最近,著名经济学家保罗-罗默(Paul Romer)在
American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings
期刊上发表了一篇题为《经济增长理论中的数学滥用》(Mathiness in the Theory of Economic Growth)的文章,引起了广泛关注。他在文章中批评了经济学界存在多年的滥用数学的现象。Romer认为,数学在经济学中的滥用不但无法帮助解决现实问题,反而使问题变得更加晦涩难懂。并且他在文章中点名道姓的批评了诺贝尔经济学奖得主罗伯特•卢卡斯(Robert Lucas)在内的一批著名经济学家。
Paul Romer 文章的原文:
Romer, 2015, Mathiness in the Theory of Economic Growth, American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings 2015, 105(5): 89–93
这里要提醒一下,这位 Paul Romer 和写《高级宏观经济学》(Advanced Macroeconomics)的 David Romer(戴维·罗默)不是一个人,也没什么亲戚关系。另外 David Romer 的妻子Christina Romer也是一位著名经济学家,当然她和 Paul Romer 也没什么关系。
下面来分析这篇文章。我们从题目入手。第一,原文中使用的“Mathiness”一词是 Paul Romer 自创的,大概意思是毫无根据的使用数学来解释经济学现象,不仅对于解释问题没有什么帮助,而且脱离现实。我们这里就称之为“数学滥用”(
所以 Romer 批判的是毫无根据的“滥用数学”的问题,而非在经济学中使用数学的现象。
第二,Paul Romer 作为增长理论领域的翘楚,在他文章的题目《经济增长理论中的数学滥用》(Mathiness in the Theory of Economic Growth)中已清楚的表明,
Paul Romer 在文章开头介绍了一下科学研究的问题,比如理论与实际应该如何结合、增长理论的发展和数学的应用。其中有这么一句话:
For the last two decades, growth theory has made no scientific progress toward a consensus.
也就是说,他认为增长理论在过去20年都没达成什么共识,换句话说就是增长理论过去20年都没怎么发展。想想20多年前,也就是上世纪90年代,正是 Paul Romer 发表了他划时代的论文《内生技术变革》(Endogenous technological change)的时候,他在提出了研发、技术增长和内生增长的问题,为内生增长理论做出了卓越贡献。他的这句话给我的感觉就是,自从他的内生增长理论问世以来,增长理论的发展就停滞了。真是霸气外露。
The mathiness in their paper also offers little guidance about the connections between its theoretical and empirical statements.
接下来 Romer 列举了
But after readers have been disappointed too often by mathiness that wastes their time, they will stop taking seriously any paper that contains mathematical symbols.
In response, authors will stop doing the hard work that it takes to supply real mathematical theory.
If no one is putting in the work to distinguish between mathiness and mathematical theory, why not cut a few corners and take advantage of the slippage that mathiness allows? The market for mathematical theory will collapse. Only mathiness will be left. It will be worth little, but cheap to produce, so it might survive as entertainment.
这些批判对象有两个特点,一是中枪的都是大名鼎鼎的经济学家,包括诺贝尔经济学奖得主 Robert Lucas 和Edward Prescott,还有2014年写了《21世纪资本论》(Capital in the Twenty-First Century)而一炮走红的法国经济学家 Thomas Piketty。二是论文涉及了不少领域,主要是增长理论,也有市场结构、收入问题。不过也可以看出,Paul Romer 还算是就事论事,只是对论文内容进行评判,并未针对原论文作者个人。
接下来 Paul Romer写到:
After reading their working paper, I told Lucas and Moll about the discontinuity in the limit and the problem it posed for their claim about observational equivalence. They left their limit argument in the paper without noting the discontinuity and the Journal of Political Economy published it this way. This may reflect a judgment by the authors and the editors that at least in the theory of growth, we are already in a new equilibrium in which readers expect mathiness and accept it.
Romer 说,他在读了 Robert Lucas 和 Moll 的论文之后,给作者指出了其中的问题,但是最后两位原作者并未做出修改就直接发表了。Romer 有些不满意的说,这完全反映了在当前的增长理论研究上,学者和编辑已经有了一种(不好的)判断,即读者喜欢而且接受这样乱用数学的行为。这也对应了上面 Romer 写的滥用数学的危害中的第三点。
Piketty and Zucman (2014) present their data and empirical analysis with admirable clarity and precision. In choosing to present the theory in less detail, they too may have responded to the expectations in the new equilibrium: empirical work is science; theory is entertainment. Presenting a model is like doing a card trick. Everybody knows that there will be some sleight of hand.