Until last year none had led to a prosecution. But according to the Promoter of Justice’s annual report, submitted last month, the first two cases went to court in 2016. According to a Vatican source (Vatican justice is not exactly transparent), one of the trials concerns the renovation of a penthouse apartment for Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, formerly the Vatican’s most senior official. Two defendants, not including the cardinal, are charged with using the project to launder cash. Six cases have been shelved. Of the others, one is said to have included a fraud perpetrated on the IOR requiring investigation in several countries.
直到去年没有一个被检举。但是根据the Promoter of Justice 的上个月提交的年度报告,2016年,前2个案子在法庭起诉了。根据一个梵蒂冈的消息来源(梵蒂冈的正义并没有那么透明)称,其中一个审判涉及到为梵蒂冈官方最高级官员Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone的一套复式公寓翻新,两位被告人,不包括红衣主教,被告用这个项目洗钱。六个案子被搁置。其他的案子中,据说有一个包括欺诈宗教事务研究所的罪行要求在七个国家调查。