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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-04-07 06:04



战时,日本政府和军方在日本青少年的“教育”上下足了功夫,其根本思想是: “日本的天皇将成为世界的天皇的日子必将到来”、“世界上最优秀的日本民族将征服世界”。


School of shock


An ultranationalist kindergarten in Japan


Embarrassingly, it has links to the prime minister


From the print edition | Asia

Mar 2nd 2017 | TOKYO

EVERY morning the children of Tsukamoto kindergarten stomp their tiny feet in time to military anthems, bow to pictures of the emperor and vow courageously to offer themselves to defend the state. At school functions, the three-, four- and five-year-olds exhort watching parents to protect Japan from foreign threats.


The great-grandparents of Tsukamoto’s pupils were once taught similar fare, but state schools toned down the nationalism in the aftermath of the second world war. Until recently few Japanese realised that any private schools were still peddling such jingoism.(读者试译句) They were even more surprised to learn that the government seems to have been encouraging them.


Last year MoritomoGakuen, the firm that runs the kindergarten, bought a plot of public land in the city of Osaka at a knock-down price—perhaps 14% of its value. It began building a primary school to propagate the same ultranationalist ideas. It invoked the name of Shinzo Abe, the prime minister, when soliciting donations. His wife, Akie, gave a speech at the kindergarten and was named honorary head teacher. Tomomi Inada, the defence minister, sent a letter thanking the kindergarten for raising the morale of Japan’s soldiers, after it had dispatched pupils to the docks to welcome returning warships.


  • propagate 传播,传送,繁殖

  • soliciting 征求,引用

  • invoke 调用,祈求,引起

Mr Abe denies any involvement in the land sale, and says he will step down if anyone can prove otherwise. He and his wife were badgered into helping the kindergarten, he insists, by its head teacher, YasunoriKagoike, who had used his name to raise money “despite my repeated insistence he should not do so”.


  • step down 辞职

  • be badgered into 烦扰或纠缠某人

Mr Abe had previously praised MrKagoike, however, saying he had an “admirable passion” for education and that they shared a “similar ideology”. As scrutiny grows, there are signs of revisionism on both sides: all references to Ms Inada and Mrs Abe have been unceremoniously scrubbed from the kindergarten’s website.


  • unceremoniously  随便地,唐突地

  • scrubbed 擦洗,废止

Tsukamoto has been investigated under hate-speech laws. It sent notes home to parents referring to Chinese people as shinajin—the rough equivalent of “chink”. MrKagoike’s wife, the deputy head, sent a letter to the parent of an ethnic-Korean pupil saying she did not discriminate but “hates Koreans and Chinese”.


MoritomoGakuen is now squirming as much as Mr Abe. Officials in Osaka say the primary school may not receive a licence to operate when construction is completed. There have been fewer applicants than expected. And it has had to change its planned name, to Land of Rice memorial school, from the much grander Prime Minister Shinzo Abe memorial school.

MoritomoGakuen现在和安倍一样很难为情。大阪的官员发表声明说,这样小学在完工之后拿不到营业执照。那样一来,小学营业执照申请就会少很多。而“Land of Rice memorial ”就必须换掉原定的名字了—这所以伟大首相安倍晋三的命名的学校。

翻译 ▍E-R-2

审核 ▍小情人

编辑 ▍hua外音

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Until recently few Japanese realised that any private schools were still peddling such jingoism.

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