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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-06-21 06:01



食品安全(food safety)指食品无毒、无害,符合应当有的营养要求,对人体健康不造成任何急性、亚急性或者慢性危害。根据倍诺食品安全定义,食品安全是"食物中有毒、有害物质对人体健康影响的公共卫生问题"。

A Pakistani province starts taking food safety seriously


Slaving over a hot tandoor—in a hairnet


May 4th 2017 | LAHORE

SOMETHING catches the eye on Anarkali Food Street in Lahore, the capital of Punjab province. Bakers are pulling nan bread out of a tandoor oven, just as they did when the 200-year-old bazaar was founded. One detail, however, is strikingly contemporary: synthetic paper hairnets, in a vivid shade of green. “We are worried about the food inspector,” explains Muhammad Aslam, as he wraps dough around a stone.


  • Bazaar:集市

The feared scrutineers belong to the Punjab Food Authority (PFA), the first agency of its kind in Pakistan. Founded in 2011, it has its work cut out: some restaurants use rancid cooking oil, keep raw chicken on the floor or try to pass off donkey as beef. Such a scandal is the state of hygiene in Pakistan’s restaurants that television shows about crime often feature exposés of particularly abhorrent eateries, using jerky footage from hand-held cameras.(读者试译)


  • Hygiene:卫生

  • Eateries:小餐馆

The PFA’s new chief, Noorul Amin Mengal, says it cannot hope to keep tabs on all Punjab’s food outlets. On April 17th he proposed that restaurant customers conduct their own food inspections, using a smartphone app produced by the PFA. But restaurants will be hostile to such intrusion: most of them do not welcome visitors to their kitchens. Your correspondent asked to enter several in Lahore, in both down-at-heel establishments and ritzy ones, and was barred each time.

旁遮普食品监察局的新任长官Noorul Amin Mengal 称,该组织无法密切关注旁遮普所有的餐饮店铺。4月17日,他提议餐馆顾客自己用旁遮普食品监察局推出的智能手机应用来做食品检查。但是餐馆会对这样的行为充满敌意:大多数餐馆都不欢迎外人进入厨房。在拉合尔,当记者提出进入几家餐厅的厨房时,无一例外地都被拦在外面,不论那家餐厅是破败的还是装潢时髦的。

  • Intrusion 入侵

  • down-at-heel 衣衫褴褛的

Pakistan’s government, however, is keen on food inspections. In the past two months it has approved an expansion of the PFA’s operations from cities to rural areas, and signed off on the creation of equivalent agencies in the province of Sindh and in Islamabad, the capital.


  • signed off 签署

A fomer PFA official, Ayesha Mumtaz, made it wildly popular. In just over a year at the agency, she ordered almost 3,000 restaurants to close until they had made improvements, and arrested close to 400 people for selling dodgy fare. She transformed the food culture of Lahore, says Yasmin Khan, a restaurant-owner. Lookalikes of the so-called “fearless lady” used to send the kebab-hawkers on Anarkali Food Street running for cover.

前PFA官员艾莎·蒙塔兹大张旗鼓地行事。在这个机构仅呆了一年,她就让近3000家餐馆关门直到它们做出改善,她还逮捕了近400位兜售假票的票贩子。餐馆主Yasmin Khan评论道,她改变了拉合尔的饮食文化。这位“无畏女士”的同事通常只会让卖烤肉串的小贩到阿纳尔克里食品街避避风头。

  • Dodgy:规避的,躲避的,假的,伪造的

  • Lookalikes:相似的人或事

  • Kebab-hawkers:烤肉串的小贩

  • Running for cover:寻求庇护

Mrs Mumtaz has 61,000 fans on Facebook; the central-government minister responsible for food safety has barely 4,000. But she made enemies in the food business and among politicians connected with it. She was removed from her post in October, after allegations of corruption involving her driver surfaced. Since then, Lahoris say, there has been a lull in inspections.


  • Make Enemies:树立敌人

  • Allegation:指控,陈述

The fear Mrs Mumtaz inspired still keeps some food-sellers on their toes. “If Ayesha Mumtaz wasn’t so strict, I wouldn’t be wearing this glove,” says a cupcake-salesman who had not realised that she had been replaced. But as temperatures rise and inspections wane, others are already abandoning their bothersome hygienic garb.


  • Keep sb. On their toes:让某人忙个不停

  • Bothersome:麻烦的,令人讨厌的

  • Hygienic:卫生的,保健的

翻译 ▍笨小孩,下罗小柜员,Bibobibo,陌上

审核 ▍白夜叉

图文编辑 ▍小精灵

责任编辑 ▍毛毛

Try to translate 

Such a scandal is the state of hygiene in Pakistan’s restaurants that television shows about crime often feature exposés of particularly abhorrent eateries, using jerky footage from hand-held cameras.

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