By collecting the
of many wild parachute plants Dr Dötterl and Ms Heiduk discovered that most of the trapped insects were flies of the genus Desmometopa, a group with a
sucking up
vital fluids that leak out of honey bees as their bodies are pierced by the fangs of spiders. Meanwhile, collecting chemicals given off by the flowers and running them through a gas chromatograph showed a combination of four molecules—2-heptanone, geraniol, 2-nonanol and (E)-2-octenyl acetate—previously unknown in plants. When Dr Dötterl and Ms Heiduk caught some
bees, stuck them in test tubes and poked them with the tip of a glass pipette to mimic a spider attack, the bees produced exactly these four compounds. And when the two researchers set traps containing the four chemicals out in the wild, they instantly attracted a goodly haul of Desmometopa.
通过收集许多野生醉龙的猎物后, Dötterl博士和Ms Heiduk 博士发现大多数被困的昆虫都是塞氏纹额叶蝇属的,它们以吸食被蜘蛛的毒牙刺穿的蜜蜂所渗出的蜂蜜为生。同时,两位博士通过收集花朵上的化学物质并利用气相色谱仪分析,发现它由四种分子所组成: 2-庚酮,香叶醇,2 -壬醇以及(E)-2辛烯基-醋酸,而这四种物质之前从未出现在植物中。Dötterl博士和Ms Heiduk 博士捕捉了一些正在捕食的蜜蜂,将它们放入试管并用玻璃吸管的尖端触碰它们来模仿蜘蛛的攻击,然后这些蜜蜂就会产生这四种化合物。当两位研究员在野外利用这四种化学物质设计了一个陷阱,立刻就吸引了一大批的塞氏纹额叶蝇。