1、PLL拓扑的基本概念-Basic Concepts of PLL Topologies
definitions and concepts of phase locked loop topologies. Frequency
behavior, stability and settling of PLL topologies. Introduction of
fractional N synthesizers.
2、CMOS预分频器 & 高级环路滤波器-CMOS Prescalers & Advanced Loop Filters
详细介绍高速 CMOS预分频器,双模预分频器和相位切换架构等高阶电路技术。相位检测器和环路滤波器对全集成PLL合成器的限制和要求。针对DCS1800应用的集成合成器的案例研究。
CMOS prescaler, dual modulus prescaler and advanced circuit techniques,
such as phase switching architectures, are discussed in detail. The
limitations and requirements of the phase detector and loop filter
towards fully integrated PLL synthesizers are discussed. A case study of
an integrated synthesizer for DCS1800 applications is analyzed.
3、集成VCOs和合成器(上部和下部)-Integrated VCOs and Synthesizers (part1 and part 2)
电路的基本原理,CMOS VCO电路的螺旋电感和变容二极管的版图和设计问题,环路滤波器和VCO噪声对PLL合成器的相位噪声特性的影响,CMOS技术中全集成合成器的设计实例。
and principles of VCO circuits. Lay-out and design issues of spiral
inductors and varactors for CMOS VCO circuits. Effect of loop filter and
VCO noise on phase noise behavior of PLL synthesizers. design examples
of fully integrated synthesizers in CMOS technologies.
4、晶体振荡器-Crystal Oscillators
basic principles of crystal oscillators and their designs are studied.
First the 'split' analysis will be discussed, and based on this
principle the design procedure of crystal oscillators is discussed.
Different topologies, such as Pierce, Colpitts, Santos, single -pin and
inverter-based oscillators and the effect of PSRR are described.
5、IC干扰效应: 噪声和耦合-Interference Aspects in IC: Noise and Coupling
sources and their impact on coupling effects are analyzed. Both
examples of digital and analog circuit noise generating structures are
presented. A brief discussion of pinning strategy and substrate effects
are discussed. Design rules and bondwire effects are investigated.
6、IC干扰效应:匹配和CMPR-Interference Aspects in IC: Matching and CMRR
reduce to effect differential structures and circuits towards high PSRR
a commonly used. This however requires circuits with high CMRR, PSRR
and symmetrical topologies. Those are strongly related to the matching
properties of the schematic and lay-out. for that matching performances
are analyzed followed by CMRR relationships. Finally some lay-out
considerations are presented.
7、IC干扰效应: PSRR-Interference Aspects in IC: PSRR
interference effects in integrating RF circuits via power supply are
addressed and discussed. Design techniques for high power supply
rejection ratio in basic analog building blocks (opamps) are studied.