专栏名称: 大数据应用
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  大数据应用

每日一练 | Data Scientist & Business Analyst & Leetcode 面试题 312

大数据应用  · 公众号  · 大数据  · 2018-03-14 09:01


自2017年6月15日起,数据应用学院与你一起温习数据科学(DS)和商业分析(BA)领域常见的面试问题。 从2017年10月4号起,每天再为大家分享一道Leetcode算法题。


Day 212

DS Interview Questions

What is Principal Component Analysis? What are its applications and limitations?

BA Interview Questions

R language:

write a while() loop that prints the variable, “i“, that is incremented from 2 – 5, and uses the next statement, to skip the printing of the number 3.

** The next statement is used within loops in order to skip the current evaluation, and instead proceed to the next evaluation

LeetCode Questions

Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings.
Input:[“aasdfgas”, “aaasafda”]


Day 211 答案揭晓

DS Interview Questions

Explain what resampling methods are and why they are useful.

Resampling methods involve:

  1. Repeatedly drawing a sample from the training data;

  2. Refitting the model of interest with each new sample;

  3. Examining all the refitted models and then drawing conclusions.

There are two major resampling techniques: cross-validation and bootstrapping, both are easy to implement and and broadly applicable. Cross-validation is used for model assessment and model selection, while bootstrapping is most commonly used to measure the accuracy of a parameter estimate of a given learning model.

Resampling methods are useful because they can address the following drawbacks of traditional validation-test approach:

  • data are often scarce and we cannot afford to set aside a validation or test set when training a model;

  • the model performance on the validation data is highly dependent on how we split the data, and validation error tends to overestimate the test error rate.

BA Interview Questions

R language:

Write a nested loop, where the outer for() loop increments “a” 3 times, and the inner for() loop increments “b” 3 times.

The break statement exits the inner for() loop after 2 incrementations.

The nested loop prints the values of variables, “a” and “b“.

**The break statement is used within loops to exit from the loop.

If the break statement is within a nested loop, the inner loop is exited, and the outer loop is resumed.

for(i in 1:3){


for (j in 1:3){


if(j==2) break;



Leetcode Questions

Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings.
Input:[“aasdfgas”, “aaasafda”]
