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英文早点丨0818 - 出生顺序会影响性格吗?

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2019-08-18 07:01



心理学家Frank Sulloway曾经以十二万儿童为样本进行了一系列对比实验,并将实验结果总结出版为《天生反叛》。而在这一部享誉世界的名著中,弗兰克给出了他的结论:从某种程度上来说,在一个家庭中,孩子们的出生顺序,往往决定了他们的性格和事业。弗兰克根据他的研究结果做出总结,他认为多子女家庭中的老大往往普遍性格保守,循规蹈矩,责任感比较强;而其他出生比较晚的孩子则多半想象力突出,反应快,接受新事物新思想能力强,但逆反的可能性也更高。而出生早晚带来的性格差异,又会导致不同孩子在事业上会做出不同的选择,碰到不同的际遇。出生早的孩子,尤其是老大,往往因其保守的性格而从事一些传统、古板、严谨的工作;与之相反,出生晚的孩子则对工作要求较高,更中意创造性而非机械性的工作。根据弗兰克的说法,父母精力和资源有限是出生顺序不同孩子在性格上产生区别的一大原因。


We have all sufficient strength to endure the misfortunes of others.——La Rochefoucauld


In spite of sharing genes and environments, siblings are often not as similar in nature as one might think. But where do the supposed differences come from? Alfred Adler, a late-19th- and early-20th-century Austrian psychotherapist and founder of individual psychology, suspected that birth order leads to differences in siblings.

Adler considered firstborns to be neurotic, because they don't have to share their parents for years and are essentially dethroned once a sibling comes along. He also considered oldest children dutiful and sometimes conservative. The youngest children are ambitious, while middle children are optimally positioned in the family and are characterized by emotional stability.

Every child occupies a certain niche within the family and then uses his or her own strategies to master life. Firstborn and single children had less reason to quarrel with the status quo and identify more strongly with the worldview of their fathers and mothers. Younger siblings are less sure of their parents' view and therefore more often choose alternative paths in life. Such categorizations are popular because they're rather intuitive, and one can always find an example of the sensible big sister or the rebellious young brother in their circle of acquaintances.

文本选自 Scientific American(科学美国人)

作者: Kristy Anne

原文标题 Does Birth Order Affect Personality?

原文发布时间 :14 Aug. 2019



英 [njʊəˈrɒtɪk] 美 [nʊˈrɑːtɪk]

  • adj. 神经(官能)症的;神经质的;神经过敏的

  • n. 神经官能症患者;神经质者


英 [ˌdiːˈθrəʊn] 美 [ˌdiːˈθroʊn]

  • v. 废黜(国王或女王);撵下台;免(某人)的职;罢(某人)的官


英 [ˈdjuːtɪfl] 美 [ˈduːtɪfl]

  • adj. 尽职的;顺从的;恭敬的


英 [ɪnˈtjuːɪtɪv]        美 [ɪnˈtuːɪtɪv]

  • adj. 凭直觉得到的;直觉的;有直觉力的;易懂的;使用简便的



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