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【经济学人】远离“仙境” | 2016.11.26 | 总第754期

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-01-02 05:01




雾霾是特定气候条件与人类活动相互作用的结果。高密度人口的经济及社会活动必然会排放大量细颗粒物(PM 2.5),一旦排放超过大气循环能力和承载度,细颗粒物浓度将持续积聚,此时如果受静稳天气等影响,极易出现大范围的雾霾。

Retired jet engines could help clear smog


A new idea to blow big-city peasoupers away


Nov 26th 2016


TO LAND at Indira Gandhi Airport is to descend from clear skies to brown ones. Delhi’s air is toxic. According to the World Health Organisation, India’s capital has the most polluted atmosphere of all the world’s big cities. The government is trying to introduce rules that will curb emissions—allowing private cars to be driven only on alternate days, for example, and enforcing better emissions standards for all vehicles. But implementing these ideas, even if that can be done successfully, will change things only slowly. A quick fix would help. And Moshe Alamaro, a researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, thinks he has one.

飞机在英迪拉甘地机场着陆的过程中,天空会由明朗转为棕黄。德里的空气是有毒的。据世界卫生组织报道,印度首都是全世界空气污染最严重的城市。政府正努力制定控制排放的条例,比如:私家车单双数出行、强制提高所有车辆的排放标准。但即使这些方法都能顺利实施,情况也不会立刻好转。一个速成方法将有所帮助。麻省理工学院的一名研究员Moshe Alamaro提出了一个想法。

  • implement ['ɪmplɪm(ə)nt] v.实施

His idea is to take a jet engine, put it next to one of India’s dirty coal-fired power plants, point its exhaust nozzle at the sky and then switch it on. His hope is that the jet’s exhaust will disrupt a meteorological phenomenon known as “inversion”, in which a layer of warm air settles over cooler air, trapping it, and that the rising stream of exhaust will carry off the tiny particles of matter that smog is composed of.


  • meteorological  [,miːtɪərə'lɒdʒɪkəl] adj.气象学的

注: 逆温层: 一般情况下,在低层大气中,气温是随高度的增加而降低的。但有时在某些层次可能出现相反的情况,气温随高度的增加而升高,这种现象称为逆温。出现逆温现象的大气层称为逆温层。

Inversion exacerbates air pollution in Delhi and in many other cities, from Los Angeles to Tehran. A particularly intense example caused the Great Smog of London in 1952, when four days of air pollution contributed to 12,000 deaths. Dr Alamaro thinks a jet engine could punch through the inversion layer to create a “virtual chimney” which would carry the trapped pollution above it, so that it could be dispersed in the wider atmosphere. He calculates that all the emissions from a gigawatt coal-fired power plant could be lifted away using a single engine with a nozzle speed of 460 metres a second. However, he has not calculated whether a jet engine could disrupt the inversion layer and allow the pollution to escape the city—so he is now going to test that hypothesis .


  • exacerbate [ɪg'zæsəbeɪt] v.使加剧

  • hypothesis [haɪ'pɒθɪsɪs]  n.假设

Within eight months, Dr Alamaro plans to put one of his updrafters next to a coal-fired power plant and monitor what happens using a fleet of drones. He is in discussions with Tata Group, a conglomerate with an electricity-generating arm, to run it next to one of the firm’s power stations. Another good candidate would be a government-run plant at Badarpur, less than 50km from the middle of Delhi. According to the Centre for Science and the Environment, a research and lobbying group based in the Indian capital, Badarpur is one of the most polluting power plants in the country. Earlier this month the government shut it down for ten days as part of a set of emergency measures intended to curb a particularly intense bout of air pollution.


  • conglomerate [kən'glɒm(ə)rət] n.企业集团


Dr Alamaro has already found some of the decommissioned jet engines he needs to build his first updrafter. Both the Indian and the American air forces have been forthcoming. The Indians have offered six retired engines for nothing and the Americans are in the process of approving a further four engines from the Boneyard, an aircraft-storage facility located on Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Arizona. They are asking for just $5,000 per jet to cover the labour needed to prepare the engines, plus shipping.
