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取经号JTW  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-01-15 19:43




作者:Leonid Bershidsky




Welcome to 2018, the Year of Censored Social Media


本文选自 Bloomberg | 取经号原创翻译

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This year, don't count on the social networks to provide its core service: an uncensored platform for every imaginable view. The censorship has already begun, and it'll only get heavier.

今年,不要再指望社交网络仍像以前一般作为一个自由 不受审查 的平台,向所有可能的观点开放。审查已经开始,并且只会越来越严。

A 2017 law in Germany obliging social networks to delete hate speech as soon as it's reported or face massive fines went into effect on Jan. 1 -- and immediately claimed its first "victim."

2017年,德国颁布了一条新法,社交媒体必须删除任何被举报的仇恨言论,不然就将面临巨额罚款。该法律在1月1日 生效 ,并立刻有了第一位“受害者”。

oblige v. /o·blige/ to force sb to do sth, by law, because it is a duty 迫使

On New Year's Eve, Beatrix von Storch, a legislator from the far-right Alternative for Germany party, took issue with a harmless tweet in Arabic sent by the state police of North Rhine-Westphalia, which often communicates in ethnic minorities' languages. "What the hell is going on in this country?" she tweeted in response. "Do you mean to soften up the barbaric , Muslim, group-raping male hordes in this way?"

在元旦前夕,北威州警方官方网站发布了一条无敏感信息的阿拉伯语推文,遭到德国极右翼选择党(AfD)议员施托希的抨击。该网站时常用少数族裔语言进行沟通交流。施托希写道:“这个国家疯了不成?你这么做难道想安抚那群 野蛮的 、群体奸淫的穆斯林男性团伙?”

barbaric adj. /bar·bar·ic/cruel and violent and not as expected from people who are educated and respect each other 野蛮的

On Monday, von Storch's tweet was gone and her Twitter account briefly suspended . She posted a screenshot of the tweet on Facebook, only to see it struck down, too. Alice Weidel, an AfD co-leader, stood up for her comrade , tweeting, "Censorship! Our authorities surrender to imported, marauding, grabbing, fighting, knife-sticking migrant mobs. Beatrix von Storch correctly criticizes German police for tweeting in Arabic -- and is closed down." That tweet still survives, though, according to the AfD, Twitter has notified Weidel that it received a complaint about it.

星期一,施托希的这条推文遭到删除,她的推特账号也被 暂时封锁 。她将推特的截图发至脸书,也遭受了同样情况。极右翼另类选择党的共同领导人艾利斯·威德尔站出来为她发声。她在推文中写道:“这是审查!我们的政府向那些外来的、四处劫掠打斗、举着屠刀的移民暴徒屈服了!施托希指出德国警方用阿拉伯语发文这一举动的错误,接着就遭到封号。”但根据另类选择党所言,这条推特仍然存在。推特方面已经通知威德尔她这条推文被举报。

comrade n./com·rade/a friend or other person that you work with, especially as soldiers during a war 战友

If the deletions continue, the AfD is likely to fight them in the courts: Anti-immigrant messages on social media are the primary way the party sustains its support. Before they disappear from Germany’s national dialogue, they'll shift their strategy to something more amenable to the networks, perhaps even the Aesopian language of Communist-era dissidents. Von Storch is already testing the waters, tweeting sarcastically, "There are no barbarians among the group-raping male hordes. Especially not when they're Muslims. I find it fantastic that they feel good here and have fun. So?" This turned out to be too confusing for Twitter to delete.

如果推文持续遭删,德国另类选择党可能将诉诸法庭, 毕竟在社交媒体上发布反移民信息,是他们 维系 民众支持的最主要途径。在依旧身处全国讨论热点时,他们将改变策略,会更加 顺着 网络审查行事,甚至可能采用共产主义时期持异议者那种含糊其辞的隐喻言辞来表达观点。就此,施托希已经开始试水。她发推文讽刺道,“在群体奸淫的男性团伙中没有野蛮人,尤其当他们是穆斯林时。我惊奇地发现他们在这儿待得很愉快。那么?”这条推文的内容对于推特来说过于复杂,未被删除。

amenable /a·me·na·ble /adj.easy to control; willing to be influenced by sb/sth 顺从的

In Germany, the social network censorship debate will be about the definition of hate speech, which the networks will almost certainly interpret as loosely as possible to avoid conflicts with the authorities. Even if forces such as the AfD manage to get their messages reinstated, new offenses are inevitable unless courts move against the law.


Censorship is by no means limited to Germany. In late December, Facebook banned Ramzan Kadyrov, the warlord leader of the Chechen Republic, from its main service and from Instagram, where he alternated between workout videos and patriotic declarations. Facebook explained it had to do so because Kadyrov had just been added to the U.S. government's sanctions list -- an excuse that collapses under the weight of all the sanctioned individuals who retain their accounts.

审查当然绝不仅限于德国。在去年12月末,脸书禁止车臣共和国军阀领导人拉姆赞·卡德罗夫使用其主要服务和Instagram。卡德罗夫在Instagram不是发健身视频就是爱国言论。脸书对此解释是卡德罗夫已被列入美国政府的制裁名单中,但显然,在 制裁 名单 上其他人仍可以正常使用账号的情况下,这个借口是完全站不住脚的。

If U.S.-based social networks expand this policy of shutting down individuals simply because Washington considers them toxic, journalists will have few reasons to applaud. Kadyrov's Instagram account, for one, was a useful source of information for reporters covering Chechnya.


Of course, Kadyrov still posts on the Russia-based Vkontakte, a reminder that it will be nearly impossible to fully silence someone in the age of social media. But the platforms themselves lose their meaning in such a world. They make far more sense when literally anyone -- a German racist, a Chechen near-feudal lord -- can say whatever they want. If there's going to be author and message selection, why not just use traditional media, where the writing is better and professional journalists have already combed the different raw information channels? We're definitely allowed to quote the AfD messages that Twitter and Facebook feels they must remove, and even U.S. media can publish Kadyrov's statements despite the sanctions against him.

当然,卡德罗夫仍然在俄罗斯运行的’接触’这一社交媒体上发声。这倒也提醒了我们,在社交媒体时代让一个人完全噤声几乎是不可能的。但如果发生这样的事,那么社交媒体平台便失去了在这个时代存在的意义。无论这个人是德国的种族主义者,亦或是车臣近似封建制度的君王,只有任何人能说任何想说的话,社交网络才比现在有意义的多。如果将筛选信息和发送信息的人,为何不继续使用传统媒体呢?毕竟传统媒体的写作水平更好,专业的记者也已将各个渠道的纷杂信息进行过 梳理 。我们完全有权引用另类选择党的推文,即便推特和脸书认为他们必须删除这些信息。美国的媒体也可发表卡德罗夫的声明,即便他遭受制裁。

comb v. /kəʊm/to search sth carefully in order to find sb/sth 梳理

As a media industry worker, I resent the unfairness of competing with social media. They seized the advertising market by making questionable promises about their audience size and by reusing and recycling our content without paying for it. I welcome any development that levels the playing field. But while censorship makes life harder for them and thus helps professional media, there are far better kinds of regulation.

作为一名媒体工作者,我 痛恨 与社交媒体竞争所带来的不公平。社交媒体夸大自己的受众规模,并在没有付费的情况下,反复循环使用我们的内容,以此吸引广告商。我欢迎任何可以平衡传统媒体和社交媒体的发展变化。然而,虽说审查制度让社交媒体的日子难过了,反过来帮助了专业媒体,但是显然会有比审查更好的管理制度。

resent v. /re·sent / to feel bitter or angry about sth, especially because you feel it is unfair 憎恨

There's a growing body of research that shows the internet platforms' business models are conducive to the spread of fake news, as well as hate speech. Regulators should resist the urge to waste time on individual cases in Germany and elsewhere and instead of strike at the fundamentals of the problem: anonymity. Without it, the Facebooks of the world would have a far more difficult time inflating user numbers, avoiding legal responsibility for published content, and continuing to make money off content they don't help create. The limitations of selective censorship and the ability of paid trolls and dedicated activists to bypass it will become obvious this year -- and so will the need for better ways to make sure the social media companies join the ranks of responsible media.

越来越多的研究表明,互联网的商业模式更 利于 虚假新闻和仇恨言论的传播。管理者不应总是浪费时间时间处理德国或是其他地方的个人案例,而是应该直击问题的最本质:匿名制度。如果没有匿名制度,脸书可能要耗费大力气来增加用户数量,逃避因发表内容带来的法律责任,并继续从他们并未参与创造的内容中谋利。2018年,对部分内容进行审查的局限性会越来越明显,水军和别有用心的激进分子也会更想方设法地躲避审查——而人们也越发希望用更好的方法使社交媒体公司更有责任心。
