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4\/7| Symbiosis Strings Fusion Band▷音乐跨越国界

JZClub广州  · 公众号  · 音乐  · 2018-04-02 13:25


Symbiosis Strings Fusion Band

4/7  SAT  21:30




小提手Violinist:Yanice Tsang Bonzi

吉他Guitar:Orlando Bonzi

贝斯Bass:Sylvain Gagnon


这是一支有才艺与颜值担当的国际级Fusion band,其中作为领队的小提琴手Yanice Tsang Bonzi 4岁开始就开始接受古典音乐的训练,同时也是作曲家,钢琴家、编曲、歌手和作词人。音乐风格包括古典、爵士、放克、摇滚、流行、蓝调、电子和世界民俗音乐。同时乐队成员之一的吉他手Orlando Bonzi有着他独特的嗓音和独特演奏方式,足迹更遍布全球,他的影响渗透许多国家,例如:巴拉圭巴西,纽约,阿根廷,香港,新加坡,台湾,中国,日本,韩国,越南,挪威,西班牙都可以寻觅到他的音乐痕迹。

Yanice Tsang Bonzi 曾美茵 - Violinist


她早期的演奏事业是从在香港管弦乐团担任特约乐手开始,其后在流行音乐界跟很多著名的歌手合作,灌录唱片及现场音乐会伴奏,包括Robin Gibbs, Laura Fygi,  G.E.M., 徐小凤, 甄妮, 吕方, 苏永康等, 最长合作的歌手是歌神张学友,她在其1/2世纪世界巡迴音乐会中担任小提琴独奏,于一年半时间内在世界知名的大型表演场馆演出,包括美国拉斯维加斯的Caesars Palace 及加拿大多伦多的 Air Canada Center 。

近期的她较专注于个人创作性的发展,除了栽培爵士乐即兴及作曲编曲外,她亦跟南美吉他手丈夫Orlando Bonzi组成二人组合Symbiosis Strings, 结合多元化音乐种类,曾于世界各地表演包括西班牙, 挪威, 中国大陆, 香港, 台湾, 纽约, 巴西, 巴拉圭及阿根廷。亦宣传在巴西灌录,以爱惜大自然为主题的大碟「天源」(Recurso Natural)。他们相信音乐是超乎言语界限的世界语言,希望透过音乐之美丽向世界传播爱与和平。

Yanice Tsang Bonzi is a versatile contemporary violinist as well as a composer, pianist, arranger, singer, and songwriter. Originally from Hong Kong where she received her classical music training since 4 years old, she is now based in Spain to further her music career and graduated with a master degree in performance (M.Mus) at the prestigious Berklee College of Music under a scholarship. Her musical styles include Classical, Jazz, funk, rock, pop, blues, electronic, and world folklore.

As a violinist, she started her performing career as an extra player in the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. She has then featured in many live shows and recordings in the pop music scene, among the celebrated artists with whom she has worked includes Robin Gibbs, Laura Fygi,

G.E.M., Paula Chui, Jenny Tseng, and the Chinese king of pop Jacky Cheung, who she toured with for almost two years being his solo violinist and performed in world- class venues such as Caesars Palace in Las Vegas and Air Canada Center in Toronto.

Other than working in the pop music scene, she has an original music project with her guitarist husband Orlando Bonzi called Symbiosis Strings, which is influenced by Jazz, folk, classical and pop music elements. The group has performed in Spain, China, Taiwan, Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina and promoting the album “Recurso Natural”. They believe music is an international language that anyone from all over the world can communicate without words, and their mission is to transmit love and peace to the world through the beauty of music.

Sylvain Gagnon - Bass


来自蒙特利尔Sylvain Gagnon拥有丰富的国际巡演和录音经验。作为爵士贝司演家,他在很多国家有过很多场演出,风格多变例如从摇滚到爵士音,从康乃馨(一种南印度古典音乐)到非洲音乐,从放客到拉丁,从独奏到大乐队等等。他能在领队和贝斯手中自由转换角色。

Sylvain与众多音乐家如Jackie Cheung、林子祥、Joey Calderazzo,Jeff "Tain" Watts, William So, Jean-Pierre Zanella, Daniel Lavoie, Magella Cormier, Helmut Lipsky等合作多上百张专辑,自己的乐队及许多国际知名音乐家参与过50多场电影配乐,而且他也参加过多部电影,在剧中扮演配角和参与访谈节目。

在香港,他众多知名的艺人如Leon Lai,林忆莲,杨千桦,边擦沃,侧田,黄凯芹,Georges Lam,Teddy Robbin,Prudence Liew,钟镇涛,鄂丽萨婵,Mimi Lo,Jackie Cheung,Olivia Newton John,苏永康,陈慧娴,罗文,Choi Kom,Scott Hamilton, DD Jackson,Eugene Pao等合作过。现在在加拿大和香港多家高校留校任教。

Sylvain Gagnon

"... the virtuosity of fusion-jazz..." Le Soleil

"High flying bassist and talented composer..." Paroles et Musiques

"... Gagnon is musically and technically supreme." Jazz in Time "Sylvain's fretless tone on Paix Nucléaire is incredibly warm and expressive, and his emotion-drenched solo, which climbs to the top of the 6-string range, is filled with slow slides and creative runs." Bass Player Magazine

Considered as one of the best bass player of his generation coming from Montreal, Sylvain Gagnon has extensive international touring and recording experience. He is a virtuoso of jazz bass playing and has experience in music from many continents and styles ranging from rock to standard jazz, from Carnatic (classical music from South India) to African music, from funk to Latin music, from solo to big band. His technical abilities and musical sense have helped him build a strong reputation as a bass player as well as a leader.

Sylvain has participated in hundreds of albums with musicians such as Jackie Cheung, George Lam, Joey Calderazzo, Jeff "Tain" Watts, William So, Jean-Pierre Zanella, Daniel Lavoie, Magella Cormier, Helmut Lipsky, played on over 100 jingles, 50 movie soundtracks, toured internationally with his own band and many internationally acclaimed musicians. He also appeared in many movies, teleseries and talk shows as a musician.

In Hong Kong, he arranged for, recorded and performed with numerous well known artists such as Leon Lai, Sandy Lam, Miriam Yeung, Bianca Wo, Justin Lo, Chris Wong, Georges Lam, Teddy Robbin, Prudence Liew, Kenny Bee, Elisa Chan, Mimi Lo, Jackie Cheung, Olivia Newton-John, William So, Priscilla Chan, Roman Tam, Choi Kom, Tiger Okoshi, Scott Hamilton, DD Jackson, Eugene Pao, and many more. Sylvain has been teaching privately as well as in colleges in Canada and Hong Kong.

Orlando Bonzi 庞奥思 - Guitar

意大利裔巴拉圭吉他手庞奥思为当代多才多艺之音乐家, 集合吉他手、 歌手、作曲家、编曲及监製于一身的他从小在巴拉圭接受音乐训练。年仅十九岁便监製自己的原创音乐大碟, 歌曲 Mi Inspiración 曾在巴拉圭电视台及电台主打大热。

为了扩宽音乐视野, 他除了自己的唱作事业外, 还跟其他来自巴西、巴拉圭、 阿根廷、意大利和美国的乐手合作录音及演出, 广阔的音乐类型包括爵士、 巴西音乐、拉丁、摇滚及流行曲。2004年他获邀到西班牙领事馆在国际著名吉他手Andy Summer (The Police) 的演奏会中担任嘉宾。零八年在巴西库里奇巴音乐节跟著名爵士长号演奏家Raul de Souza演奏; 一年后跟巴西流行R&B组合Fat Family在多个城市巡迴演出; 其后于巴西博尼图音乐节为著名巴西歌手Gal Costa作开幕嘉宾。2011年他爲著名作曲家Gilherme Rondon伴奏灌录其得奖大碟,此奖项在巴西相等于美国的格林美奖。同年亦亮相于巴西圣保罗TV Século 21的电视节目, 跟著名低音结他手Marcelo Mariano演唱自己的原创歌曲。

2011年他的三重奏从巴西首次到香港工作,自始便把自己的才艺带到亚洲, 先后跟本地著名音乐家合作例如卢冠庭, Chris Babida, Ted Lo, Angelita Li 等,并替台湾歌手樊晓萱伴奏。近年他与妻子香港小提琴家Yanice Tsang成立了组合Symbiosis Strings, 演奏非一般弦乐,足迹遍及香港、西班牙,挪威,台湾、纽约、巴西、巴拉圭及阿根廷。2013年发佈新碟「天源」(Recurso Natural) , 在巴西南部及巴拉圭首都阿松森的报纸、电视及电台被广泛报导及宣传。

2015年他灌录同名大碟Orlando Bonzi, 主题是Jazz Del Sur (南方的爵士) 意思是受南美及南欧的音乐影响的现代爵士乐,风格创新及独特,并邀请了全球知名爵士乐手如Jeff Ballard, Gary Willis, Perico Sambeat等参与录音。

他现活跃于欧洲的爵士乐坛, 与妻子定居于西班牙。

The Italian-Paraguayan guitarist Orlando Bonzi with his special voice and unique way of playing has now become the new virtuoso guitarist with a deep musicality in Spain. As a complete musician, he has participated in both live concerts and studio recording in various projects of Jazz, rock, funk, Latin, Brazilian music, Fusion, pop , Blues, South American folklore and R & B. His international trajectory has influenced his music and has led him to perform in many cities / countries: Paraguay, Brazil, New York, Argentina, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Norway and Spain.

In 1999 after participating in numerous recordings that ranged from pop latin, hard rock and fusion, he recorded his first album Mi Inspiración, the song has archieved the top 10 in several radios and TV programs.

Brazil is the place that fueled his musical growth, almost ten years of work, he has played with some of the best Brazilian musicians such as Filó Marchado, Marcelo Mariano, Raúl de Souza and the great singer-songwriter Guilherme Rondon.

His guitar and vocals recording on Guilherme's last album "Made in Pantanal", was considered by many people to be one of the most beautiful recordings of Brazilian popular music.


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