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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-02-06 06:02



印度尼西亚的两个伊斯兰政党已提议立法禁止所有酒精饮料消费,并对违法者处以最高两年的监禁。印尼拥有世界上最多的穆斯林人口。印度尼西亚的两个伊斯兰政党已提议立法禁止所有酒精饮料消费,并对违法者处以最高两年的监禁。印尼拥有世界上最多的穆斯林人口。 尚不清楚这项提案在议会能得到多少支持。印尼一位部长对该提案可能冲击旅游业表达了忧虑。

其中一个伊斯兰政党的国会议员称,该提案更多是出于健康考虑,而非意识形态问题。该提案可能在今年底成为法律。 “这并非宗教或者意识形态问题,”繁荣正义党的AbdulHakim表示。“这纯粹是为了保护本国儿童。” 该提案旨在禁止销售、生产、分销或饮用酒精含量超1%的饮料,包括在印尼群岛诸多地区广受欢迎的米酒等当地酒类。

Some Muslim politicians in Indonesia want a total ban on booze


A huge new beer factory is betting they won’t get their way


Jan 7th 2017 | SEMARANG


ONE of Indonesia’s newest brands of beer, Prost, traces its ancestry back to 1948 when Chandra Djojonegoro, a businessman, started selling a “health tonic ”, known as Anggur Orang Tua, from the back of a bright-blue lorry at night markets in the coastal city of Semarang. A troupe of dancing dwarves would pull in the punters , while Djojonegoro peddled shots of what was, in essence, a fortified herbal wine to fishermen. It kept them warm during the chilly nights in the Java Sea.

Prost是印尼的最新啤酒品牌的之一,其源头可以追溯到1948年,在港口城市三宝垄的夜市上,一个名为Chandra Djojonegoro的商人在货车车斗里开始出售一种称为“Anggur Orang Tua”的“保健品”。一群跳舞的侏儒会拦住船夫们,让Djojonegoro将这些强化版草药酒兜售给渔夫们。这种酒得以让他们在爪哇海的寒夜里保持温暖。

  • tonic ['tɒnɪk] : n. 补药;adj. 滋补的

  • punter ['pʌntə] : 船夫,用篙撑船的人,赌博者,赌马者

The tonic is still sold in bottles with distinctive labels depicting an old Chinese man with a thick white beard. The company that makes it now produces a vast range of consumer goods, and Prost beer is the latest addition to its range. It is made in a $50m brewery that opened in August 2015, filled with shiny stainless-steel machinery from Germany. Thomas Dosy, chief executive of the subsidiary that produces Prost, says that given Orang Tua’s history in the booze business it was natural for the company to move into Indonesia’s $1bn-a-year beer market.

如今这种补酒仍然以瓶装出售,并且带有独特的标签——一个长着厚厚白胡子的中国老人。它的公司现在生产着多种多样的消费品,而Prost啤酒是最新产品。生产Prost的这个耗资5000万美元的啤酒厂于2015年8月建成,里面是闪闪发亮的不锈钢德国机器。生产Prost酒的子公司的首席执行官Thomas Dosy表示,从Orang Tua酒经营的历史看,进入印度尼西亚的年消费额十亿美元的啤酒市场是自然而然的事。

  • subsidiary [səb'sɪdɪərɪ] : n. 子公司 adj. 附带的,附属的

It will not be straightforward. Conservative Muslim groups have become more assertive . Only months before the brewery opened, the government slapped a ban on the sale of beer at the small shops where most people buy their groceries. It led to a 13% slump in sales, according to Euromonitor, a research firm. The government minister who issued the decree has since been sacked, but his ban remains in place. And Muslim parties in parliament are still not satisfied. They are pushing legislation that would ban the production, distribution and consumption of all alcoholic beverages. Drinkers could face two years in jail.


  • assertive [ə'sɜːtɪv] :adj. 独断的,武断的,固执己见的

  • slump [slʌmp]: v.大幅度下跌;使倒下  n.暴跌;低潮状态;

  • decree [dɪ'kriː] : n.法令;判决   v.颁布;裁定;注定

The law is unlikely to pass. Muslim parties control less than one-third of the legislature’s seats. The government is proposing a far more limited law aimed at curbing the production of toxic home-brews, known as oplosan, which are responsible for nearly all alcohol-related deaths in Indonesia. Turning Indonesia dry would be seen by many people as an affront to the cultural diversity of the sprawling archipelago, which has large Buddhist, Christian and Hindu minorities, as well as many Muslims who are partial to a cool one.

这条法令不太可能会通过,因为穆斯林政党在立法机构仅占不到三分之一的席位。政府正提出一个范围更有限的法案,其旨在遏制人们生产有毒的自酿酒。在印尼,几乎所有与酒精有关的死亡都与自酿酒有关。 (期待您的翻译,明天会有针对这句话的长难句解析哟~)

Brewers argue that alcohol is not an import from the decadent West, as the puritans often claim, but has been produced and consumed in Indonesia for at least 700 years. “It is part of the culture of Indonesia,” says Michael Chin, chief executive of Multi Bintang, the country’s biggest brewer
