有关 UNIQLO 与 J.W ANDERSON 首次携手联名的消息发布后,各界都对此引颈期待。而我们 HYPEBEAST 亦参与了双方稍早时候在伦敦所举行的预览,稍后将为大家送上 J.W ANDERSON 的专访及发布会场盛况。在这之前可先行预览本次秋冬系列联名的单品设计。本次 UNIQLO 与 J.W ANDERSON 合共炮制了 33 款单品,从外套到小物款式丰富,并且也同时囊括了男女装,成功地糅合了 J.W ANDERSON 的英式设计和 UNIQLO 的日系制作。
设计师 J.W ANDERSON 这样说到:
For me, the point of doing this collaboration was that I believe in democracy in fashion, and what I hope will be achieved is that any age demographic can pick up and find something within the collection to relate to. Doing something with UNIQLO is very interesting. It means you come up with a wardrobe which is universal and quirky.
此番联名系列的价格大约在美金 $20 至 $118 之间,并将于 9 月 22 日正式登陆全球。