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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  · 国际  · 2017-04-14 12:45




星巴克咖啡公司董事会执行主席霍华德·舒尔茨(Howard Schultz)日前在清华大学,揭秘了星巴克崛起的故事,讲述了“梦想和责任”之于星巴克的意义。




In 1987, Starbucks had 11 stores and just 100 people working for the company.  We had a dream to create a different kind of company.  A company that would not only build a national brand, but a company that would demonstrate that you can take your people with you on the journey, and share success in ways that perhaps had not been done before. 


As the Dean mentioned, we were the first company in America to provide comprehensive health insurance and equity in the form of stock options, to our employees, at the time we were a private company. There were many people around that time who considered those benefits to be shareholder deluding, and in fact would not be sustainable.  What we thought back then, and what we think now is that success is best when it’s shared. 


Every business, no matter what product, what service, what industry, what country, has to really define what their core purpose and reason for being is. Our core purpose and reason for being was defined today in Beijing, when we announced that we would start on June 1st, creating healthcare insurance for critical illness, for the parents of our employees. 


Now why did we do that?  Why would a company spend that kind of money, multi million dollars, in providing the insurance for the parents of our people?  And the question goes back to 1987.  The answer is: not every business decision is an economic one.


I grew up in New York, in Brooklyn, New York in public housing, government housing.  You probably have all heard of the American dream, the promise of America, where your station in life does not define you?  Well, at the age of seven, I came home from school one day and my father, he had a series of bad jobs, and this job he had at that point, when I was seven years old, was probably one of the worst. He was a truck driver, picking up and delivering cloth diapers, before the invention of Pampers.


On a cold winter day, in March of 1960, he fell on a sheet of ice, he broke his leg and his hip, and in America in 1960, if you were an uneducated worker, and you got hurt on the job, you were dismissed, you were fired.  And so there was no income, and there was no health insurance and at the age of seven, I saw first-hand the fracturing of the American dream. I saw my parents go through hopelessness, despair, and we were in big trouble.


Those scares that I experienced at the age of seven, I still have today. In fact the fear of failure, the insecurity, the vulnerability, all those things that are wrapped in shame, as a young boy, I still have today despite all the success. But with it came a level of compassion, sensitivity, respect, and dignity for everyone – in recognising that if we were going to build a great, enduring company, we had to do it in a different way. We had to link shareholder value with value for our people, and in fact we turned it upside down.  At the top of the pyramid was not the shareholder.  At the top of the pyramid was our people, and in the middle was the customer, and at the bottom was the shareholder.

1992年6月,星巴克咖啡公司上市,当时我们有大约125家门店,实现了一个季度的盈利,总市值约2.5亿美元。当时,我认为我中了头彩。我打电话给我妈妈,对她说:“妈妈,我们做到了,我们的美国梦实现了。” 2.5亿美元。25年过去了,星巴克如今的市值从2.5亿美元变成了将近900亿美元。

Now in June of 1992, Starbucks Coffee Company went public, with 125 or so stores, one quarter of profitability, and we had a market cap, in 1992, of a grand total of $250 million.  I thought I hit the lottery.  I called my mother and I said ‘Mum, we made it, we have hit the American dream.  $250 million’.  25 years have passed and the market cap of Starbucks, which was $250 million, is almost $90 billion.


If you look at the success we’ve enjoyed, and where we have enjoyed it, I can tell you first-hand it’s not because I have an MBA, which I don’t. It’s not because I have a business degree, because I don’t, and I could never have gotten in to this school! But what I did have was life experience.  Everywhere I went, everything I did, I tried to have a level of curiosity and what I would say to all of you is be curious.  Be really curious about the world, about your surroundings, and be very curious about the fact that you can learn lessons from many types of people and experiences.  And you might be very surprised where you're going to learn it.  


The equity of the Starbucks brand is the people wearing the green apron.  So I wanted to sit down in South Africa, in Johannesburg, with the people who are going to wear the green apron, our brand.  I sat down with 50 young people and I asked each one of them to go around the table and tell me their story.  We started going around the table.  The first thing they told me is what it’s like to live in a township. 


How many people have been to South Africa?  Raise your hand.  Anyone?  A few.  How many have seen a township? 


Now I grew up poor, as I said, in public housing.  When I visited these townships I was crushed.  Heartbroken with the level of poverty and the living conditions.  Yet these young people had so much joy and so much happiness, so much gratitude, because of family.  When they told me their story, we went around the table, I kept hearing an African word that I had never heard before, and many of them were using it.  I finally got up enough courage and I said ‘What is that word? Ubuntu. You keep using it, what does it mean?’ and they couldn’t wait to tell me.  Ubuntu is a word that Nelson Mandela used many, many times, and it means ‘I am, because of you’.  I am, because of you.


And if there is one thing that you take away from my remarks tonight; I want you to remember Ubuntu.  I am, because of you.


The level of unselfishness, the level of sharing, the level of responsibility to others – the recognition that I am only as good as the person next to me, the recognition of what it means to be a team and the understanding, the true understanding, that all ships rise when success is shared.  I never knew until I heard them talk about it, not what Ubuntu really meant, but what it meant to them, and the understanding of how it applies to Starbucks.


Now the textbooks that you're reading, I guarantee you the word ‘love’, the word ‘humanity’, the word ‘compassion’, I guarantee you have not seen those words in many business books. And I would admit that the foundation of building a great enduring business is empathy, compassion, humanity and, yes, love.


Okay, one more story.  I am Jewish, I go to Israel whenever I can.  For many years I had a mentor, a teacher, who gave me great wisdom, and he was a Rabbi.  I go there and I spent as many days as I could with him, just to sit at the knee of someone who is teaching me lessons all the time.


One day he tells me this story, it’s not a story about being Jewish, but it is a story about humanity. He tells me what happened in Germany during the holocaust.  He tells me the story of men and women and children being transported to death camps in a railcar, and in the cold, cold winter months. When they were being transported to these death camps, and the journey took sometimes a day or two, and they were sandwiched in, in a railcar with no light, no food, no bathroom. When they arrived at the camp, the railcar swung open, it was freezing cold outside and one person, only one, was given a blanket for every six.  The person that received the blanket had to decide: am I going to keep this blanket for myself, or am I going to share it with five other people?  Not all, but most people, shared the blanket with five other people.


And when I say to all of you today, whatever you're going to do in your lives, wherever you are going to go, do everything you can to share your blanket with five other people.  


Ubuntu. I am, because of you.