专栏名称: 职场先生MrCareer
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职场先生MrCareer  · 公众号  · 职场  · 2019-12-20 13:14



渣打银行(Standard Chartered Bank)是一家总部在伦敦的英国银行。 银行成立于1853年,是获得皇家特许而设立的,专门经营东方业务。

渣打银行的总公司渣打集团有限公司除了在 伦敦证券交易所 、香港 证劵交易所 上市外,还在印度的 孟买证券交易所 以及印度国家证券交易所上市,是伦敦金融时报100指数 成份股 之一,是英国伦敦家喻户晓的著名银行,在全球拥有1,470多家分支机构,遍布全世界56个国家,总资产超过800亿人民币。

2020 - Analyst - Financial Markets

1. Financial Markets (FM) is an essential part of the Corporate and Institutional Banking business of Standard Chartered Bank spanning across Asia, Africa, the Middle East, the UK and US.

2. FM business combines an in-depth knowledge of local markets with global products expertise to offer the best financial solutions.

3. It provides reliable access to a wide range of currency markets, accurate local market information, efficient risk management strategies, and capital raising as well as liquidity management solutions for its clients.

1. You must have an undergraduate degree, we want and encourage applications from candidates from all degree disciplines.

2. And as English is our business language, it needs to be at least one of those you speak fluently.

3. These are our only requirements as our selection and assessment system is designed to measure strengths, fit to our business and cognitive agility, we do not shortlist based on your university and grades.
