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Medical
professionals
often
attribute
overutilization
to
patient
behavior
.
医疗专业人士经常将过度使用归罪于病患的行为。
In
fact
,
however
,
physicians
control
per
cent
of
health
expenditures
.
但是,事实上,医护人员却掌控者70%的医疗支出。
few
patients
with
hypochondriasis
,
for
example
,
may
visit
physicians
too
often
,
例如,少数患有疑病症的病患会经常就医。
and
many
older
patients
may
seek
medical
help
at
times
when
a
friendly
,
reassuring
chat
is
their
real
desire
,
许多老年患者有时也会寻求医疗帮助,他们希望能够得到友好,舒心的交谈,
but
in
the
final
analysis
utilization
of
the
health
care
system
is
in
the
hands
of
physicians
.
归根结底,医护系统的利用问题掌控在医护人员手中。
Ironically
,
although
physician
competence
is
often
equated
to
mastery
of
expensive
techniques
and
technologies
,
具有讽刺意味的是,虽然医术常常等同于掌握价格高昂的仪器设备和科技手段,
physicians
are
actually
at
their
professional
best
when
listening
to
the
patient
and
responding
to
what
they
hear
and
see
with
medicine
most
comprehensive
armamentarium
.
但医生达到炉火纯青境地,往往是在能够倾听患者心声并应用最先进的医疗设备对他们听到、看到的患者状况采取相应措施的时候。
Overutilization
,
when
it
occurs
,
is
thus
most
likely
to
be
our
fault
as
physicians
.
当出现过度使用问题时,医护人员是最有可能出错的。
Our
responsibility
as
professionals
is
to
be
absolutely
certain
that
our
errors
in
this
direction
are
driven
by
well
-
founded
concern
for
the
health
of
our
patients
,
作为专业人士,我们的责任就是要坚决确保这些错误是建立在对病患健康的关心之上,
not
by
the
financial
interests
of
our
practices
or
the
hospitals
where
we
work
.
而不是建立在经济效益或是医院之上。
Individual
physicians
,
then
,
must
take
a
personal
and
professional
interest
in
the
control
of
health
care
costs
not
only
because
it
is
right
for
the
nation
,
but
because
it
is
right
for
the
patient
.
对于个体医护人员来说,他们必须从专业角度和个人角度来对医疗费用产生兴趣,这不仅对国家有益,还将有益于病患。
In
our
litigious
society
,
a
legalistically
defensive
approach
to
medical
practice
has