On May 6, Kangxi Communication Technologies(Shanghai) Co.,ltd. encountered two patent infringement lawsuits in the United States. Skyworks Solutions, a leading RF technology company, filed a lawsuit in the US Central District of California court against Kangxi Communication and its U.S. subsidiary GRAND CHIP LABS, INC. The lawsuit alleges that Kangxi Communication violated five of Skyworks Solutions' RF patents, identified by the U.S. patent numbers US8,717,101; US9,917,563; US9,450,579; US9,148,194; and US7,409,200. These patents primarily focus on enhancing RF signal amplification management, refining methods for RF signal processing, and improving techniques to reduce signal interference and achieve cost-effectiveness. Skyworks Solutions is seeking an injunction and triple damages.
5月6日,康希通信在美遭遇了两起专利侵权诉讼。美国射频大厂Skyworks Solutions 在加利福尼亚州中区联邦地区法院对康希通信及其美国公司GRAND CHIP LABS, INC提起诉讼,指控康希通信侵犯了其五项射频专利。五项专利的美国专利号分别为US8,717,101; US9,917,563; US9,450,579; US9,148,194及US7,409,200,主要涉及对射频信号放大的精细化管理、细化“射频信号的方法”,以及减少信号干扰并实现低成本等诸多技术问题的改进。Skyworks Solutions要求法院下达禁令,并要求获得三倍的损害赔偿。