图1、Schematic illustrations of (a) two-dimensional graphene nanosheets, showing their self-assembly driven by π–π stacking interactions, and (b) continuous filament 3D printing of graphene-incorporated epoxy ink, enabled by reversible thixotropic properties resulting from structural changes in the graphene filler. (c) Digital images of a square spiral structure during the continuous filament 3D printing process, composed of five stacked layers, and (d) stretching of the spiral structure after thermal curing. (e) Raman spectra of pristine graphene and graphite. (f) XPS C 1s and (g) O 1s core-level spectra of pristine graphene.
图2. Rheological properties of the EP and EP/Grph inks with varying graphene content: (a) Representative apparent viscosity and (b) shear stress as functions of shear rate, with solid lines representing the H–B model applied to the rheological data. (c) Viscoelastic behavior represented by storage modulus (
′) and loss modulus (
″) as a function of shear stress. (d) Tan δ (
′) as a function of shear stress, quantifying relative contributions of the elastic and viscous components.
′ and
″ of the EP/Grph2 composite ink as a function of a three-step strain sequence (low–high–low: 0.01%–50%–0.01%) at a fixed frequency of 1 Hz, demonstrating the ink’s thixotropic behavior. The schematic illustrations show the corresponding dispersion states of graphene nanosheets at each strain step.
图4. (a) η*,
′, and
″ of the EP/Grph2 composite ink as a function of time at 110 °C under isothermal curing conditions, measured with a constant strain of 0.1% and a frequency of 1 Hz. (b) Schematic illustrations depicting the predominant structural upright forces: π–π stacking interactions of graphene nanosheets prior to gelation and the cross-linked epoxy–amine bonds following gelation.
图5. (a) Digital image of sequential 3D line printing using the EP/Grph2 composite ink with a 200 μm nozzle diameter. (b) Height and width of the printed structures as a function of the number of layers. (c) Polished cross-sectional SEM image of the printed structure with 10 layers.
图6. Comparison of the yield stress between the EP/Grph inks and previously reported epoxy composite inks containing carbon-based materials as a function of filler content; a detailed description of the data points is provided in
Table S2
of the Supporting Information.