The ID16A Nano-Imaging beamline is a world leading X-ray microscopy facility addressing research questions in cellular biology, neurosciences, biomineralization and advanced materials science. The beamline provides a high-brilliance beam focused down to a few tens of nanometers to perform coherent imaging techniques, X-ray fluorescence microscopy and nanotomography. All measurements can be performed under cryogenic conditions to preserve the biological samples close to their native hydrated state. The instrument participates in the IMAGINE consortium (
) in which 22 partners develop and validate next generation imaging technologies to probe structure and function of biological specimens across scales in their natural context.
You will develop advanced X-ray imaging workflows accessible and usable by the biological user community. In particular, you will enhance high resolution cryo tomography for the combined use of X-rays and electrons. You will develop sample mounting systems and automated image registration to perform correlative multi-modal investigations across length scales. All developments will be validated through applications in the field in collaboration with partner European research infrastructures.