专栏名称: 狗熊有话说
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使用这本书里的几个技巧,我的工作效率提升了50%!| 狗熊有话说

狗熊有话说  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-10-11 17:07



The podcast content is bilingual with Chinese and English book review.

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效率与学习类的节目,是“狗熊有话说”播客最受欢迎的类别。 本期节目,狗熊将向你推荐一本在2019年8月出版,由硅谷30年经验的连续创业者 Siimon Reynolds 所著的效率之书 Win Fast(《快赢》)。 同其他狗熊曾经推荐过的效率类书籍不同,Win Fast是一本像是瑞士军刀一样的技巧集,全书没有一丁点废话,直接一上来就是具体的技巧。 如果你有读过一些类似的效率类书籍,应该对于这本书里的大部分技巧不会陌生。 对于我来说,这类书籍的最大价值,在于可以快速地运用到自己的生活之中。 而这几周因为应用了几条书中的技巧,我在工作与个人项目上的效率,至少提高了50%! 听完这期节目,我保证你一定能找到一两条可以实践的技巧。

Win Fast by Siimon Reynolds is a typical Swiss-Army knife book for productive. You can find a lot of similar tips and principles as other good time-management books, such as Getting Things Done, 7 Habits of Highly Efficiency People, or Rework. Personally, I love the structure of the tips, which allows you to adapt them immediately to your work. The more I read books about productive, the more important I find prioritize is. Know which one is the most important, in other words, the most valuable one to be done, is the key for highly efficiency people. I listed 2 actions for myself to do after reading this book: design my perfect day; research who are the top 10% NZ designers to follow and learn.


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