When a rising power challenges an incumbent, carnage often ensues. Thucydides, an ancient historian, wrote of the Peloponnesian war of 431-404 BC that “It was the rise of Athens and the fear that this instilled in Sparta that made war inevitable.”
a. 崛起大国不挑战守成大国的领导权;
b. 崛起大国的发展源于国内发展,不挑战守成大国的领导权;
c. 崛起大国和守成大国多年来是盟友关系,经济、政治、文化、历史等方面拥有共同的纽带;
d. 衰落大国忙于其它战争,需要崛起大国的支持。
Organski (1968: 362–363) notes that the transfer of systemic leadership from the United
Kingdom to the United States is an exception and that there are four factors which influence the
probability of peaceful transition of power. First, if the rapidly rising power does not challenge the
leadership and is ‘reluctant to accept it even after her power had grown to such a point that her
dominant position was obvious to everyone’, then the power transition period can be peaceful
because the rapidly rising power is ‘much less offensive and much less obvious’ until after it overtakes
fully the declining dominant power. Second, if the rising power’s rapid growth rate is ‘due
almost entirely to internal developments’ that do not threaten the declining dominant power, then
it can simply pass the declining hegemon without any serious conflict of interests between the two.
Third, if the rapidly rising power and the declining dominant power ‘have been staunch friends for
many years’, have fought wars together, and are ‘tied to each other not only by economic and
political ties, but also by language, culture, and a common history’, then power transition between
the two may be peaceful. Fourth, Organski suggests that if the declining dominant power is busy
fighting other wars and need.
Mr Allison does not say that war between China and the United States is inevitable, but he thinks it “more likely than not”.
America has shaped a set of global rules to suit itself. China has different values and different interests which it would like others to accommodate. Disagreements are inevitable.
China and America could blunder into war in several ways, argues Mr Allison. A stand-off over Taiwan could escalate. North Korea’s dictator, Kim Jong Un, might die without an obvious heir, sparking chaos. American and Chinese special forces might rush into North Korea to secure the regime’s nuclear weapons, and clash. A big cyber-attack against America’s military networks might convince it that China was trying to blind its forces in the Pacific. American retaliation aimed at warning China off might have the opposite effect. Suppose that America crippled China’s Great Firewall, as a warning shot, and China saw this as an attempt to overthrow its government? With Donald Trump in the White House, Mr Allison worries that even a trade war might turn into a shooting war.
But Mr Allison’s overall thesis is too gloomy. China is a cautious superpower. Its leaders stoke nationalist sentiment at home, but they have shown little appetite for military adventurism abroad. Yes, the Taiwan strait and the South China Sea are dangerous. But unlike the great powers of old, China has no desire to build a far-flung empire. And all the wars in Mr Allison’s sample broke out before the invention of nuclear weapons. China and America have enough of these to destroy the world. That alone makes war extremely unlikely.
一,sail through
ON JULY 2nd an American guided-missile destroyer sailed within 12 nautical miles (22.2km) of Triton, a tiny Chinese-occupied island in the South China Sea.
It was on a “freedom of navigation” operation,
sailing through
disputed waters to show China that others do not accept its territorial claims.
Such operations infuriate China. But they have not brought the two superpowers to blows. So far.
里面有这么一个词组:sail through,文中表示“穿行,穿越”,但我们今天要补充它的另外一个意思:“顺利通过(考试、面试等)”,英文解释为:to succeed very easily in sth. 这个表达很有画面感:在考场上一马平川,就像船只在海面上畅通无阻的航行一样。
While she sailed through her maths exams, he struggled...
More broadly, Indonesia's global stature is rising. The public finances are sound and the economy has sailed through the financial crisis. Among G20 economies, only China and India grew faster than the 4.5%. Indonesia achieved last year.