专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-02-17 10:06


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)获悉,根据 2020 2 14 日欧盟官方公报中公布的消息,欧盟委员会决定对欧盟进口的一系列产品实施的最终保障措施进行第二次复审。

The European Commission (EC) has decided toinitiate a second review of the imposed definitive safeguard measures on arange of products imported into the European Union (EU). This was signalled on14 February 2020 in the Official Journal of the European Union ,monitored by Kallanish .

2019 1 31 日实施这些措施后,第一次复审于 2019 9 26 日结束。欧盟委员会表示,第二次复审的范围与第一次复审的框架相似,将涵盖 27 种不同类别的钢铁。

The first review was concluded on 26September 2019 following the imposition of the measures on 31 January 2019. Thescope of the second review will mirror the framework of first one, the EC says.It will cover 27 separate categories of steel.

复审将调查五个方面。前两个方面包括若干特定产品类别的关税配额水平和分配,以及国际贸易流的挤出效应。第三个方面是在实现优惠贸易伙伴所追求的一体化目标方面的潜在有害影响。第四个方面是将根据最近的进口水平,更新被排除在措施范围之外的 WTO 发展中成员国名单。最后,还将调查可能需要调整关税配额分配水平的其他情况变化。

There are five areas to be investigated bythe review. The level and allocation of tariff-rate quota for a number ofspecific product categories and the crowding-out of international trade flowswill comprise the first two areas. The potential detrimental effects inachieving the integration objectives pursued with preferential trading partnersis the third one. There will also be an update of the list of developing WTOmember countries excluded from the scope of the measures based on their mostrecent level of imports. And finally, other changes of circumstances that mayrequire an adjustment to the level of allocation of the tariff-rate quota, willalso be investigated.

欧盟委员会 在从 2020 2 14 日开始的 15 天内邀请提交支持或反对该措施的意见书,并就所提交的意见书征求意见。欧盟委员会计划在 2020 6 30 日之前完成复审。

The EC is inviting both submissions eitherin support of or in opposition to the measures within 15 days of 14 February2020 and is also inviting comments on the submissions made. It intends toconclude the review by 30 June 2020.




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