专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-03-10 09:44


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)报道,埃及央行 (CBE) 的最新数据显示, 2019 12 月埃及国内螺纹钢销量同比增长 29% ,达到 65.6 万吨。

Egyptian domestic market rebar sales surged29% on-year in December 2019 to 656,000 tonnes, according to the latest CentralBank of Egypt (CBE) data monitored by Kallanish .

12 月平均售价同比下降 15% 10,346 埃及镑 / (659 美元 ) ,但较 11 月的 2019 年低点上涨 1%

The average price of December sales fell-15% on-year to EGP 10,346/tonne ($659). It was, however, up 1% from the2019-low in November.

同时, 12 月埃及螺纹钢产量同比增长 19% 82.13 万吨,为 2019 年单月最高产量。 12 月粗钢产量连续第六个月下降,同比下降 14.3% 57.4 万吨 ( Kallanish 往期报道 ) 。这表明使用进口方坯生产的螺纹钢增加。

Rebar production in Egypt, meanwhile,surged 19% on-year in December to 821,300t, the highest monthly tonnage in2019. Crude steel output slumped for a sixth consecutive month in December, by-14.3% to 574,000t ( see Kallanish passim ).This suggests more rebar was produced from imported billet.

因此, 2019 年全年埃及螺纹钢销量同比增长 2% 735 万吨,从上半年下降 6% 的局面中恢复过来。

Egyptian rebar sales in full-year 2019 thusgrew 2% on-year to 7.35 million tonnes, recovering from a -6% drop after thefirst half of the year.

尽管 12 月表现强劲,但 2019 年螺纹钢产量下降 8% 747 万吨。去年粗钢产量下降 7% 726 万吨。因此,埃及恢复螺纹钢产量高于粗钢的趋势,因此需要进口部分方坯以满足需求。

Despite the strong December showing, rebarproduction in 2019 slumped -8% to 7.47mt. Crude steel output last year fell -7%to 7.26mt. Egypt thus returned to the trend of producing more rebar than itdoes crude steel and therefore needing to import a portion of its billetrequirement.

1 月下旬,约 22 家埃及长材再轧商表示,它们将停产,原因是埃及的保障关税导致它们无法以有竞争力的价格获得方坯原料。尽管如此, 2019 年埃及仍是土耳其半成品材出口的第二大市场,进口 233,178 吨,较 2018 年增长 150%

In late January some 22 Egyptian longproduct re-rollers said they will suspend production as the country’s safeguardduty is preventing them from acquiring billet feedstock at competitive prices.Egypt was nevertheless Turkey’s second-largest market for semi-finishedproduct exports in 2019, taking in 233,178t, up 150% from 2018.



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