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宝马客  · 公众号  · 汽车  · 2017-04-30 20:31


#Ever youngful, ever weeping


你有心灵鸡汤,暖心 ;我有车迷毒药,激情!

《Forever Young》--Alphaville

Let's dance in style

Let's dance for a while

Heaven can wait

We're only watching the skies

Hoping for the best

But expecting the worst

Are you going to drop the bomb or not?

Let us die young or let us live forever

We don't have the power

But we never say never

Sitting in a sandpit

Life is a short trip

The music's for the sad men

Can you imagine when this race is won?

Turn our golden faces into the sun

Praising our leaders

We're getting in tune

The music's played by the madmen

Forever young I want to be forever young

Do you really want to live forever

Forever - and ever

Some are like water

Some are like the heat

Some are a melody and some are the beat

Sooner or later they all will be gone

Why don't they stay young?

It's so hard to get old without a cause

I don't want to perish like a fading horse

Youth's like diamonds in the sun

And diamonds are forever

So many adventures couldn't happen today

So many songs we forgot to play

So many dreams swinging out of the blue

We'll let them come true

Forever young...







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