Q1 SW2:add vlan 12
Q2 R17:int s4/0
No ppp authen chap callout
Q3 R21: int e2/0
No ip ospf cost 1
Q4 R13: int e1/0
No delay 1000
Q5 R12: router bgp 14567
Max-paths 2
Q6 R22:bgp add next-hop-self
Q7 R18 and R19 DMVPN down
Ip nhrp map x.x.x.x x.x.x.x address is wrong , compare R17 configuration of R17
R15 no ip split
Q8 R3 and R4 did not import RT of R5 and R6
R3 IPv4 bgp address family
network mask
R8 123 subinterface add ip nat inside
R4/R6: int e2/0
Ip ospf cost 1000
Q9 R7 crypto add group 14
Q10 R21:telnet nas.home.net 8008 nslook is OK ,but did not display open
Add ip http server on NAS
Q1 filter bootp pasket ,find source is destination is [SYN] seq=0
The seq is 133
Q2 decive:SW1 ip dhcp relay into trust
Q3 chosse SW1-SW3
Q4 router’s vty on port 1337
Q5 esdu poweroff
Q6 talsh hhtp://
SW1 and SW3 had create vlan,interface had associate to vlan
R10 will receive route ,deny it
R6 /R7/R12/R13/R14 had config BGP neighbor ,but forget to add router-id and no bgp default ipv4