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The first time I went to Hangzhou was more than 20 years ago, during a summer vacation. I lived with my relatives whose home was close to the West Lake.
At the time, the historic city didn't fall victim to influxes of tourists all the year round. It was as serene as it had been depicted by poems, authors and painters.
Today, the crowd scenic spots and buzzing streets of souvenirs and restaurants form the main impressions of outsiders. But the city has a different face that only its residents can see clearly.
For example in Wang Jin's oil works, she reveals the mystic, cool, sexy and mundane sides of Hangzhou's dawns and evenings.
Her solo exhibition now in Beijing,
Beyond City
, dwells on the emotions of men and women living in different corners, who are to unmask themselves after a day's hustle and bustle, just like the city.
《与城者》是王瑾正在北京举办的个展,她的画笔触及散落在杭州城中的男男女女,和他们的敏感情绪 — 在经历了一天的劳碌之后,他们即将卸下面具,就如同他们生活的这个城市一样,终于可以以真实示人。
A native of Xuzhou, Wang came to Hangzhou at 15 when attending the affiliated high school of China Academy of Art. And ever since then, she has been living there.
She says Hangzhou seems heavenly and otherworldly, but once you stay longer enough to tap on the day-to-day life of its inhabitants, you are able to see its truth, a secular, relaxing hub.
她说杭州表面看着很仙气,但当你呆得足够久到能够真正深入到居民的日常,你才能发现它真实的“俗”的那面 — 充满生活气息、适宜居住。
She applies a lot of blue of varying shades to indicate a comfortable stability.
And she balances it with yellow lamp lights, green walls and red objects, such as cello and a woman's dress, achieving an effect of openness and refreshment.