图2. (a) Photograph of SWNWFs supported by leaves showing their light-weight characteristics; (b) Low-magnification SEM image of SWNWF; (c-d) Photographs of SWNWF@PEG showing their good flexibility and tailorability; SEM images of the (e) surface and (f) cross-section of SWNWF@PEG.
图3. (a) Stress-strain curves of SWNWF and SWNWF@PEG; (b) Schematic showing the “welding” function of PEG at fiber-fiber junctions; Photographs showing the shape stability of (c) PEG and (d) SWNWF@PEG at 85 °C for 0 min, 7 min, and 1h.
图4. (a) DSC curves of PEG, SWNWF, and SWNWF@PEG; (b) A comparison of the stress and melting enthalpy of our SWNWF@PEG with those of previously reported composite PCMs; (c) XRD spectra of SWNWF@PEG under different temperatures; (d) DSC curves of SWNWF@PEG after 1, 50, and 100 heating-cooling cycles; (e) TG curves of the SWNWF and SWNWF@PEG.
(a) Temperature−time curves of SWNWF@PEG under applied voltages of 1-1.5 V; (b) Electro-thermal conversion efficiency at different voltages; (c) Temperature−time curves of SWNWF@PEG under 1.1 V for 1st, 50th, and 100th cycles; (d) Photograph and (e) IR image of the SWNWF@PEG film circling on a finger as a flexible electro-thermal device charged by a 1.5 V battery, and the corresponding (f) temperature–time evolution curve during heating and cooling process.
图6、(a) UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectra of PEG, SWNWF and SWNWF@PEG hybrid film; (b) Temperature-time curves of SWNWF@PEG hybrid film under different light intensities; (c) Solar-thermal conversion rates of SWNWF and SWNWF@PEG under different light intensities; (d) An infrared image of charged phase change film on a human wrist.