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四大新鲜事儿  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-02-11 11:09


据Financial Times近期报道, 由于 难以有效提升女性在高层职位中的比例, 安永和普华永道预计无法实现2025年英国女性合伙人比例目标。

安永英国公司此前设定了最雄心勃勃的目标—— 计划到今年将女性权益合伙人占比提升至40% 去年的数据显示,安永英国的合伙人中女性仅占28%。

近年来,有越来越多的女性担任会计师事务所高层职位。例如,Janet Truncale于2023年11月当选为安永全球新任主席。2024年初,安永宣布任命Anna Anthony为其下一任英国和爱尔兰地区执行合伙人

但事实证明, 在合伙人中实现性别平衡是一个缓慢的过程 这一现象在法律和银行业等其他领域也同样存在。

近年来,四大会计师事务所都设定了目标,增加女性合伙人的比例,从而帮助缩小男女薪酬差距。 在2010年代末, 四大会计师事务所 英国女性合伙人比例通常不到五分之一。

根据最新数据, 普华永道距离其2025年英国女性合伙人比例达到30%的目标还差3个百分点 。自2021年以来,这一比例每年增长1到2个百分点,这意味着要在今年晚些时候公布新数据之前缩小差距,需要更大的进展。


德勤(Deloitte)去年报告称, 其30%的合伙人是女性,比2025年达到这一数字的最后期限提前了。

然而,这两家公司都将 无法实现全球合伙人比例目标。


毕马威国际(KPMG International)表示, 它将“继续巩固”性别平等的势头,这仍然是“一个战略重点”。


EY and PwC are on track to miss 2025 targets for female partner representation in the UK as the Big Four accounting firms struggle to sufficiently boost the proportion of women in their upper ranks.

EY’s UK arm is set to fall short of its aim most dramatically, having set the most ambitious goal. The firm is targeting a 40 per cent female equity partnership by this year, with data from last year showing that only 28 per cent of partners in the country were women.

Audit firms have stepped up the number of women in top jobs in recent years, with EY recently naming Janet Truncale as its new global chair and appointing Anna Anthony as the UK firm’s new managing partner.

But raising the gender balance of partnerships towards parity has proved to be a slow process, a phenomenon echoed in sectors such as law and banking.

The Big Four have all set goals in recent years to increase their proportions of female partners and, in turn, help to reduce their gender pay gaps, with women tending to account for less than a fifth of that rank in the UK towards the end of the 2010s.

PwC is 3 percentage points shy of its 2025 goal of a 30 per cent UK female partnership according to its most recent data. The figure has increased by 1 to 2 percentage points per year since 2021, meaning it would require a bigger leap forward to close the gap before PwC reports its new figures later this year.

KPMG and Deloitte have already met their own targets in the UK. The former was the first of the Big Four to publish gender diversity data just over a decade ago, and surpassed an interim 25 per cent goal in 2022. It had a 29 per cent female partnership in the UK in 2023.

And Deloitte reported last year that 30 per cent of its partners were women, ahead of its 2025 deadline to hit that figure.

However both firms are on track to miss global partnership targets — goals that PwC and EY do not have.

The Big Four have argued that boosting the number of female partners takes time, owing to the need to build a pipeline of candidates with sufficient experience to be promoted.

Karl Edge, chief people officer at KPMG UK, said the firm was “committed to creating an inclusive environment”, adding: “While progress may fluctuate, we’re focused on reaching better representation across all levels of our firm, challenging ourselves to go further and faster.”

KPMG International said it would “continue to build on the momentum” for gender equality, which remains “a strategic priority”.

Jackie Henry, managing partner for people and purpose at Deloitte UK, said the firm was “proud” of meeting its 2025 target a year early. “But . . . we will continue to hold ourselves accountable and to strive for greater gender equality.”

EY and PwC declined to comment.



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