专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-02-06 10:09


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)从市场人士处获悉,受全球需求下降和近几周土耳其市场趋于平静的影响,西班牙螺纹钢价格在 2 月初有所下滑。目前国内价格已恢复到 2019 8 月底的水平,但预计将出现新的下跌。

Spanish rebar prices have slipped at thebeginning of February, on the back of decelerating demand seen globallyand a quietening Turkish market in recent weeks, Kallanish hears frommarket sources. Current domestic prices have returned to levels last seen atthe end of August 2019, but a new fall is anticipated.


“Current rebar prices were affected bychanges in the international market, mainly due to the slow activity of Chineseindustry, as well as by the lack in demand in Turkey,” a source comments.“Market estimates are for a new decline in rebar prices in the short termfollowing the volatility of raw material offers,” the source adds.


Domestic construction activity remainsstable, but the local market is not optimistic about how long current demandwill persist, another merchant says. “The uncertainty of the way that theinternational market will go puts some pressure on local rebar producers. Theseare also as a result of delays in large public works and projects,” heobserves.

西班牙商会公布的数据显示, 1 月份西班牙国内螺纹钢价格月度指数较 12 月有所上升。该指数为 98.84 ,比 2019 12 月高 4.23% ,但同比下降了 7.93% 。该指数以 2014 年的价格作为 100

Themonthly index for Spanish domestic rebar prices in January increased comparedto that in the previous month, data published by the Spanish Chamber ofCommerce show. The index stood at 98.84 or 4.23% morethan that in December 2019. It was however -7.93% lower year-on-year.The index is based on a value of 100 in 2014.

目前西班牙国内螺纹钢出厂基价为 175-180 欧元 / (193.2-198.7 美元 / ) ,相当于 425-430 欧元 / 吨的交货价格。这比 1 月份下降了约 5-10 欧元 / 吨。

Rebar is currently sold domestically inSpain at €175-180/tonne ($193.2-198.7/t) ex-works base, equating to atransaction price of €425-430/t delivered. This is around €5-10/t lower than inJanuary.



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