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推广 |【INNER/因而教育】倾斜平面图的表达方式

archrace  · 公众号  · 建筑设计  · 2017-04-18 09:00





Continuing work on my research lab design, I wanted to generate floor plans that were a little more informational than the standard line drawings. Therefore, I turned the floor plans into oblique projection drawings using my Sketchup model and a technique described many years ago seen here. Using this method, the plans do not distort allowing one to still measure off of them and put to scale. However,unlike 2d floor plans, these have a three dimensional feel to them allowing for more articulation of wall materials and tectonics. Below is a quick break down of the illustration.


1. Compile Base Images and Renderings


Sketchup Line Work


V-Ray Ambient Occlusion Rendering


V-Ray Clay Rendering

V-Ray 加材质渲染

Three Layers Combined


I used three base images to compile the bulk of the illustration. I used a line work export from Sketchup, an ambient occlusion rendering from V-Ray, and a clay rendering from V-Ray. I then combined them in Sketchup to get the above image. The line work and AO pass add detail that help articulate what is happening with the geometry. Since I am going for more of a diagrammatic image, I leaned on these passes more than the clay rendering.



2. Poche

The focus of this illustration is to describe the floorplan design. Therefore, I want to play up the cut of the section. To do this, I painted the section cut in Photoshop with black paint.



3. Extra Details


I ended up painting the floor a dark grey to create more of a contrast between it and the walls. I also abstractly introduced sticks representing trees to give a some texture to the illustration.



4. Stretch


At this point, I stretched the image to make it a plano blique before I add text. Again, the process of creating a plan oblique image from a Sketchup model can be seen here. 



5. Annotation and Final Coloring


Finally, I dropped in some annotation and did some quick color editing using Topaz. I expect coloring may change again once I start developing final page spreads for the project.







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