comex copper. May I ask you why?”


“Well, isn’t that obvious?” I asked in return. “Because I expect prices to move higher.”


He continued his cagey interrogation for a while longer. When he fathomed that I had not been privy to any inside information and was playing this strictly on the basis of my technical studies combined with a long-term strategy, he showed me his bank’s voluminous copper study prepared by a team of prominent economists. The gist of the study: Copper was in great oversupply, demand was weak and would remain that way, and prices would continue depressed for at least another year. At that point, I was understandably not feeling very well. I thought that I too might continue depressed for a long time.


Could they be right? My banker friend left me with a copy of his report plus a bad case of the jitters. I left too for the rest of the day to try and calm what was left of my nerves and to prevent myself from calling the floor and liquidating my long position. It took me two days to recover from his little (psychological warfare) visit. Yes, there was too much copper in warehouse-far too much! And it was indisputable that this enormous supply was weighing heavily on the market.


And no one could have foreseen - least of all the learned economists who had prepared that detailed analysis - how the copper market could have avoided another year of depressed prices. I couldn’t either, for that matter, but I didn’t let it bother me. The market action told me, in no uncertain terms, that prices were stabilizing at these levels and that positions were being accumulated by knowledgeable and well-capitalized interests. Ultimately, the course of least resistance would be north. That was my conclusion-my strategy was to hold the long position and to buy more on a weekly close above 56.00, projecting an initial long-term price objective into the mid-70s.


What actually happened was deceptively simple. One day, not long afterward, a Chinese trade group arrived in London, ostensibly to buy feed grain and other agricultural products. But when they left for home, they had bought nearly all the copper. And a year later, when my banker friend said he would buy his copper, on the basis of that fancy and credentialized analysis, it was selling at over $1.00.


One final footnote to this campaign. When the ink had dried on our final closeout slips, the total profit on the position came to about $1.3 million.












投资圈女混混 版权声明


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