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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-04-15 06:00






Man of God v Mammon


Pope Francis presses ahead with tackling the Vatican’s murky finances


murky adj.含糊不清的; 昏暗的

But judges steeped in church law will struggle to understand financial wheeler-dealing



From the print edition | International

Mar 16th 2017 | ROME

ONE area where Francis has managed to make progress is in cleaning up the Vatican’s largely secret financial machinery. Most of the accounts at the Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR), or Vatican bank, that belong to people not directly associated with the church have been closed. The Vatican has invited scrutiny by Moneyval, an international financial watchdog. It has acquired an auditor-general. And by the end of last year the Holy See’s regulatory body, the Financial Information Authority (AIF), had found 23 cases of suspected financial hanky-panky and sent them to the Promoter of Justice, the Vatican’s prosecutor.


  • prosecutor  检察官;公诉人

  • hanky-panky  花招;诡计

Until last year none had led to a prosecution. But according to the Promoter of Justice’s annual report, submitted last month, the first two cases went to court in 2016. According to a Vatican source (Vatican justice is not exactly transparent), one of the trials concerns the renovation of a penthouse apartment for Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, formerly the Vatican’s most senior official. Two defendants, not including the cardinal, are charged with using the project to launder cash. Six cases have been shelved. Of the others, one is said to have included a fraud perpetrated on the IOR requiring investigation in several countries.

直到去年没有一个被检举。但是根据the Promoter of Justice 的上个月提交的年度报告,2016年,前2个案子在法庭起诉了。根据一个梵蒂冈的消息来源(梵蒂冈的正义并没有那么透明)称,其中一个审判涉及到为梵蒂冈官方最高级官员Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone的一套复式公寓翻新,两位被告人,不包括红衣主教,被告用这个项目洗钱。六个案子被搁置。其他的案子中,据说有一个包括欺诈宗教事务研究所的罪行要求在七个国家调查。

  • perpetrate  犯(罪);做(错事)

  • penthouse   顶层豪华公寓(或套房)

  • launder   洗(钱)

That points to a question familiar in other micro-states: whether the Vatican has the resources to handle complex financial crime. It certainly enjoys some advantages. At least one Catholic country that normally refuses to co-operate with foreign investigators swiftly supplied vital information to the AIF. Last year the Vatican’s deputy prosecutor was put in charge of a new section to deal with financial offences. The Vatican police, the Gendarmeria, has hired officers with experience in the field. But that still leaves the judges, most of whom are experts in church law, who may struggle to follow intricate financial dealings.(读者试译)


Another question is how far the clean-up will reach into the Vatican administration, which handles large volumes of cash. Last month Italian police froze assets worth €2.5m ($2.7m) belonging to Giampietro Nattino, an Italian banker who is alleged to have ramped up the price of shares in his own bank, Banca Finnat Euramerica, by secretly routing purchases through a Vatican department. He denies wrongdoing.

另一个问题是,这次的清理能深入到梵蒂冈政府中多远,政府掌管着大量的钱。上个月,意大利警方冻结了属于Giampietro Nattino的价值250万欧元(270万美元)的资产,Giampietro Nattino 是一个意大利的银行家,他宣称通过一家梵蒂冈部门秘密途径购买,在自己的银行Banca Finnat Euramerica已经增加了股票价格。他否认不法行为。

Much will depend on whether the Secretariat for the Economy, which Francis set up in 2014 to bring discipline to the Vatican’s finances, seeks to do so vigorously. But the standing of its head, Cardinal George Pell, has been eroded by a police investigation into allegations that he molested children in the 1970s and 1980s in his native Australia (he denies all wrongdoing). The church’s historical indifference to the suffering of children under its care casts a longshadow.

大部分将会取决于经济秘书处是否大力寻求这样做,弗朗西斯在2014年成立经济秘书处,旨在规范梵蒂冈的金融。但是其上司Cardinal George Pell名誉已受损,因警方调查一项指控称其20世纪70年代和80年代在祖国澳大利亚猥亵儿童(他否认这种不法行为)。教会在其关怀下历来漠视儿童的苦难这一做法撒下了一道漫长的阴影。

翻译 ▍晶晶

审核 ▍晶晶

编辑 ▍hua外音

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But that still leaves the judges, most of whom are experts in church law, who may struggle to follow intricate financial dealings.

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