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新书:柯文 A Path Twice Traveled:My Journey as a Historian of China

近现代史研究资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-03-14 19:56


A Path Twice Traveled

My Journey as a Historian of China

Paul A. Cohen



$33.00 • £23.95 • €29.50

ISBN 9780674237292

316 pages 6 x 9 inches

36 photos



In this memoir, Paul A. Cohen, one of the West’s preeminent historians of China, traces the development of his work from its inception in the early 1960s to the present, offering fresh perspectives that consistently challenge us to think more deeply about China and the historical craft in general. A memoir, of course, is itself a form of history. But for a historian, writing a memoir on one’s career is quite different from the creation of that career in the first place. This is what Cohen alludes to in the title A Path Twice Traveled. The title highlights the important disparity between the past as originally experienced and the past as later reconstructed, by which point both the historian and the world have undergone extensive change. This distinction, which conveys nicely the double meaning of the word history, is very much on Cohen’s mind throughout the book. He returns to it explicitly in the memoir’s final chapter, appropriately titled “Then and Now: The Two Histories.”


Paul A. Cohen is Edith Stix Wasserman Professor of Asian Studies and History Emeritus at Wellesley College.

柯文教授,美国汉学代表人物。1934 年 6 月,柯文出生于美国纽约。1953 年入芝加哥大学接受本科教育,1955年毕业后进入哈佛大学, 师从费正清(John K. Fairbank) 教授和史华兹 (Benjamin I. Schwartz) 教授开始致力于中国思想史和中西关系史研究, 先后取得硕士和博士学位。曾在维斯理学院任教35年,于2000年退休。柯文教授主要研究19至20世纪中国历史, 研究兴趣:中国历史(19-20世纪),历史编纂学,国家主义,批判性历史与公众记忆之间的冲突,近期出版《历史与公众记忆:危机时刻故事的力量》(哥伦比亚大学出版社,2014)。

柯文教授著作等身,其中翻译成中文的著作主要有《中国与基督教:传教运动与中国排外主义的发展,1860 - 1870年》(1966 年)、《在传统与现代性之间:王韬与晚清革命》(1974年)、《十九世纪中国之改革》(1976年与石约翰合著)、《在中国发现历史——中国中心观在美国的兴起》(1984年)、《历史三调:作为事件、经历和神话的义和团》(1997年) 等。未翻译成中文的英文著述介绍可以联系公众号后台。


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