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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2016-12-06 06:10



英国最高法院定于5日至8日举行听证会,审议政府有关高等法院“脱欧”裁定的上诉。 英国民众在公投中以52%对48%的结果决定“脱欧”后,首相特雷莎·梅10月初宣布将于明年3月底之前启动《里斯本条约》第50条,正式开启“脱欧”程序。部分英国议员提出质疑,认为政府启动“脱欧”需事先得到议会授权。 上月3日,英国高等法院裁定,政府正式启动“脱欧”程序需经议会批准。这一裁决被认为是对英国政府的沉重打击,势必影响首相特雷莎·梅力推的既定“脱欧”进程。一些人士还认为,高院裁决触发了一场“重大宪法危机”。 根据议程,最高法院11名法官5日起将举行4天听证会,预计明年1月作出最终裁决。

Negotiating Brexit


The way forward


Voting was just the start of a long process. To determine what Brexit means is a job for Parliament


Nov 12th 2016 | From the print edition


THE rallying cry of the campaign for Britain to leave the European Union was that it was time for the country’s own national institutions to seize power from the unaccountable courts and parliaments across the Channel. So there is some irony in the fact that, on November 3rd, Brexiteers spluttered with indignation when three British judges, sitting in the High Court in London, ruled that under English law the business of triggering Brexit should fall to Britain’s sovereign Parliament, rather than the government alone.


  • Splutter ['splʌtə] :v.气急败坏地说,慌张地说

  • Indignation [ɪndɪg'neɪʃ(ə)n ] : n.愤慨,愤怒

  • Sovereign ['sɒvrɪn] : n.君主,元首

The haziness of Britain’s unwritten constitution contributes to the confusion around the ruling (see article). In fact, the High Court’s judgment may delay Brexit by a few weeks, but it does not imperil it. If the government loses its appeal in the Supreme Court next month it will have to seek Parliament’s approval before triggering Article 50 of the EU treaty, the legal route to Brexit. Theoretically, MPs could vote it down, but they won’t: although most would prefer to remain, they will not ignore the referendum held in June, which resulted in a clear vote to leave.


  • Imperil [ɪm'perɪl] : v.危害,威胁

Nor should they. But the case provides an opportunity for Parliament to assert its role in the Brexit negotiations, from which it has so far been marginalised by the government (see article). Untangling Britain from Europe will be a multi-year process involving hundreds of difficult choices, not a quick separation whose instructions were provided by the referendum’s single-word verdict . The details of the proposed divorce should be thrashed out in public by Britons’ elected representatives, not determined by their unelected prime minister alone and in secret.


  • Marginalise ['maːdʒɪnəlaɪz] : v.边缘化

  • Untangling [ˌʌn'tæŋɡl] : v.清理,解决

  • Verdict ['vɜːdɪkt] : n.裁决,判断,结论

The people have spoken. But what did they mean?


The referendum was supposed to resolve Britain’s relationship with Europe once and for all . Yet in laying the In/Out debate to rest, it sparked many more questions. Should Britain seek to stay in the EU’s single market, or its customs union? How much should it pay into the EU budget for the privilege? Should it maintain the free movement of people? What sort of border should it have with Ireland? Countless more puzzles await, on everything from patent protection to space exploration.


  • once and for all:一次了结地, 一劳永逸地; 彻底地; 最终地;

The referendum result is no help on any of these matters. Nor are the promises made by Brexiteers during the campaign. Some, such as the notion that Britain could maintain its trading privileges with Europe and simultaneously end the free movement of migrants, are mutually exclusive. Others, like the claim that Britain could take back hundreds of millions of pounds a week from the EU to spend on the National Health Service, were simply untrue.

公投结果对所有这些问题都没有用的,当时脱欧派在脱欧运动期间并没有许下什么承诺。 (期待您的翻译,明天会有针对这句话的读者试译详解哟~) 其他的像声称英国能够从欧盟每周收取数亿英镑来花费在国家卫生服务上的说法根本异想天开。

  • Brexiteers:支持脱欧的人,脱欧派

Theresa May, who voted to remain and then became prime minister when her Brexiteer rivals tripped over their own shoelaces, is presumably formulating answers to these questions. Yet Britons are in the dark as to where she intends to lead them. She has published no plan, nor even a statement of objectives. Her comments suggest that she has chosen to prioritise the control of immigration, even if it means giving up membership of the single market (she says only that Britain should go on “trading in and operating within” it). This sort of “hard Brexit” is favoured by the keenest Brexiteers. But it is unclear that the public agree. One recent poll found that most would rather have single-market membership than controls on immigration.


  • tripped over:绊倒;被…绊倒;旅行

  • in the dark:茫然的

Time to take back control


Trying to read the minds of voters by studying polls or tabloid headlines is the wrong approach. Instead, the path to Brexit should be a matter for transparent public debate. Britain has a body designed for just that purpose. Yet the government has resisted giving Parliament any say in, or even any real oversight of, its strategy. One reason is paranoia about a counter-revolution. Brexiteers see establishment plots everywhere: from the Bank of England, whose governor they have done their best to hound out, to the High Court, whose judges were labelled “enemies of the people” by one hysterical newspaper. Britain must urgently get over the idea that even to discuss the possible versions of Brexit is to challenge the result of the referendum. The vote in June provided no blueprint; all options must be considered.


  • Hysterical [hɪ'sterɪkl] :adj. 癔病性; 歇斯底里般的; 癔病的; 情绪异常激动的;

The other reason the government gives for its secrecy is that it doesn’t want to show its hand in the negotiations: if Britain is to outwit its foes in Brussels, it must keep its strategy under wraps. Parliamentary debate would supposedly give the game away. Yet this misunderstands the task ahead. Negotiating Brexit is not like selling a second-hand car with a dodgy secret under the bonnet. The breaking up of a 40-year legal, political and economic union, and the trade talks that will follow, should be done in the open. In America Congress demands a detailed outline of the president’s plans before granting him permission to negotiate trade deals that it promises not to amend. In the EU Brussels is notoriously leaky. Besides, negotiations there do not rely on secret fall-back positions, but a gradual fumbling toward compromise.


Britain did not vote to take back control from Europe only for decisions to be made by a prime minister pretending somehow to channel the will of the people by intuition alone. Parliament is the place for Brexit’s knotty details to be untangled. Those who would deny Britons that right are the real enemies of the people.

